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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. lindyswimer12 lindyswimer12
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2012 11:02am UTC
    You want society to accept you,
    but you can't even accept yourself.

  3. langadas21 langadas21
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2012 11:18am UTC
    I hate when
    you can't talk because you're about to cry

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. Cutiee Cutiee
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 11:52pm UTC
    "You can exisist without living, but you can't live without existing"
    format ©FunkyMonkeyFormats

  6. curaska curaska
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 11:07pm UTC
    I'its not the goodbye
    that hurts its the,
    flashbacks that follow

  7. SoHelpMeMichael SoHelpMeMichael
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 11:08pm UTC
    those moments when...
    ////////////////////////// YOU DON'T EXACTLY KNOW WHAT'S WRONG,
    or why you're upset, you just know
    nothing feels right
    But you can't vent to anyone,
    Because you can barely think straight.

  8. Banana_apple Banana_apple
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 11:40pm UTC
    Dear Haters
    Don’t criticize me for my flaws and mistakes when you can’t even see your own.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. _Hey_Bro_ _Hey_Bro_
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 10:52pm UTC
    I can't make youlove me when you don't.
    ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| You can't make your heart feel something it won't.

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. littleackaa101 littleackaa101
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 10:26pm UTC
    i would rather live a life of
    "oh wells"
    "what ifs"

  13. PS3Chick PS3Chick
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 11:02pm UTC
    Sometimes it's easier,
    To say,
    You don't care,
    Than to explain all the reasons you do.

  14. notyouraverageteenagegirl notyouraverageteenagegirl
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2012 8:44pm UTC
    i told you
    i'm not bulletproof
    now you know
    format credit: notyouraverageteenagegirl

  15. RiverSong98 RiverSong98 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2012 8:14pm UTC
    I hate missing you but i love having you to miss.

  16. Ivyfalling128 Ivyfalling128
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 8:05pm UTC
    You hate to see me in pain
    so why do you cause me so much misery

  17. DirectionInfectionGirl DirectionInfectionGirl
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 8:24pm UTC
    Dear One Direction,
    Yes, I do need makeup
    to cover up,
    because society taught me
    that who I am,
    actually isn't enough.

  18. gabyv123 gabyv123
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 8:26pm UTC
    If I had a flower
    for every time you made me
    smile and laugh
    i'd have a garden to walk in

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. summer_sage summer_sage
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 8:14pm UTC
    I don't tell anyone any of my problems
    because I'm afraid they'll judge me,
    and/or not believe me.


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