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  1. Jessieboo789 Jessieboo789
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2012 2:19pm UTC
    (")_(") Bunny!!!!! ;)

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. emileeashly emileeashly
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2010 4:11pm UTC
    I hate when
    you can't talk because you're about to cry

  4. wissapooh wissapooh
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2010 4:35pm UTC
    To her classmates;
    She is a quiet girl.. who doesn't talk that much.
    To her friends;
    She is a funny, outgoing girl.. that always makes them laugh.
    To her best friend;
    She is a crazy, fun girl.. that's always there for her.
    To her boyfriend;
    She is an amazing girl.. that he loves more than anything.
    And to herself;
    She's completely worthless..

  5. RinaKutcherx3 RinaKutcherx3
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2011 6:05pm UTC
    Admit it
    We all want that tree next to our window that we can sit on when were upset (:

  6. x0oja1m33 x0oja1m33
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2011 5:06pm UTC
    If a girl gets shoved into you, she likes you.

  7. SandraaMeow SandraaMeow
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 7:08pm UTC
    format by sandrasaurus
    No one is perfect.
    I've been suicidal. I cut myself. I burn myself.
    I've been anorexic before. I'm bullied. I've been cheating on.
    I ran away from home. I have no friends. I've been backstabbed.
    I never feel ssafe. I don't want to wake up when I fall asleep.
    People try to help me, but I can't be fixed. I shut everyone out.
    Why am i still here?
    format by sandrasaurus

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. livexlaughxlovexhappiness livexlaughxlovexhappiness
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2012 12:26pm UTC
    His American Eagle pants-$48
    His Abecrombie Fitch shirt-$38
    His Calvin Klein boxers-$17
    Seeing them all on my floor the next morning...PRICELESS

  10. MadiMoon MadiMoon
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2012 8:37pm UTC
    Haters gonna hate.
    Potatos gonna po tate. :D

  11. seemskindafitchy seemskindafitchy
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2011 6:51pm UTC
    1. after sitting down for a while, you stand up and suddenly it feels like freaking niagra falls.
    2. you want to hit everyone...in the face...with a shovel.
    3. you cry so much for random stupid reasons.
    4. you crave random crap, that you don't own.
    5. when someone corrects you, you feel like shoving a wii remote down there throats.
    6. when you lose at something, you scream "SCREW THIS" and walk away really angry.
    7. you fall asleep...when you're not even that TIRED.
    8. you feel like you want to just stab yourself 600 times in 'that' area.
    9. you want to just shove a freaking towel up 'that' area.
    10. NO white pants that week.
    11. remember that cute pair of undies you got? runied. for. life.
    12. everybody is annoying, not matter WHAT they do, or say.
    13. when you DON'T get to go to the bathroom, because your teacher says "no" you want to scream in their face, and say "I'M ON MY FREAKING PERIOD OKAY?".
    14. boys are 10x more annoying.
    15. those stupid- pad/tampon commercials that have all those girls who are 'HAPPY' when they get their periods, make you annoyed.
    16. chocolate and ice cream are your best friends.
    17. the cramps you get feel like your being punched in the stomach 8 times.
    18. when you think you're finally 'done' you take off the weapons of tampons/pads.....5 minutes later you check. not done, not done at all.
    19. you don't care about anything BUT food.
    20. you wish you weren't a girl.
    21. when you wake up in the morning, and go to the bathroom, and your toilet looks like a freaking bowl of Hawaiian Punch.

  12. katieXOalice katieXOalice
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2011 6:07pm UTC
    Fav if;
    You are shorter than

  13. vrdahl vrdahl
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 10:10pm UTC
    ♥♥ I Want A Guy..♥♥
    *Who will wrestle with me and let me win.
    *Who I can talk to about anything.
    *Who puts my cold hands in his hoodie sweatshirt pockets.
    *Who will let me use his sweatshirt as a pillow.
    *Who says I love you and means it.
    *Who will kiss me in the rain, sunshine, and snow.
    *Who calls unexpectivley.
    *Who realizes I say things but I don't always mean them.
    *Who I can go swimming with on hot days and not care what I look like.
    *Who will tell me his problems and let me help.
    *Who will kiss me and tell me I'm beautiful.
    *Who will simply be mine to hold.

  14. AnchorChasing AnchorChasing
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 8:22pm UTC
    Personally, I think we should have
    A 6 month vacation, twice a year.

  15. Oceanic_Eyes Oceanic_Eyes
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 8:53pm UTC
    i am hopelessly in love with someone who doesn't love me back.

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. TayaElizabeth16 TayaElizabeth16
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 10:40pm UTC
    Knock knock
    Who's there?
    Olive who?
    Olive you too!
    ♥ Fave if you get it.

  18. MsBrightsidex3 MsBrightsidex3
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 8:14pm UTC
    Why do people
    always crave sweets
    when they're stressed?
    Well, simply because
    Stressed backwards,
    spells Desserts ღ

  19. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2012 3:39am UTC
    may I just say that you, sir,
    are the kind of boy i would actually make a sandwich for.

  20. pigglywiggly pigglywiggly
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 8:02pm UTC
    Mirror, mirror on the wall,
    Am I skinny?
    Am I tall?
    I look at you, and you tell me that…
    I’m not pretty,
    I’m not pretty at all.


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