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  1. MusicLove MusicLove
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 11:38pm UTC
    I will still love you, no matter what.
    No matter how many times you broke my heart,
    No matter how many lies you told.
    Not matter how many times I told myself I hate you.
    No matter how many times I told you how I felt, and you just left and
    didn't care to listen
    No matter how many promises you told, when you knew they weren't
    going to be kept.
    Because, I believed you.
    I believed your lies
    I believed you when told me you loved me.
    I believed that our love was real.
    I believed that when you said something, you meant it.
    I fell for someone who was faking.
    But I will still love you, no matter what.

  2. horseskk8 horseskk8
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2011 3:39pm UTC
    ♥__I make wishes on
    Dandelions, Ladybugs
    xxxShooting stars and first starsxxx
    11:11, 12:34 (And almost any other time)
    Railroad tracks, necklace clasps
    x////Eyelashes and Wishbones
    Four leaf clovers and Birthday Candles
    But none of gets me
    closer to you___♥

  3. olivator9 olivator9
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 8:23pm UTC
    You may shoot me with your
    You may cut me with your
    You may kill me with your [hatefulness]
    But still, like air,
    [i'll rise]

  4. 11abby27 11abby27
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 10:05pm UTC
    you wonder why i'm nervous? why i need my phone with me all the time? why no one can see my texts? why i gave up trusting? go ask him...

  5. Electric_Rainbow Electric_Rainbow
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2011 6:10am UTC
    Favourite this
    if you love someone
    who doesnt love you back...

  6. nancybumbum nancybumbum
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2011 1:59pm UTC
    every time she laughs
    she hopes he is watching,
    not so he see's she is happy,
    but maybe, just maybe...
    he'll fall for her smile
    just as hard as she fell for his

  7. erikaajaguarr96 erikaajaguarr96
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 8:16pm UTC
    &+ Even though I have every reason to hate him, I [can't.] </3

  8. imainlovveeewithursmilee imainlovveeewithursmilee
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 11:55pm UTC
    I feel pretty
    until I see other girls then I know why you would never like me .
    not my format. credit to whoever.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. ashdan ashdan
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2011 2:01am UTC
    ♥ You know it's not like
    she's forgotten about him,
    she's just dealing with the pain,
    & The f a c t that,
    she's survived so well,
    Without him.
    You know,,
    It's driving him,
    not my format

  11. gobgoerrsarah gobgoerrsarah
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 7:01pm UTC
    they say that true love hurts.
    well this could almost kill me.
    young love murder;
    that is what this must be.
    i would give it all
    to not be leaving alone.
    the life is fading from me
    while you watch my heart bleed.
    it was a past life
    a beautiful time.
    drunk off of nothing
    but eachother till the sun rise.
    i would give it all
    but now i'm just alone.

  12. swimmyfishey swimmyfishey
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 8:47pm UTC
    some people show off their beauty because
    they want the world to see it. but some people
    hide their beauty beauty because they want
    people to see something more.
    ~Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants
    -format credit to i_love_nerds1

  13. claiirebearr claiirebearr
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 8:52pm UTC
    I'm holding myself back
    from loving you
    because;i don't want to get hurt. ♡

  14. rachiecachie rachiecachie
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 10:50pm UTC
    Today, I realized ‘huddle’ is hug and cuddle together. Football seems a lot less manly.
    credit to MLIA

  15. iwishiwasdifferent iwishiwasdifferent
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 7:45pm UTC
    he told me:
    'dont worry about it.'
    but when i looked into his eyes ,
    he didn't look back into mine.
    i asked him::
    "who is she?"
    and he just said 'goodbye.'
    not my format.

  16. lilg3456 lilg3456
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2011 9:37pm UTC
    >Right now, im sitting in my room my favorite song blaring and crying. I have never cried over someone this much before. We didn't even date but I guess I like him alot more than I thought. He doesn't like me instead he likes my friend. This ruined me so here I am sitting in my room, crying. Thinking where I went wrong. <//3

  17. December_Babe December_Babe
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2011 8:12pm UTC
    The Perfect Boyfriend.
    He would scream “I love you” down the halls not caring who heard him. He’d go on a walk with me in 60 degree weather, hot cocoa in one hand & my hand in his other. He’d sing outloud to any song even if I call him retarded. He lets me sing outloud and won’t call me weird. He’ll sit outside with me on my front step because there is nothing else to do and won’t say he’s bored once. He’ll let me look like crap wearing a big tshirt and shorts and still calls me beautiful. He’d write me thousands of notes everyday at school. He’d come to my house at nine in the morning to wake me up on the weekends. He’ll take me to the park and push me on the swings. He won’t be shy around my family but acts more he’s part of it. He’ll argue with my friends that he loves me more. He’ll keep every single promise he makes. He’d run up and hug me whenever he sees me. He won’t be scared to dance in front of me or act retarded. He’ll spend my birthday with me and my family. He’d rent all the chick flicks he knows of and watch them with me when I’m inside sick. He picks his friends over me sometimes. He’ll remember our anniversaries before I do. He’ll call me at night right before I go to bed just so he knows he’s the last voice I hear. He’d push my hair away when it’s in my face. He’ll carry my books at school even if he already has 2 to carry on his own. He wears my favorite shirt of his every Monday. A boy who won’t ask me what’s wrong when I look sad, he’ll just kiss me on the forehead. He’ll give me his sweatshirt even if he’s freezing and won’t make me feel guilty about it. He’d never get jealous because he already knows I love him more than anything and when he says FOREVER, he means it no matter what(:

  18. anonymouus anonymouus
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2011 5:06pm UTC
    she says i'm fine
    cause honestly. it's so much easier to hide
    behind a lie than admit to others
    the pain of the truth. ♥

  19. KatGlitters KatGlitters
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2011 6:08pm UTC
    Real men wear pink?
    No, I think real men
    Treat girls right. <3

  20. giaxnicole giaxnicole
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 10:14pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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