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  1. looveeliifee looveeliifee
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2011 9:16pm UTC
    Dear Ken,
    Did you know Barbie's knees don't bend? Have fun with that...

  2. nascar11xo nascar11xo
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2011 9:23am UTC
    I hate that feeling when you wanna cry about the little things in your life..and go back into the past and actually cry because u miss the old time.! :'(

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. you_were_my_everything you_were_my_everything
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2011 9:23am UTC
    That horrifying
    moment when...
    you logg on facebook and
    get the notification that
    some one tagged a
    photo of you .

  5. lovebybritt lovebybritt
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2011 10:05pm UTC
    Chapter 21...
    After us being there for almost an hour, people started to file in. It took about 2 hours for the tears to start flowing non-stop. I stood near his casket, and just wept. I felt a hand on my shoulder and didn’t even bother to look who it was. Whoever it was had their arms wrapped around me in a hug, burying my face in their shoulder. It made me cry harder, but it was the most comforting gesture I’ve had all week. I just wrapped my arms around this affectionate stranger and wept. They rubbed my back the whole time. I finally decided to look at who it was and my stomach flipped around. It was Chris.
    “Hey there, beautiful.” He smiled shyly. I didn’t even bother answering so I just cried harder and buried my face in his chest. He got the message and rubbed my back. I didn’t talk much during the viewing portion of it. I did even less crying in the burial portion; too busy saying my goodbyes internally. I went to bed as soon as I got home and tried my best not to think about tonight.
    I woke up and opened my sticky eyes. They were practically sealed shut because I cried myself to sleep so the tears must have dried like that. I felt groggy. That must have been the worst night of sleep I’ve ever had. I dazedly got out of bed and walked down the hall and into the kitchen for some breakfast.
    “Hey Al.” I greeted rubbing my eyes.
    “Morning. You sleep okay?” She sympathetically asked, already knowing the answer. I just gave her a flat out “No.” and sat down at the kitchen table.
    “Can you give me a muffin?” I asked nicely. As she tossed me one, my dad walked out.
    “Morning, girls.” You could tell that he was not happy. Just one look at him and you could tell he wanted a beer.
    “Hey dad. Want anything to eat?” Ally asked casually. He shook his head no and proceeded out of the room. I gave Ally a look and she knew what I was thinking: That he was mustering up the most resistance he could to not go out and by more beer. He knows that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to help him. I’ve told him numerous times. I finished my muffin, got a glass of orange juice, gave Ally a hug and went upstairs. I had a sudden urge to pee so I got up and went to the bathroom. A gasp of relief escaped my mouth when I noticed that I got my period.
    That meant that I wasn’t pregnant.
    is anyone still reading?!
    if so, i love you (: hhehe
    comment? fav? do whatever. (:

  6. oxcoliexo oxcoliexo
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2011 1:40pm UTC
    that amazing mood
    .: when e v e r y t h i n g m a k e s y o u l a u g h :.

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. hamana hamana
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2011 1:36pm UTC
    There's always some reason to feel not good enough

  9. squire1319 squire1319
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2011 2:27pm UTC
    The Right Way #11
    "Um, no?" I said. I looked down because I didn't want to meet his eyes. They were probably full of hate or anger.
    "Skye, come on. I'm not stupid. And look at me," he added a little forcefully.
    Shocked, I looked up at him. His eyes weren't full of hate or anger, they were full of...understanding, maybe? I was beyond confused. "I just eavesdropped on you breaking up with your girlfriend, and you don't care? At all?"
    He was shaking his head before I was even done. "I don't care if you heard that. Lily deserved it, and I'm stupid to not have realized it before."
    "Deserved what?" I asked.
    "She cheated on me," he said bluntly.
    "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Ryan! Are you okay?" I asked stupidly.
    "Yeah, a little shocked. But kind of glad now." He leaned over and put a piece of hair that had escaped my ponytail back behind my ear.
    "Because now nothing is holding me back." He started leaning in, and I could tell he was going to kiss me.
    I bolted off of the bench and he looked up at me. "I-I'm sorry, Ryan. But I can't do this. I'm not going to be the rebound girl. You're going to have to show me that you actually want to be in a relationship with me." I can't believe I just said that.
    "Oh, I'm sorry, Skye." I just turned around and walked out of the courtyard. Tears were brimming at my eyes because I had done the most stupid thing ever. I liked Ryan, a lot, but I still had a boyfriend back home. And I needed to figure out how to end it before I got involved with Ryan.
    Kaia and Jade caught me as I stumbled onto the path. "Skye? Skye! What happened?" Their voices jumbled together but I just shook my head. I couldn't answer them, not like this. The tears poured down my cheeks and I leaned into Jade or Kaia, I didn't know who. We slowly made our way back, but then they made me sit down on a bench and calm down.
    I wiped my eyes and saw my mascara and eyeliner rub off on my hands. "Here," Jade said as she grabbed her water bottle and dampened a Kleenex and handed it to me.
    "Thanks," I mumbled. The sobs had quieted, but I was still heaving. They sat beside me and Kaia smoothed my hair out of my face and redid my ponytail into a braid. I smiled weakly at her. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate.
    Skye, I'm so sorry about that. Are you okay? I should've known better. But I will fight for your trust- I don't care how, I'll be your best friend first. Please give me a chance. Ryan. Under all the circumstances, I smiled.
    "Skye?" Jade asked worriedly. I looked at her. "What happened?"
    I might as well tell them. Maybe they could help me figure this out. After I finished relaying the whole story, Jade stood up with a smile.
    "Do you like Ryan or Jared more?" Kind of a dumb question, but I knew what she was trying to get at.
    "I really like Ryan, and Jared, too. But now that I think of it, Jared has always been just a filler. We don't have the same bond that Ryan and I have already seemed to form. You know?" They nodded as if they understood my crazy relationships.
    "Then, maybe you need to think of breaking up with Jared, sweetie. He doesn't seem all that great for you, with what you told us about him. But that is fully your decision," Kaia said.
    "Yeah, I think you're right," I replied.
    We got up and walked back to our room. I headed straight for my laptop and signed onto Facebook. Yes! Shira, my best friend from home, was on. Oh god, so was Jared.
    Convo with Shira:
    Me: Shira! I miss you so much!
    Shira: Skye! how are you?
    Me: alright. i miss home a TON but my roommates here r awesome!
    Shira: that's good!
    Me: so...how's jared?
    Shira: oh, umm he's alright, i guess.
    Me: ??? shira, u see him everyday at school. what about at the party friday night?
    Shira: i dont know..umm
    Me: shira if there is something u need 2 let me know about jared, then tell me!
    Shira: okay, well he swore me to not tell you, but u need to know.
    Me: uhoh
    Shira: yea, umm at the party, I saw him making out with marci
    Me: oh, well...that makes this decision much much easier.
    Shira: what decision? O.o
    Me: I need to break up with him
    ~just curious, whoever is actually reading this story, can u please fave it? I wanna see how many of you are. thanks(: ~

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. replacedbylies replacedbylies
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2010 9:59pm UTC
    today I found out that my ex's
    new girlfriend got mad at him
    because he accidently called her by
    my name.
    hahahaha, suckaaa!(:
    true story!(: lol


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