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  1. i_will_awake_down_the_line i_will_awake_down_the_line
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 6:50am UTC
    i love you-those three words have my life in them
    ♥ and your my life ♥

  2. HaileyBabyxx HaileyBabyxx
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 7:24am UTC
    I'm not a toy...
    Don’t play with my emotions.

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 8:04am UTC
    and the problem is that there arnt many girls out there that are willing to put themselves out there and say "hey i like you" because girls are even more scared of rejection
    -jenna marbles

  5. you_want_this_gurl you_want_this_gurl
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 8:12am UTC
    I'm falling even more in love with you Letting go of all I've held on to I'm standing here until you make me move I'm hanging by a moment here with you ☻

  6. gracee143 gracee143
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 9:47am UTC
    when youre attached to someone
    you do everything you can to please them & make them happy. It's never been about what you want, it's always everyone else's needs before your own. You give out too many chances to people who don't deserve them. They take advantage of you & you become a pushover but you're okay with that because they're in your life and that's all you ever really wanted. And even if they screw you over, you'll still be there for them because that's you' that's who you are. Once you get attached to someone they caoture your heart & have a special place there.
    and that is why it is so hard for you to let that person go.

  7. gracee143 gracee143
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 10:52am UTC
    Every girl has 3 guys in her life
    The one she loves
    The one she hates
    And the one she can't live without
    & in the end, they're all the same guy
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  8. too_much-swag* too_much-swag*
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 10:56am UTC
    Reporter: How did you manage to stay together for 65 years?
    Old couple : We were born in a time when if something was broken we would fix it, not throw it away.

  9. abcjojobabe abcjojobabe
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 11:40am UTC
    "My nightmares are acctually about
    loosing you"
    - Peets Mellark♥

  10. LaurenNicole208 LaurenNicole208
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 7:28pm UTC
    I just want to lay on your cheast and listen to your

  11. Crazaynwildgurl11 Crazaynwildgurl11
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 7:52pm UTC
    I go to sleep thinking of
    you. I wake up thinking of
    you. Whatever I do, I
    think of you. I just can't
    seem to get you out of my

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. idgafSOstfu idgafSOstfu
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 8:05pm UTC
    She's jealous because she's afraid you'll find someone
    prettier, smarter, taller, skinnier, calmer, stronger, and better than her.

  14. slipper012 slipper012
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 8:06pm UTC
    My thumb is for my friends on stage
    wishing them luck and telling them they're
    doing more than okay
    My pointer finger is for my guitar that has
    helped me come so far
    My middle finger is for no one because I
    love everyone everyday
    My pinky is for my best friend who knows
    exactly what to say
    And lastly my ring finger that I couldn't
    forget is for that person that I'm not
    exactly sure if
    I've met <3

  15. nicolemarie28 nicolemarie28
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 8:11pm UTC
    When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you.
    When I met you, I was afraid to kiss you.
    When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you.
    Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you.

  16. Sebastian_isTheName Sebastian_isTheName
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 8:20pm UTC
    What can I say? I'm human. I'm gonna get jealous. I just wish you'd understand.

  17. KiylasW0rldx3 KiylasW0rldx3
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 8:27pm UTC
    A Reporter asked an old couple
    " How did you manage to stay together for 65 years? "
    The woman Replied
    " We were born in a time when if something was broken we would fix it, not throw it away ..."

  18. you_broke_her you_broke_her
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 8:32pm UTC
    What they don't understand
    is how h a p p y he makes me.

  19. xXdancingonglassXx xXdancingonglassXx
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 8:36pm UTC
    When you love someone, it's worth fighting for. No matter the odds.

  20. Avril1212 Avril1212
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 8:38pm UTC
    Some people celebrate when they are holding his hand for 5 minutes
    Some take it as a small victory when fitting into their warm hug for a while.
    But I want to burst into hysteria when I catch your gaze for only a few seconds.
    The word gaze is the color of his eyes...


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