Witty Profiles

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  1. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2012 10:39pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. CharlAldisx CharlAldisx
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2012 3:59pm UTC
    I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world
    Life is plastic , it's fantastic.
    Admit it.
    You read this with that annoying womans voice.

  3. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2012 4:39pm UTC
    if sleep is so important...
    then why does school start so early?

  4. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2012 8:21pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2012 3:14pm UTC
    Everyone has their own story
    A reason they are the way they are.
    You have no right to judge someone you don't know.
    For all you know,
    Today could be their last day alive.

  6. Mylittlesparklypinkdress Mylittlesparklypinkdress
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2012 11:24pm UTC
    Before you pick up that blade,
    think about it. In 10 years what are you going to tell your two year old when they look at where you have those scars and gasp, "Mommy! What is that!?" Or when you are with your boyfriend and he sees the scars on your skin, it's going to hurt him more than you think. He might think it's his fault. So think about it, what will you tell your toddler? "I did that to myself," no, probably not, because why would you ever want your baby to know you did that... Why would you want anyone to know? You don't. Scars are SCARS. Permanent. They're still there. They made start to fade but they're still there, haunting you. All the lotions are creams and crap aren't going to do much, so think about your toddler or husband or wife or best friend or whoever before you pick up that blade. Is it really worth it?

  7. welcome2theblackparade welcome2theblackparade
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2012 11:46pm UTC
    i promise im not okay

  8. IFeelLikeDancing_Tonightxx IFeelLikeDancing_Tonightxx
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2012 8:02pm UTC
    to my valentine...
    The hardest thing i have to do is tear myself from your warm embrace every morning
    I love you, Bed ♥

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. UnfogettableMe UnfogettableMe
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2012 10:33am UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. UnfogettableMe UnfogettableMe
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2012 3:45pm UTC
    Happy Valentine's Day, baby.
    We all miss you down here.
    Don't worry, I wasn't alone today.
    Austin skipped school to be with me.
    We watched The Notebook.
    It's never going to be the same without you, though.
    I love you so much. Rest in Paradise.

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. stillwaitingforyou stillwaitingforyou
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 6:07pm UTC
    Can’t Control Love
    Introduction/Melody’s POV:
    I’ve never really had a guy best friend, until now. It’s tough trying to convince your boyfriend that you’re just friends. It’s not easy ditching your girl best friends to hang out with him. In general, it’s just not exactly easy. But for me, it was so much harder. I would tell you why it was so much harder but I wouldn’t want to ruin the story. Let’s just say, most girls don’t have to go through what I had to through with my guy best friend. It’s more than falling for him if that’s what you’re thinking. It’s not that he got a girlfriend and ditched me, it’s much different that than. Let’s just say after one thing changes, everything changes, even if he promised you it would all stay the same.
    This was just a short paragraph introducing my new story. The first chapter will be up tomorrow, so if you're interested please check back tomorrow for chapter one. Please fav if you think you'll be interested in this story and leave feedback. Thanks so much!!

  14. stillwaitingforyou stillwaitingforyou
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2011 9:27pm UTC
    Part 1 of 2
    After my last day of school in the heights me and my friends decided to go down to the suburbs and hang out at the mall. We didn’t have a mall in the heights so we had to go to the town of Allendale’s mall. They weren’t exactly thrilled to have us shopping at their mall… but too frickin’ bad for them.
    “Alright, I’ll meet you here after.” Antonio, Sabrina’s boyfriend, said to her kissing her softly on the lips. “Bye Ally!” Antonio said to his and Sabrina’s baby. Ally smiled at her father as he walked over to Tyler and all of their friends. I saw a ton of suburbians glaring at Sabrina; they were so judgmental and thought it was completely insane to be a teenage mother. But, Sabrina and Antonio were in love, and he helped with Ally and loved Ally just as much as Sabrina did. And I just knew one day Sabrina and Antonio were going to get married. I’ve always envied Sabrina’s relationship with Antonio, they truly had the perfect teenage romance. Not that Tyler and I weren’t in love or anything it was just we weren’t as cute as them.
    “Ready for Allendale Prep on Monday?” Sabrina asked me while pushing Ally in her stroller around the mall. “My mom already has my uniform and everything ready.” I winced. Two suburbian girl our age pranced by in their high heels with Starbucks in their freshly manicured hand. “I’m sorry you’ll have to go to school with those things.” Sabrina joked. I laughed along with her. It was sad that in just three more days I’d have to spend six hours a day with these people.
    We walked by a convenient store and I stuffed as many boxes of cigarettes into my purse as possible. Sabrina waited there patiently, she knew my dirty little secret. “You know cigarettes are bad for you, right?” A guy’s voice said. I spun around quickly in fear only to find that Will kid. I just stared at him like he was crazy. “Sorry, it’s Santana right?” he asked. I nodded my head, “Yeah. Do I know you?” I said bitterly. Sabrina tried to ignore the whole conversation and stared down at her phone. “Will, I met you at your mom’s house a few days ago.” I nodded my head, “Right.” “Are you ready for school, Monday?” he asked me, trying to be nice. “No.” I said honestly. “You’ll adjust.” he said giving me a warm smile. “Will!” Nick, the leader of this group of friends Tyler and all of my friends didn’t exactly get along with. “Sorry, got to go. See you Monday.” Will said to me before leaving to meet up with them. It all clicked; that’s how Will seemed familiar when I had met him. He was part of that group; the group of friends from Allendale Prep that had this big ongoing rivalry with me and my friends. I hated him even more now. I peered over at Nick, Will and the rest of that group. No wonder why I hadn’t recognized Will; he didn’t seem as into the whole feud as everyone else. He was almost like a puppet being controlled by them.
    This chapter was too long to post the whole thing so this is part 1 of 2 of chapter 3. Sorry for the confussion!
    I’m so thankful that this story has been such a hit! I’m being extra careful to make sure this story is the best and every chapter leaves you begging for more! Chapter 4 and 5 will be up tomorrow!
    Like it? Please, FAV/COMMENT/FOLLOW. I love getting feedback!!

  15. stillwaitingforyou stillwaitingforyou
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2011 4:10pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. stillwaitingforyou stillwaitingforyou
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 9:43pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. stillwaitingforyou stillwaitingforyou
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 4:30pm UTC
    When I was five years old I stole a Barbie doll from the Toys R Us down in the suburbs. Now, most kids would get a stern lecture on how stealing is wrong, and maybe even get a good spanking. But when I stole, my dad was perfectly okay with it, he was actually quite proud of me. You see, my dad doesn’t have the best paying job; so whenever he wanted to buy me or my mom something nice he would have to steal it. He kind of turned into the neighborhood thief. But here in Allendale Heights stealing was considered normal, and it wasn’t bad compared to what most people did here; selling illegal drugs, murders, prostitutes, you name it, we have it.
    I liked growing up in the heights; it was home to me. A few years back, when I was in eighth grade my parents got a divorce. My mom got tired of my dad’s old games of stealing and wanted to live a better life so she moved to the Allendale Suburbs. The town of Allendale was where everything was prim, proper and perfect. You would never guess a place like that was right around the corner from a place like this. People in Allendale Heights didn’t exactly get along with people from the suburbs; they hated us and we hated them. My school and Allendale Prep were huge rivals; and it was more than some high school rivalry it was more like a feud. In a matter of fact, the suburbs and the heights in general were in a huge feud. The people from the suburbs thought we were horrible people. And we thought they were stuck-up, snotty and full of themselves.
    Little did I know I was going to become one of them... and even worse fall in love with one of them…
    If you think you’re going to like this story/want to read more of it PLEASE favorite this and maybe give me a little feedback. It’s possible that chapter 1 will be up later today; if not it WILL DEFINITELY be up tomorrow! J
    Like it? Please, FAV/COMMENT/FOLLOW. I love getting feedback!!

  18. stillwaitingforyou stillwaitingforyou
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 4:49pm UTC
    - Chapter 7 - Clare's POV -
    Three weeks had passed since I had met Ben. I tried to manage life without him as best as I could. I guess it was pretty easy since we were constantly communicating via technology. But everytime I was texted him, or skyping him I was always thinking about him. It was going to be tough, but this needed to work. I couldn't imagine my life without him.
    I combed my long chesnut hair while singing a happy tune. My freinds Leah and Marge both barged in at the same time. "Isn't that a little too dressy for the street fair?" Marge asked me while I put on some dangly earings. "I can't go, I have a virtual date with Ben." While peering in the mirrior I could see both Leah and Marge rolling their eyes at the sound of his name. "Seriouslly Clare? At first this whole long distance relationship was cute but now it's taking away from your life. You lived life glued to your phone and computer talking to that boy." Leah protested quite loudly. "I'm sorry." I mummbled. I waited for Marge to say something. She finally spoke, "You only knew him for a week, not even and you're sacrificing so much for him." she said in a much calmer tone than Leah. "I'm in love with him." Leah let out a sarcastic laugh, "You haven't even known him for a month." I grapsed my hair brush in my hand tightly, trying to figure out what to say to defend myself. "You just don't know how I feel and how he feels and how we feel about each other." They both starting to walk towards my bedroom door in unison. "Whatever Clare, if you change your mind we'll be at the street fair." Leah said hopefully while leaving.
    I continued to brush my hair as my mother walked in trying to be unoticed. "You're not going with your friends?" she asked suspiciouslly. I shook my head. "Because of Ben?" she asked in a snarly way. "Yeah, we have a date." I said while shaking the mouse of my computer to awaken my computer. My mom started to pace my room, looking at all the post cards from around the world. "I don't like how this boy has been affecting your life, Clare." I looked at her shocked. I mean, I knew she wasn't exactly thrilled about me having a long distance relationship but I didn't know she felt this strongly about it. She slapped down a piece of paper on my wodden desk. "This came in the mail today." she said angrily. I peered down at my progress report. "It's mostly made up of grades after spring break, which means after you met Ben. You got a D in math, Clare. That's not okay." I sat down at my desk, awaiting a huge lecture. "Your grades have been suffering since he came around. You're always ditching your friends because of him. And most importantly I'm afriad this will affect your dream of traveling. You've wanted it so badly since you were a little girl and I don't want to watch some life long dream slip away because of some boy." I shot up on our my seat in anger, "Some boy? Mom, I'm in love with him." I protested in a loud tone of voice. Her face changed shape to an expression of disbelief and confusion. "You've only spent a week with him, Clare and you've only known him for three. You're talking crazy. I am not going to let you throw away your future and your friendships over some guy you barely know." she started screaming at me. "He's not just some boy, mom." I tried defending myself, but she wasn't listening. "And does dad agree?!" I asked. She nodded, "Oh yes he does. Now get your head out of the clouds and go catch up with Leah and Marge and have some fun at the street fair." she demanded. "But, I promised I'd skype him." I said softly. "I don't care. I'm worried about you Clare and I know this may sound mean but I'm just trying to protect you. Now you better leave before it's too late."
    I gave her the dirtiest look I had ever given my mother and charged out. It was better to listen to her than rebel. Becuase if I rebled she would do much worse.
    sorry for not posting a chapter in a while its just honestly i have no time what-so-ever. the only reason i keep posting these chapters are because of all of you! so i really hope you appreciate it and dont forget to fav/comment:)

  19. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2012 9:50pm UTC
    hauntingly beautiful
    Chapter 19
    Maddi's Point of View
    "Hunter, let's go to the mall after school." I said, making it sound more like a command than a question.
    Hunter didn't seem to be paying attention, and he was making it obvious.
    His gaze was adverted towards the far left section of the classroom, as I followed it.
    My eyes landed on Hayden.
    She was sitting alone in the corner, reading one of our English novels.
    I twisted my glossy lips, digging my manicured nails into my skin.
    Why the hell was he staring at her?
    He was mine.
    "Hunter." I gritted through my teeth.
    Hunter flinched, staring at me with surprise.
    It was like he didn't even know that his own girlfriend was sitting next to him during the whole class.
    "Yes?" he asked, taking one last glance at Hayden.
    I took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.
    Hunter's been acting up since the night of the party, but I tried my best to ignore it.
    "We're going to the mall after school today" I repeated.
    Hunter turned to me with a frown."
    "I don't remember agreeing to that." he rubbed the back of his neck.
    His hair messily fell in front of his eyes, as I pursed my lips.
    "Well, we are. It'll be a fun date." I smiled sweetly, clinging on his toned arms.
    Hunter sighed, as I kept catching him sneaking glances at Hayden.
    I wanted to climb on top of the desk and scream at him for staring at him.
    Hayden was a loser with a psycho past.
    She didn't deserve Hunter.
    So, why was Hunter so interested in her?
    "I-I don't think I can make it." he muttered, still staring at her.
    I pouted, crossing my arms with frustration.
    "Fine. I'll just go with Derek." I snarled.
    Hunter waved his hand, not even paying attention.
    "Fine, that's good." he mumbled.
    Suddenly, the sound of a chair scrapping across the floor filled the room.
    Hayden stood up, as she began to head out the door.
    Before I knew it, Hunter jogged out of the classroom, following her.
    Hayden's Point of View
    Class was boring.
    The teacher was dead asleep on the desk, and I couldn't put up with Maddi and Hunter constantly flirting.
    I got up and left class without permission, wandering around the halls.
    I was going to head to my locker to get my books to prepare for my next class, but I was stopped by a shuffling of footsteps behind me.
    I reluctantly turned around, as Hunter stared at me, just a few feet away.
    I bit my lower lip, fiddling with my fingers nervously.
    I began to turn around to continue to my locker, but he stopped me.
    "Wait, Hayden." he caught up with me. "We need to talk."
    Don't push him away. I told myself.
    I cleared my throat, as he approached me. "About what?"
    He took in a deep breath, licking his lips.
    A part of me melted when he did that.
    "We need to talk about what happened the other night." he said.
    I gulped, thinking back to the kiss.
    It was my first kiss, and he said it was a mistake.
    "I didn't mean it like that when I said it was a... mistake." he hesitated.
    I could feel my lips quiver, as I shook my head.
    I forced a small smile on my face, gulping.
    "No, no, it's fine. It- it meant absolutely nothing." I lied. "I'm sorry about everything okay? From insulting you to the whole kiss thing. Let's just forget that it ever happened."
    Hunter's face was pained, which broke my heart.
    "W-we should just move on from our lives. It's better for the both of us." my voice cracked, as tears threatened to spill out.
    Hunter remained quiet, which killed me.
    "I-I'm going to the bathroom now." I abruptly annoucned, pushing past him.
    Maddi's a pain in the _____ :)

    posted a quote
    February 10, 2012 3:57pm UTC
    Sometimes I Pretend to Be Normal
    But Then I Get Bored
    So I Go Back To Being ME


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