Witty Profiles

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  1. nicolexlove1 nicolexlove1
    posted a quote
    October 13, 2011 9:29pm UTC
    I hate the way I want you so bad.
    I hate the way I know your everything I want, but everything I can't have.
    I hate they way you only think of me as a friend.
    I love the feeling you give me, just a text message, or a hug, or walking down the hall with your arm around me.
    I love the way you act when you're around me.
    I love the way you look at me, with your brown eyes and your smile that's oh-so-cute.
    I love when your walking down the hall and we see each other and smile.
    I love when your coming out of practice and I am too so we see each other.
    I love how I can tell you anything, and I know you care.
    So basically, I love you. ♥

  2. xxanewbeginingxx xxanewbeginingxx
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 11:53am UTC
    Only if you knew
    the butterflies you give me…

  3. annabean97 annabean97
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 12:30pm UTC
    Dear life,
    When i asked if my day could
    Get any worse,
    It was a rhetorical question,
    Not a challenge.

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. xoxojulieoxox xoxojulieoxox
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 6:12am UTC
    That awkward moment...
    when your teacher puts her butt in your face while helping another student :/

  6. KelLovesYou26 KelLovesYou26
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 6:33am UTC
    Sometimes I just want to punch you, but then I realize you have to look in the mirror everyday and that's punishment enough.

  7. Youmakemefeelsolalalala Youmakemefeelsolalalala
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 6:49am UTC
    Dont do drugs
    without me...

  8. _enchanted _enchanted
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 6:56am UTC
    Blowing up a
    condom like its a baloon.

    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 6:56am UTC
    were you dropped as a baby?
    yeeah, into fire. thats why im so god damn hot.

  10. official_Tulisa_fan official_Tulisa_fan
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 7:05am UTC
    that one person in your class
    that you just want to smack in the face with a brick.

  11. countrygirl3396 countrygirl3396
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 7:33am UTC
    My room isn't messy its an obstacle course designed to keep me fit :)
    format by sandrasaurus
    credit to monique_96

  12. Laurieeelovesyou Laurieeelovesyou
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 8:34am UTC
    Music is my drug
    The DJ is my dealer.<3

  13. tylerr tylerr
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 8:48am UTC
    Hey girl, feel my sweater.
    Know what that's made of?
    boyfriend material.

  14. TheyMakeMeSmile TheyMakeMeSmile
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 9:18am UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. ihideunderyourbed ihideunderyourbed
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 9:37am UTC
    School sucks . And thats why im on witty

  16. BrattyKatty BrattyKatty
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 10:47am UTC
    When I have kids
    Im going to make them watch the 2012 movie,so I can say 0
    I survived that
    So I can sound like a boss.

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. LaurenMichele14 LaurenMichele14
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 11:15am UTC
    So I figured out what you remind me of. :)
    Oh really? What would that be? :P
    My pinky toe... :D
    Lol. How?
    Eventually, I'll end up banging it on the table. :D
    xoxocynthia for format. quote from smartphowned.

  19. Wasema Wasema
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 11:23am UTC
    "Do you believe there's intelligent life on other plantes?"
    "There's barely any intelligent life on this one."

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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