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  1. jimmy365 jimmy365
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 8:49pm UTC
    I am strong because
    I am weak
    I am beautiful because
    I know my flaws
    I am fearless because
    I have been afraid
    I am smart because
    I have been stupid
    I can laugh because
    I have known sadness

  2. nevercutyourbeautiful nevercutyourbeautiful
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 6:34pm UTC
    In school
    we learn the lesson before we take the test.
    in life
    we take the test before we learn the lesson...

  3. nevercutyourbeautiful nevercutyourbeautiful
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 5:42pm UTC
    If you could take a pill,
    to kill you instantly,
    without any pain,
    would you?

  4. tt505 tt505
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 10:12pm UTC
    i f i w o k e u p f r o m a c o m a
    & Channing Tatum told me he was my husbnad, i wouldn't question it.

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 9:33pm UTC
    hauntingly beautiful
    Chapter 1
    “How was your sleep, darling?" my adoptive mother asked, settling a plate of pancakes in front of me.
    I poked at the pancakes with my fork, watching as they deflated.
    "Fine." I moodily grumbled.
    My adoptive mother frowned, as she twisted her lips, turning to the sink to wash the dishes.
    I gulped, feeling guilty.
    I knew I shouldn't be so cold towards her, since she did get me out of the orphanage a year ago, but it was just a bad habit of mine.
    She tried to enter her way into my life, but it was hard for me to accept and trust her.
    I ate the pancakes silently, as the sweet liquid of the syrup drenched down my throat.
    As soon as it was time to start heading to school, I rinsed off the dishes.
    I started walking to school, as my old beaten up Converse shuffled on the cement.
    I dreaded going to school, since I was, sterotypically, the school's outcast.
    I was declared the schools outcast, just because I was so shy and quiet all the time.
    "Loser coming through." the brunette witch snickered, as I walked by her.
    I cringed, as I tried my best to ignore the giggles that filled the atmosphere.
    I quietly staggered to my lockers, as I dialed my combinations lock.
    I grabbed my books, as I placed them firmly in my hands.
    I began to speed off to class, to avoid anymore confrontation from anyone who had a higher status than me at this school.
    Just as I was about to head to class, a tall, masculine jock bumped his shoulder agaisnt mine.
    My textbooks went flying, as they piled on the floor one by one.
    "Oops, sorry." the jock sarcastically smirked.
    I grunted silently, bending over to pick up the books.
    As I looked back up, I noticed that one of the jocks had turned back to me.
    His eyes stared at me with pity, as I narrowed my eyes away in disgust.
    Being bullied was a daily routine for me, and I didn't need sudden sympathy.
    Especially from one of them.
    I entered class, as I dazed out the window, not paying any attention to what the teacher was saying.
    I had already read ahead in the lesson, so listening was just going to be a waste for me.
    My eyes became heavy, as my breathing grew slow.
    My eyes suddenly shut, as I went off into a nap.
    Immediately after closing my eyes, my father's bloodshot eyes appeared in my dark vision.
    A shriek escaped my lips, as my eyes snapped open.
    The classroom became silent, as everyone's eyes stared at me.
    I face flustered as I stared down at my desk.
    "What a freak." a rude boy snapped from the back of the class.
    I sniffled, feeling my heart calm down slowly.
    "Is there something wrong, Miss Monroe?" my teacher asked, raising an eyebrow.
    I breathed in and out slowly. "May I go to the bathroom?"
    My teacher briefly rolled his eyes. "Take the pass."
    I scurried out of my seat, as I grabbed the pass, shooting out of the door.
    I went in the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face.
    The picture of my fathers angry eyes kept staring back at my reflection through the mirror.
    I grasped the counter of the sink.
    "Everything will be okay." I whispered to myself.
    I stepped out of the bathroom, as I began heading back to class.
    Just as I was about to make a turn at the corner, my head bumped into someone.
    "Crap! Watch where you're going!" the jock that pitied me retorted.
    I stared up at him with fearful eyes, brushing by him swiftly.
    "Are you okay?" he suddenly asked.
    I stopped in my tracks, not bothering to turn around.
    When he figured that I wouldn't reply, he asked again. "I asked, are you okay?"
    I turned back to him, almost scared.
    I nodded.

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. ForeverYounq_ ForeverYounq_
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2012 9:40pm UTC
    1 fave = 1 hug.
    comment me something
    to make me feel better :(

  9. SometimesYouNeedLove SometimesYouNeedLove
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2012 9:01pm UTC
    i have a confession. I'm bulimic and i cut.
    if your best friend told you this, would you still be there friend? fave if you would because i'm afraid to know what mines gonna say..

  10. wittygiraffelover wittygiraffelover
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2012 7:48pm UTC
    I was about to go when the
    light turned green, but my grandpa told me to stop.
    I slammed the brakes,
    as a semi blew through the red light.
    It would have hit me had I gone.
    I had to pull over
    cause I started crying so much. Why?
    because I was alone in the car.,
    my grandpa passed away in august.
    nmf. credit to 6 billion secrets.

  11. Cutecat0413 Cutecat0413
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2012 6:43pm UTC
    Forever lost inside my mind; the monster I've become.
    So empty, torn, and twisted now; only recognized by some.
    They knew me once, I know they did, before I went insane,
    Before I gave away my soul to the devils of the pain.
    They broke me dear, they took my heart and told me not to cry.
    I didn't cry though, I stayed strong, 'cause I'd rather lose than die.
    People change dear, it's not your fault; you never let me down.
    The steady flow that kept me standing, slowly let me drown.
    My eyes grow red and tired now, because I chose to play with fire.
    The smoke now burns within my heart, but I never trust a liar.
    Society broke through my skin and left once all was gone;
    An empty shell of memories, but the story still plays on.
    I trusted them, I shouldn't have; they stripped me of my pride.
    My sanity was taken dear, but they were never satisfied.
    A pounding in my shallow head, dwindled to a stop.
    And the beating deep inside my chest, began to slowly drop.
    My hands grew cold and shaky, but my energy stayed strong.
    I crumbled from the pressure dear, and knew it all felt wrong.
    I feel so helpless dear, against my own pitied self control;
    But dear, don't try to find me, for the monsters took my soul.


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