Witty Profiles

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  1. nikko nikko
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 10:27pm UTC
    The funny thing is... nobody ever really knows how much anybody is hurting.We could be standing next to someone who is completelybroken and we wouldn't even know it.

  2. nikko nikko
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 10:21pm UTC
    People are afraid of themselves,of their own reality; their feelings most of all.
    People talk about how great love is, but that's bullsh-t. Love hurts.Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous.How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel?Pain is meant to wake us up.People try to hide their pain, but they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio.You feel your strength in experience of pain.It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters.Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are apart of you. Your own reality.If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality.YOU SHOULD STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT TO FEEL YOUR PAIN.♥

  3. nikko nikko
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 10:12pm UTC
    I think most girls would rather
    have a boyfriend who's dorky,
    but a total sweetheart...
    than a really hot guy who is
    a player and flirts with every girl.

  4. skyblue946 skyblue946
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 8:13pm UTC
    (7 pt 1)
    “An can I talk to you?” I asked her.
    I grabbed her by the wrist and took her away from the guys.
    “What’s up?”
    “Nothing much you know chilling.” I said sarcastically
    “An, do you love Alex?”
    “Why are you asking me?”
    “Just answer the damn question!”
    “No were just good friends.”
    “Are you going to get a boyfriend?” I asked her.
    “I don’t think so.”
    End of conversation.
    “How do we get back to Miami?” Alex asked me.
    “Well their was a house with jet skis just 7 minutes away, we can swim?” “Does everyone know how to swim?” Josh asked
    Everyone nodded, I locked at my Josh watch it was 6:30 the sun was going down in less than two hours.
    “Let’s get going.”
    We jumped in the water and started swimming,
    Their was a creepy silent until An screamed.
    “What’s wrong?” We all asked An.
    “Something tickled my feet.”
    We ignored her and started swimming because we all knew it was a fish. 45 minutes passed by when we finally saw the house.
    We got out of the water and went to knock on the front door.
    A sweet old lady answered.
    “Hello, can I help you?
    “Actually yes, someone stole our jet ski’s we were wondering if you can give us three jet skis”
    “Oh sure, as you can see we have many jet skis!”
    She handed me three skies I gave one to Josh Alex, and Ryan.
    We got in the same order, we were there 10 minutes later.
    We went to the front lobby dripping water everywhere,
    I asked Linda (the front desk manager) if the pizza came.
    She went inside the kitchen and came back with the pizza,
    We went to my room, and ate pizza.
    Everyone had another bathing suit,
    I changed into a strapless top that was dark pink
    and a matching bottom, An changes into a white floral bikini.
    I was grabbing the do not disturb sign when a note came by the bottom of the door. I was freaking out!

  5. dukey95 dukey95
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 3:56am UTC
    Picking Up The Pieces♥
    Chapter 1 Part 2♥
    "I'm so sorry I missed your call, I was finishing packing."
    "Its alright, I just wanted to make sure you were ready for your final meeting," said Aunt Cassidy. Secretly, part of me wanted to say 'no', I wasn't ready, but I knew I couldn't do that. I needed to get out of here.
    "Yes, absolutely...I want to get it over with and get home."
    As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt an instant wave of guilt, not because I was leaving, but beacause where I was going...was not my home.
    As I grabbed my bags, I took one last look around the room, but as I was leaving, I found myself in front of the mirror again. As I stood, there staring at my reflection, I whispered, "things are gonna change Shelby, first step is getting yourself the h ell out of here."
    With that, I walked out of the room with only one regret...
    I had let my family die.
    ♥Authors note♥
    Hey guys, I know that this is really short, but it helped with wrapping up the chapter. Chapter 2 part 1 will be out tomorrow.
    Feedback is really appreciated, and it would be great to get some ideas, I tend to get writters block.
    40+ to get the next chapter
    55+ for a hint
    If you like this, go ahead and click the >>>[♥]
    The next chapter contains an Intense flashback of the night Shelby's parents die.
    Will it help her move on or only struggle more?

  6. skyblue946 skyblue946
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 4:58pm UTC
    We sat down and Josh left.
    I followed him, he was in the balcony looking at the sea,
    “Josh, are you okay?”
    He grabbed me tight by my waist, I put my head down,
    “How can I be okay? When the only person I love it dating some other guy, that is not me, you barley know him Alice!
    “You’re wrong, I’ve known him since elementary school, he was my best friend and in 8th grade he left to North Carolina, I’ve loved him ever since.” I said looking up to Josh big blue eyes.
    “You” I said while poking his chest,
    “You, barley know me”
    Then I realized his lips met mine, It wasn’t magical
    It wasn’t like Ryan’s passionate kisses.
    I snapped back to reality and pulled him away,
    “I have a boyfriend” I said.
    “You’re right, I could never date you.”
    “Oh yeah, and why is that?”
    “It’s a long story.” He said.
    “I have time.”
    “Well you know you’re step-mom? Well she is my mother,
    She gave me up for adoption. If you don’t believe me I have my birth certificate” He said I was shocked and I gave him a hug.
    Josh was my step-brother, the only relative I actually like and the only one who is not dead.
    While I hugged him we noticed some dudes stole our jet skis.
    “Run” I said. We went to tell the others and we went to the dock.
    “Look it’s a note” Alex said pointing to a wet piece of paper.
    I grabbed it and read it aloud.
    “Dear idiots,
    You fell for it now have a wonderful swim back to Miami,
    Let the war begin,
    P.S court is on Tuesday
    Love, Carlos.”
    I had a lot of explaining to do, the only person that knew was Josh.

  7. babyyourebeautiful babyyourebeautiful
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 2:50pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. babyyourebeautiful babyyourebeautiful
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 11:39am UTC
    Fade away
    "Come on baby", he said to me, slowly kissing around my ear, I was laying under his big body,
    limp, trying to decide if I should do this or not. I felt his lips working their way down my neck, I
    hesitated for just a second, and brought his face to mine. "Do you trust me?", his fluid voice sent
    chills down my spine. I bit my lip, then nodded my head. "Okay", I whispered, our faces were so
    close that my lips touched his as I spoke. He kissed my lips softly and quickly, before deciding to
    let his mouth roam elsewhere. I tried to breath evenly. I felt his hand slip up my shirt, he left it
    laying on my stomach for a minute, then looked me in the eyes, "You okay baby girl?", he asked
    me. I didn't trust myself to speak, so I nodded my head " mhm" I mumbled, he took my shirt off
    in one swift movement, kissed my stomach and told I was beautiful. He worked his way up until
    he reached my lips again. This time he kissed me longer, more passionately, I let myself give up
    to him. He kissed his way back down and slowly pulled down underwear, the whole time
    keeping his eyes locked with mine. He kissed my hip bones so softly, then I'm between them
    then a little lower, when he finished with his lips he came inside me. He washed over me like a
    wave. Moving passionately and rhythmically inside me. When he was done he rolled over so I
    was laying on top of him. He kissed my head. " I love you so much Bailey" Jordan mumered
    against my head. "I love you too", I said looking up at him. It wasn't until then I realized he was
    crying. "Jordan, what's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing" he said looking away. My phone rang from
    the night stand giving us both a heart attack. I opened the message from my mom,
    "Getting late, I'd like you to come home now sweetie" I read out loud. I looked to Jordan who
    was still avoiding eye contact. He had been acting so strange. I lifted my hand to his chin and
    turned his face to mine. I kissed him one last time.
    This is the scene that kept playing over in my head as I sat numb in the chair at his funeral. I
    smoothed my black dress and walked up to his casket. I wanted to be the last to speak. The last
    to talk to him, but when I got up there, and looked at his still face. I just couldn't. I dropped the
    rose and ran. I didn't know where I was going. I just needed to get away from there.
    okay this is my first story and I'm really excited to keel writing!Comment if you'd like to be notified! Feedback is encouraged! Thank you for reading < 3
    format by jimmy365

  9. FabStories FabStories
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 6:12pm UTC
    Living Death.
    part 02 // FabStories
    I can't make out where I am, but I feel as if I'm floating. Darkness engulfs me, and I don't remember how I got here, I don't even remember who I am. If there even is a 'me.'
    I see the darkness quickly turning into a bright, white light. The light flashes pictures of a girl's life. More specifically, mine. Memories of my past are flying throughout the light, and I remember who I was. I was celebrating my sixteenth birthday and then I was killed. So, I should be heading to the other side, shouldn't I? If I am dead?
    But it looks like I apparently have other plans. Instead of floating, I am now slowly falling into nothing. My first instinct is to scream; but I can't seem to make any noise. I try to struggle, but I see that I have no hands. I don't have anything.
    When I arrive wherever I'm supposed to be, I am in my bed, tangled in my thick quilt. I knew it was a dream; I was so paranoid. I swing my legs over my bed to see what time it is. 7:34 AM. Rise and shine, I think to myself.
    I head to my washroom and comb through the knots in my black hair. I change into a loose-fitting t-shirt and sweatpants, then lazily trudge downstairs. My mother sits at the table with my father, who are both calmly drinking coffee.
    "Today's the day!" my mother chirps.
    "Huh? What day?" I ask stupidly.
    "Your sixteenth birthday!" they both exclaim.
    Wait, I think, if today's my sixteenth birthday again, am I really dead? What if that dream was real?
    "Oh," I nod.
    "We need to start making preparations! Your party is in less than three hours!" my mother rises from her chair and slips her arm around me.
    "You are going to look beautiful, trust me," she says, leading me into her room. She sits me down and my eyes widen.
    Now where have I heard that before, I think to myself.
    Short chapter, sorry! Do you think it really was a dream? Or is she actually re-living the day of her death...again? Fave, comment, follow!

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. FabStories FabStories
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 4:40pm UTC
    Living Death.
    part 01 // FabStories
    "You are going to look beautiful, trust me," my mother said, dabbing a last bit of blush on my cheeks.
    I just nod and shrug like always. She gives me a concerned look and sets down the make-up she was holding. "Are you okay? You don't seem excited for your one and only sixteenth birthday."
    I sigh and give her a small smile. "I am. I'm just kind of nervous, I guess. And I'm not really in the party mood," I mumble.
    "Oh, get in the party mood!" She exclaims. She grabs the make-up again, and starts primping. I study her determined face, and her soft strokes as her hands brush against my skin. After what seems like a while, she's finished with my face and moves on to my hair, which she loosely curls. When I'm finished, I stare into the mirror, my pale pink lips letting out a gasp. I don't even recognize myself, it seems as if I've come from another world; where eyes sparkle, skin shimmers, and hair shines.
    "I-I look," I begin, "Amazing."
    "Of course you do, now head downstairs. Your guests are waiting," she teases.
    I grin, and throw my arms around my mother. We both laugh, and I let go, blowing her a kiss as I exit the door. The grand staircase that leads down to the party looks too pristine for me to lay my feet on. But the excited glances and finger pointing from the people below invite me to make my entrance. I swiftly walk down the stairs, a wide smile stretching across my face. I wave to everyone and they all shout, "Happy birthday, Clarisse!"
    Suddenly, a gunshot echoes throughout the room, the lights flickering off. Frightened eyes turn my way, shrieks bouncing across the walls. I try to clam everyone down, when I hear a familiar yell; coming from my best friend, Arielle. The dim candle lights on each table are still lit, so I'm able to make out a shadowy figure clutching onto Arielle. I yell, but unfortunately, that causes the figure to choke her tighter, sneering at me, "Come and get her."
    "Oh, you bet I will, " I hiss. My long gown and high heels slow me down when I try to run to Arielle, and others are blocking me. I know I'm about to reach her when I realize I'm just a split second too late.
    "No!" I yell, as his silver knife sinks into the pale skin of her neck. I launch myself at the both of them, but the figure darts out of the way and is gone. Tears pool in my eyes and rain down my cheeks as I gather Arielle in my arms. She looks at me and squeezes my hand, draws in her last breath, and closes her eyes for the last time. Then she's gone.
    I guess I would've chased after the horrid murderer, but I'm frozen as I feel the stinging pain in the center of my back. I slowly slip my arm around, and feel the cool surface of a bullet. I glance at my bloody hand and I fall to the ground beside Arielle. My skin gently touches Arielle's, the metallic smell of blood lingering in the air. Then I black out, and I'm taken away by the darkness.

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. summerlovin305 summerlovin305
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 10:22pm UTC
    Daddy's Girl
    Chapter 2//Summer's POV
    "Summer? You okay?" Taylor wondered, noticing my face drop.
    "Uh, yeah! Why wouldn't I be? It's my birthday isn't it?" I stepped on the gas, speeding away.
    "Um, sure." She uncertainly said.
    I picked up the usual people, who happened to be my closet group of friends, along with the most popular people at school.
    We arrived at school and I parked in my reserved stop, closest to the front doors.
    We all got out and walked in the doors.
    In the middle was me, captain of the cheer and soccer team, and won the Miss Miami Pageant for the past two years; voted most popular girl. To my left was Taylor, the perfect best friend, co-captain of the cheer and softball team, and also played soccer, basketball, swam, and did kick boxing; voted most athletic. Next to her was Kody, played basketball and was captain of the lacrosse team, and a total player; voted cutest boy in our grade. On my right was Nick, captain of the football team, played lacrosse and baseball; voted most popular boy. Lastly, next to Nick was Cameron, played every sport possible, was never single, perfect hair, eyes, smile, everything; voted for just about everything. Let's just say he was every girls dream guy.
    I led them into the cafeteria and to our usual table in the middle.
    "I say we hit the beach right after school? Then your party starts at 7, it'll take a good two hours for you to get ready and us to set up.." Taylor said, counting in her head. "So beach from noon till like four and then back to your house?"
    I rolled my eyes at her exact plans and nodded, eyeing the huge stack of envelopes in my hands.
    "I figured you guys should be the first to get the invites." I handed them each a pink card.
    The last day of school was always on my birthday, and my friends always threw me a party which only certain people were invited to. Everyone's dream was to get my famous pink envolpes, considering it's said to be the best party of the year. And this year I was turning 16.
    Even though I didn't have a license yet and wasn't suppose to drive, I always did. No one really cared.
    The first bell rang and we separated to go to our homerooms. I got a few hugs and more happy birthday's as Kody trudged through the halls and into our homeroom. I flashed my sparkling white teeth as I entered, flashing the cards I held. Everyone grew quiet as I walked by, beaming at my presence.
    "Happy birthday, Summer!"
    "You're hair looks flawless!"
    "Oh my god, I love your outfit!"
    "You look good today, Summer!"
    People were heaping me with compliments, hoping I'd be kind enough invite them to my party.
    I carefully placed a card down on three people's desk's in the front, and wondered to the back where Tyler Roberts sat.
    "Hey, Summer. Happy birthday!" He stood up and gave me a hug. Everyone was watching us, apparently he was finally going to get up the nerve to ask me out today.
    "Are you coming to my party tonight?" I flirted, twirling a piece of my hair.
    "Depends, am I invited?" He flirted back.
    "Maybe." I winked, taking someones pen and scribbling a few numbers down on a card.
    "Were going to the beach after school, call me if you wanna come." I told him, standing up and walking over to where Kody was sitting.
    Honestly, I had no interest in him. But his popularity was growing, so I figured it would be good for me.
    I didn't like using him like this, but it's who I've become.
    I've never had a real crush before, only once. Mostly because every guy I've ever trusted enough to love has left me out of the blue and never came back.
    I turned my head and held the tears in. Knowing this day was far from perfect.
    This day has marked ten years since everything in my life went from perfect to plastic.
    Hi. :) This is my new account; my old one was 1Directionerx0 hehe. But how do you like it?
    Heheh, this is kind of confusing, but it'll explain it all in the next chapter.. I know it's boring & shiiit, but it's only the second chapter! Still have to like set things straigh and everthing. Feedback please?!
    On a different noteeee. I won't be writing tomorrow. Why? I HAVE A DOUBLE DATE. Omgggg I'm beyond excited. It's with a senior :o I'm a freshmen. It's a little weird but omg, I can't wait.. ♥
    Don't ask for reminders... Lol jk I'm gonna be nice now. Comment on THIS QUOTE. & I'll remind you for the rest of the story. :)
    MUAAAH. ;* ♥

  14. summerlovin305 summerlovin305
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 8:32pm UTC
    Daddy's Girl
    Chapter 1//Summer's POV
    "You're insecure, don't know what for!" My phone sang from underneath my pillow. I blinked my eyes open and looked at the screen. Squinting from the sudden bright light, I pressed the green answer button on my IPhone.
    "Hello?" I murmured, half awake.
    "Happy birthday Summer! I can't believe my baby is 16 already!" She faked sniffled and laughed.
    "Baby? Taylor I'm older than you!" I argued.
    "Only by seven months! But whatever, I'll be over in 20. Muwah!" She hung up the phone and I dragged myself out of bed, stumbling over to my bathroom door and into the shower.
    I let my long and wet sand colored hair fall loosely down my back as I wrapped my favorite pink towel around my body.
    I trudged over to my phone and computer and checked my texts and wall posts, smiling at the number of people who already wished me a happy birthday.
    I set down my phone and turn my spinny computer a little to the left, picking up a red highlighter. I crossed out the box for June 20th on my calendar slowly as a tear traveled down my cheek.
    "Today's the day!" Taylor shouted, throwing my door open. I quickly wiped away my tears and plastered my perfect smile on my face.
    "It's your 16th birthday, the first day of Summer, and the last day of school! Talk about the perfect day, huh?" She immediately walked over to my walk in closet and rummaged through my clothes.
    I quickly beach waved my hair and applied my make up.
    "Here, go change. And hurry!" She plopped a pile of clothes in my hands and shoved me into the bathroom.
    I got dressed in a pair a jean booty shorts and a pink ruffled and sleeveless shirt. I threw on a few bracelets and my old and worn out locket I wore everyday.
    I opened my bathroom door to let Taylor see how I looked.
    "What do you think?" I asked, turning in a circle so she could see everything.
    "You look perf! Seriously, everyone's gonna be drooling over you!" She chipped, adoring my outfit.
    "Don't they already?" I winked, grabbing my phone and sunglasses. "Let's get going, it's my turn for rides." She tossed me the keys and we hopped down the stairs and into my red convertible.
    I started the engine when I heard a faint ping, meaning I got a text message.
    I unlocked my phone and silently read it.
    Hi. :) This is my new account; my old one was 1Directionerx0 hehe. But how do you like it?
    Hehe, confusing at the end? Good. Who do you think Sky is?
    Feedback please?!
    Don't ask for reminders... SORRY! But I can't do themm./:

  15. summerlovin305 summerlovin305
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 9:28am UTC
    Daddy's Girl
    "I think that one looks like a bunny!" I giggled, pointed to a cloud in the sky.
    "Daddy, can I have a bunny?" I pleaded, rolling on my side and facing my dad who was laying beside me.
    "Sky, no sweetie. We've been over this before, you have a puppy! Don't you love Chezzy?" I nodded, silently wishing I could have a bunny to play with too.
    "But my sixth birthday is tomorrow, daddy! That's a whole nother hand!" I shouted, putting up six fingers to show him what I meant.
    "Yes, I know. But mommy and I already decided no more pets for awhile, okay?" I crossed my hands over my chest and pouted.
    "C'mon, it's almost dinner time. We should head home." He suggested, picking me up and flinging me onto his shoulders and picking up the blanket we were laying on.
    I tightly gripped both his hands as he ran across the open field, past a musky pond, and down the road to our normal looking house.
    After dinner, I slipped into bed, not wanting to sleep.
    "Just another few minutes, daddy! I'm gonna be a big girl tomorrow!" I begged. He shook his head no and tucked me in. He gave me a light kiss on the forehead and turned off the lights.
    "Goodnight princess, see you in the morning." He cooed, slowly closing my door.
    I shut my eyes, and awaited for the best day ever to come.
    Hi. :) This is my new account; my old one was 1Directionerx0 hehe. But how do you like it? Btw, this story isn't going to be from a 6 year olds POV the whole time.
    Feedback please?!
    Don't ask for reminders... SORRY! But I can;'t do themm./:

  16. MegaDirectioner MegaDirectioner happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 2:54pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. CuddlePanda CuddlePanda
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 8:09pm UTC
    It was an emotional wedding.
    Even the cake was in tiers.

  18. Maddi Motionless* Maddi Motionless*
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 9:30pm UTC
    I seriously hope that no one that doesnt really know me from my school see my witty.... They'd think I'm crazy...

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. Jasmine112 Jasmine112
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 1:31pm UTC
    Fave this and I'll blow your notifications up ♥
    Sorry it's not a quote♥


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