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  1. MaeMae103 MaeMae103
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2012 11:51pm UTC
    Liam Payne Challenge:
    Starting Monday, do not use a spoon for any purpose for one week.
    Harry Styles Challenge:
    Starting Monday, anytime you see a cat, scream "P*ssy!" as loud as you can for a week.
    Nial Horan Challenge:
    Starting Monday, forget about your diet and eat whatever you want for a week.
    Louis Tomlinson Challenge:
    Starting Monday, say everything irrelevant thought you have for a week.
    Zayn Malik Challenge:
    Starting Monday, look in every reflexive surface you can for a week
    format by jimmy365

  2. MaeMae103 MaeMae103
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 5:31pm UTC
    The youngest the boys will date:
    Louis: 17
    Liam: 15
    Zayn: 16
    Niall: 14

  3. MaeMae103 MaeMae103
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 7:31pm UTC
    Zayn- *Talking to interviewer*
    Harry- *Touches Zayn's face*
    Interviewer- Zayn, do you mind that he's touching your face?
    Zayn- I don't mind at all, he touches my face all the time.

  4. MaeMae103 MaeMae103
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 8:00pm UTC
    Why my friends think I got a Twitter:
    To see what their doing 24/7.
    Why I actually got a Twitter:
    To see what Harry Styles is doing 24/7.

  5. MaeMae103 MaeMae103
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 9:51pm UTC
    Who is going to marry me?
    Search About 5 results (0.5 seconds)
    Did you mean: Harry Styles. Liam Payne.Louis Tomlinson.Nial Horan or Zayn Malik?
    credit to PaperLung

  6. MaeMae103 MaeMae103
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 10:08pm UTC
    Harry Styles.
    -Ruining your life with every flip of his hair.

  7. Quoteaholic38 Quoteaholic38
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2012 3:35pm UTC
    &&today I found out
    he won't go out with me because
    I'm not popular.

  8. MsBrightsidex3 MsBrightsidex3
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2012 4:05pm UTC
    "Hey lets watch a scary movie!"
    *several hours later*
    "Dude, walk me to the bathroom.."

  9. MaggiieBear MaggiieBear
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2012 4:14pm UTC
    Can you relate to me ? #17
    - At night , you pretend to sleep when your parents come in .

  10. MaggiieBear MaggiieBear
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 3:53pm UTC
    Can you relate to me ? #4
    -you hate when people in front of you walk really slow and you can't get past them.

  11. Abbi521 Abbi521
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 3:12pm UTC
    Girls Need to Start
    Looking for guys who have goal,ambitions and an education because 10 years from now
    Isnt going to pay the bills....

  12. MaeMae103 MaeMae103
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2012 11:40pm UTC
    When people tell me they love him to,
    they instantly become an enemy.

  13. MaeMae103 MaeMae103
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2012 8:10pm UTC
    I have a question for somone who Really knows One Direction.
    Please comment on my profile. Thanks(:

  14. MaeMae103 MaeMae103
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2012 5:45pm UTC
    People ask me why I don't have patience.
    I just look at them and hope they get the hint.

    posted a quote
    March 16, 2012 9:23pm UTC
    What if the Reason Everyone Died
    is because air is really a drug, and it kills people after breathing it for decades?MIND = BLOWN.

  16. Kitteh14Kat Kitteh14Kat
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2012 9:23pm UTC
    The awkward moment:
    When even a 7 year olds in a relationship and you feel like a loner :P

  17. mireunlove15 mireunlove15
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2012 9:11pm UTC
    ITS OFFICIALOne Direction is getting their own "live action" show on Nickelodean Nickelodeans Tweet:"The rumors are true, our live-action slate does include a development project for @onedirection. Welcome to the family!"i dont know if i should be happy or mad :/

  18. dreams_come_true dreams_come_true
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2012 9:31pm UTC
    Hey, Its Micheal i sit behind you in Science class
    Oh yeah, whats up?
    I was wondering if you would, go out with me?
    Uhhmmm how about NO! Your the biggest geek in the grade and you think i would date you, hell no!
    The next morning the boy was found dead in this room with a suicide letter saying "all because im the
    geek from science"
    This is a true story and the boy was my brother, please fav. if you are against biotches who do that.
    RIP Mikey

  19. ChocoRain ChocoRain
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2012 2:39pm UTC
    I don’t understand banks. Why do they attach chains to their pens. If I’m trusting you with my money, you should trust me with your pens.

  20. DemonwithaHalo DemonwithaHalo
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2012 2:07pm UTC
    Admit it you have so done one of these!
    1. Walked into a room, forgot what you wanted, walked out, and then remembered
    2. When you were younger always drew the sun in the corner of the page
    3. When you were younger you actually thought this was the shape of a real heart "♥"
    4. Shut the fridge door really slow just to see the light turn off
    5 Tryed to balance the light switch between on and off to see what would happen


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