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  1. Shorty1998 Shorty1998
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:11pm UTC
    You shouldn't have to ask people to follow you.

  2. timraandnicole timraandnicole
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:11pm UTC
    eating something you thought was going be delicious which turns out to be disgusting and thinking...
    "what a waste of calories."

  3. iloveyouflawsandall iloveyouflawsandall
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:08pm UTC
    Boys who like animals and are good with kids... = pretty damn sexy c;

  4. AelisRicci AelisRicci
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:09pm UTC
    leaving school on the last day before winter break and saying
    "See you next year!"
    'cause you're the smartest, funniest person alive
    Format by Sandrasaurus, my quote!

  5. KissesintheRain KissesintheRain
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:09pm UTC
    Determining if your "lol" should go at the beginning or end of the text...

  6. musizfreak musizfreak
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:09pm UTC
    Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass… It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

  7. HeGivesMeHope HeGivesMeHope
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:05pm UTC
    Lets flip a coin.
    Heads your mine.
    Tails im yours

  8. Baby_blue252 Baby_blue252
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:05pm UTC
    Yeah, now i'm a nobody to you
    I was just that girl who you called hot
    and let you write all over her pencil case
    now I'm a nobody
    Im just that girl who held your hand
    and let you call her pretty
    Now I'm a nobody
    I'm just that girl you held close while watching tv
    and promised with all your heart you wouldnt let go
    Now I'm a nobody
    I was just that girl that you kissed on the elbow
    though you wont remember that
    now i'm just a nobody
    I was just that girl you held hands with on the blechers at the assembly
    I'm a nobody

  9. yousacutiee6969 yousacutiee6969
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:05pm UTC
    ♥ ♥ ♥If a kiss were a raindrop, Id send u showers. If hugs were a second, Id send u hours. If smiles were water, Id send u the sea. If love was a person Id send u me:)
    format ThatsSoMeee ♥♥

  10. missyk missyk
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:05pm UTC
    does anyone notice this? haha SECRET MESSAGE MUHAHA
    I should have never cared.
    But I did.
    I cared a lot.
    I still f ucking care.

  11. x0x0 x0x0
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:05pm UTC
    that other girl;
    the reason your relationships still exciting.

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. cmott99 cmott99
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:03pm UTC
    your anger makes me happy:)

  14. Kurza Kurza
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 10:03pm UTC
    You promised you'd never hurt me
    I promised you would keep loving you
    You promised to keep me safe
    I promised you that I would keep you safe in my heart
    But like hearts.... promises are meant to be broken (ak)

  15. Nightmares_Never_End Nightmares_Never_End
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 9:58pm UTC
    i'll never try to fit in
    i was born to stand out. ♥

  16. kenna2 kenna2
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 9:58pm UTC

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. soliderbear4 soliderbear4
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 9:59pm UTC
    You have such an adorable smile.
    Just thought you should know.♥

  19. bribrigirl115 bribrigirl115
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 9:59pm UTC
    I should probably stop letting people get so close to me.
    Because when they leave,
    They take my heart with them,
    And I don't know how to get it back.

  20. purplelove2397 purplelove2397
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 9:59pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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