Witty Profiles

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  1. Browneyelover Browneyelover
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2012 8:17am UTC
    90% of people will marry their 7-12 grade crush
    since you read this you will be told good news tonight but if you dont re-post your worst week will start tomorrow.

  2. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2012 8:31am UTC
    Imagine #2
    Niall hacking into you're twitter account, and changing you're name to

  3. idance idance
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2011 2:45pm UTC
    Please get wider...

  4. briiitttttttany briiitttttttany
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2011 7:06pm UTC
    Nice tan,
    What's your race? Carrot?

  5. silje_x3 silje_x3
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2011 5:37pm UTC
    If you were born in the 90's
    The best P.E. lessons involved
    a rainbow colored parachute

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. LindseySuue LindseySuue happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 6:17pm UTC
    Everyone wants
    happiness, no one
    wants PAIN. But you
    can't make a
    rainbow, without a
    little rain♥

  8. LindseySuue LindseySuue happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 6:29pm UTC
    I'm telling myself I'll be okay,
    but even on my weakest days
    I get a little bit stronger ♥

  9. LindseySuue LindseySuue happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 5:49pm UTC
    Life's too short to always play safe it so forget the risks and take the
    fall if it's worth the risk then it's worth it all .♥

  10. Reader_Aubrey Reader_Aubrey
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 11:36am UTC
    My boyfriend, Jusin, lost his
    wallet one day,
    I texter him at 6 am, getting a reply saying he was at my school where we were the night before, a good 20 blocks away, looking for it.
    I wondered what was in it that made him so eager to find it.
    I found it at my house. No money, no change,
    just the first letter I had ever written him.

  11. xoxo_lovegivesmehope xoxo_lovegivesmehope
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 3:17pm UTC
    I was at the mall the other day
    when I saw an old couple sitting together. The man looked over at the woman and said, " We did it, we grew old together." ♥

  12. hannahlovesxox hannahlovesxox
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 7:08pm UTC
    Those scenarios you make up;
    in your head when you start to like someone.

  13. valerieexrainbowss valerieexrainbowss
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 11:06am UTC
    Oh, so he won't text you back?
    Consider --> this. <-- He might be busy. He could be staying up until 2 AM with homework tonight. He could be hanging out with his friends, and perhaps he wanted to give them his full attention instead of being distracted with his phone. Maybe he's helping his mom run errands. Or maybe his dad is in the hospital, and he wanted to stay by his side. You never know. It's possible that his phone's battery actually died, and that he wasn't home to charge it. If you like him that much, you should be able to trust him. What if he didn't check his phone until right before he went to bed? Maybe he was just too tired to respond. Or maybe it was late at night and he didn't want to risk waking you up. Maybe he was just trying to be considerate. He could have gone to the movies, and decided to actually turn his phone off. Crazy, right? Or perhaps he was somewhere with spotty reception. His phone could have glitched up, causing him to not see your message in decent time. Or maybe he just didn't feel like talking. Not necessarily to you, but to anyone. It's probably not your fault. He could be playing video games right now. Or perhaps he's taking college classes at night. Maybe he's practicing for soccer, or rehearsing for band, or whatever else he does. He could be out to dinner with his family. Unlike you, he might not have his phone on the table during family dinners, because he feels like it would be rude. My point? He probably has more important things to do than constantly fiddle with his phone. He just might be "too busy" to respond to every little notification and text that he gets - that is, too busy
    living his life.
    Are you?
    Don't always be so paranoid, and don't jump to conclusions.
    You know what "assume" means, right?

  14. NeverForgetYourBeauty NeverForgetYourBeauty
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2012 9:01pm UTC
    you obviously love one direction

  15. Magic_Eight_Ball Magic_Eight_Ball
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2012 9:12am UTC
    I am in m i s e r y
    T h e r e a i n t n o b o d y w h o c a n c o n f o r t m e
    Format by Breeze

  16. lovelifelikethis123 lovelifelikethis123
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2012 6:41pm UTC
    eyes like a s h u t t e r ,
    mind like a lens.

  17. live_love_softball22 live_love_softball22
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2012 10:27pm UTC
    W e a r e t h e k i d s f r o m t h e 90's...
    We were born before, during or after the explosion of Brit Pop
    We watched Disney Films, not Disney Channel
    It was Sabrina the Teenage Witch not Wizards of Waverly Place
    We liked The Nightmare Before Christmas as kids before all this emo crap started.
    We are the Haryy Potter genaration
    It was Interview with the Vampire before Twilight.
    We could be the last creatures on Earth to have our birth year
    start with the number ONE.

  18. jaydoxtator jaydoxtator
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 12:34pm UTC
    ‎"In 1992"
    Boy : I am in love with you!
    Girl : I am in a Relationship!
    Boy : Okay (Commits Suicide) O_o
    "In 2002"
    Boy : I am in love with you!
    Girl : I am in a Relationship!
    Boy : Okay I Will Find Another One..! :P
    "In 2012"
    Boy : I am in love with you!
    Girl : I am in a Relationship!
    Boy : Okay I Will Wait For Your"Break Up"! :D

  19. LostInDestruction LostInDestruction
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 3:49pm UTC
    I just want to thank some amazing people who may never see this quote.
    The first person is Scott. The guy who puts up with more than most people will. There's something about you, that sweet personality. How you put up with other people's crap, but keep yours quiet, which honestly gets on my nerves. I love you so much, babe.
    The second person is Mari-Anne. The girl who followed me out of lesson yesterday and hugged me as I cried. Listened to me. You've been there for me for nearly four years and I want you to know you're the bestest friend I could ever wish for.
    The last one is Naomi. A beautiful girl who I was blessed with. You're there for me so much and honestly, you crack me up. I love you, Naomi. You're immense. Never forget that.
    I love you all so much
    Format by Cookiedoughformats

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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