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  1. Atroposia Atroposia
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 12:52pm UTC
    You have polluted my mind,
    And now global warming
    Is raging through my body.

  2. MoonSoul* MoonSoul*
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 12:54pm UTC
    "I remember the sun, the sky, and the wind calling my name
    in a time when we ran free."
    - Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

  3. Mikayla1234 Mikayla1234
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 12:57pm UTC
    Life suck that's reality

  4. xomarie* xomarie*
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 1:36pm UTC
    "You count the days, and then there are none left.
    You ask yourself on your last morning if you are really ready.
    You search for courage, but the bravery is fading.
    When it's over, no one really wants to die."

  5. Gpc11 Gpc11
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 2:47pm UTC
    Are you a loan?
    Cause you're getting all my interest.

  6. Atroposia Atroposia
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 1:53pm UTC
    The future will be confusing.

  7. ♡infinity* ♡infinity*
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 2:04pm UTC
    Maybe you're right. Maybe this is all I can be.
    but what if it's you
    And it wasn't me?

  8. Atroposia Atroposia
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 2:04pm UTC
    I remember after the first time you kissed me
    you said that you had been wanting to do that for a while
    I wonder if you thought the same thing when you left me.

  9. Kim_Possible Kim_Possible
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 2:37pm UTC
    “Love, it never dies. It never goes away, it never fades, so long as you hang on to it. Love can make you immortal”

  10. Atroposia Atroposia
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 2:05pm UTC
    Now I know I've got a heart
    because it is breaking.
    - tin man.

  11. Calibri (Body) * Calibri (Body) *
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 2:39pm UTC
    "The dedicated life is worth living.
    You must give with your whole heart."- Annie Dillard

  12. YouOnlyLoveOnce* YouOnlyLoveOnce*
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 1:38pm UTC
    ''We accept the love we think we deserve''
    -Stephen Ghbosky

  13. Nicklebee Nicklebee
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 1:38pm UTC
    LIKE ---- I CAN'T BE

  14. thislullaby thislullaby
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 1:40pm UTC
    At some point you gotta stop looking up at the sky,
    or one of these days you'll look back down and see that
    you floated away too. ♥

  15. YouOnlyLoveOnce* YouOnlyLoveOnce*
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2014 1:43pm UTC
    will never be practical
    until they are made
    -Wizard of

  16. Baberz145 Baberz145
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2014 9:32pm UTC
    I smile because your in my mind i cry because i know i wont ever be able to hear from u again but to know i did everything to keep u with me then u left me. :(

  17. Sweden* Sweden*
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2014 8:29pm UTC
    I have seen too many stars, but none were a constellation.
    And you know, how my world revolves around you,
    Like the stars will always be there for you, embracing you.
    Just like how I want to embrace you in my arms.
    Never wanting to let the dark blanket of night cover us,
    the constellations hung so dangerously close to us.
    As we lay on the grass, I am wishing for a shooting star,
    for us, for a future with you, for everything I want is you.
    I am just an astronaunt, orbiting around your planet,
    trying to land exactly on your heart, you are so facinating.
    I have been exploring your deepest fears, learning about you.
    I am nothing, but an astronaunt, trying to find his way home.
    Back into your arms.

  18. cassidawn cassidawn
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2014 8:33pm UTC
    Some day when scientists discover the center of the universe, many people are going to be disappointed to find out it isn't them.

  19. Emina1 Emina1
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2014 8:49pm UTC
    I knew the words she spat like a book I had read a hundred times over,
    yet it always seemed the words rolling off her tounge were fresh ink on the page.

  20. cassidawn cassidawn
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2014 8:59pm UTC
    I love your voice.


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