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  1. iloveyou143 iloveyou143
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2011 2:31pm UTC
    who else
    eats because they're bored
    not because they're hungry.

    not my format

  2. epicbeacher epicbeacher
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2011 9:12pm UTC
    Finishing your
    before the movie even starts

  3. XxstrawberrykiwixX XxstrawberrykiwixX
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 10:51pm UTC
    you are such a
    boring texter that i can predict what you will say next. -_-

  4. XxstrawberrykiwixX XxstrawberrykiwixX
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 10:53pm UTC
    &i started
    this school year off with 48964846346282791 pencils. now i have one.

  5. ahmess ahmess
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 12:10am UTC
    I hate it when
    the teacher makes a worksheet with a ___. and the line is clearly way to short for any human being to write an actual word down.

  6. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 7:55pm UTC
    Already knowing
    what you're going to name
    Your future children.

  7. sparkly_rain_bows321 sparkly_rain_bows321
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 7:00pm UTC
    That picture
    ♥you thought was so cute
    until you zoom up on the faces and
    your happy moment is crushed.

  8. crankthatclay crankthatclay
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2011 6:38pm UTC
    I'm as confused as a...
    f a t k i d w i t h a s a l a d .

  9. Matea2707 Matea2707
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 10:04am UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. livlafluv95 livlafluv95
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 9:15pm UTC
    If you watch Mean Girls backwards,
    it's about a girl who gets so unpopular that she has to move to africa

  11. xLoveMeForMe xLoveMeForMe
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 5:24pm UTC
    Dear student who finished the test in 7 minutes:
    Sincerely: Still on the first question.

  12. rawrzoid rawrzoid
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2011 12:31am UTC
    Today is Lady Gaga's b-day,so is mine!
    Be jealous biiiiiiixthes.
    credit to whoever

  13. TwinkleStar1235 TwinkleStar1235
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2011 3:50am UTC
    && Am I The only girl who;
    -Gets paranoid because the spider that was on the wall 2 seconds ago,
    isn’t there anymore?
    -Jumps to get into their skinny jeans?
    -Pretended to be a fast typer by pressing random keys?
    -Tried to see if you have super powers?
    -Covers my eyes during scary movies, but watches it through my fingers?
    -Takes out my phone in an awkward situation, such as walking by someone you know but don't want to say 'hello' to?
    -Pretend to be writing, tying your shoes, or fake coughing so the teacher won’t call you?
    Perfectly Unperfect ♥

  14. livinlifefeelinfree livinlifefeelinfree
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2010 12:23pm UTC
    There's always that one girl;
    who changes boyfriends more than you change your bra

  15. livinlifefeelinfree livinlifefeelinfree
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 2:04pm UTC
    when the discover the center of the universe,
    a lot of people will be disappointed that it's not them//♥

  16. emg2613 emg2613
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2011 8:10pm UTC
    wow your just so cool i wish i was as cool as you
    not my format

  17. neverlosehopex neverlosehopex
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 9:13pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. just_dont_understand just_dont_understand
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 5:23pm UTC
    Teachers call it "the bathroom"
    We call it, "I'm bored. I'm leaving"

  19. livlafluv95 livlafluv95
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 4:16pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. kandykyra kandykyra
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 3:37pm UTC
    Smiles are like Band-Aids
    ( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ )
    They only cover up
    ...The Pain...


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