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Best Mommy Quotes This Week

  1. DeathlyHallows DeathlyHallows
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2013 8:55pm UTC
    Shoutout to Steve's mom.
    Without you, there's no witty.

  2. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2013 3:17pm UTC
    Dear Mother,
    Remember when you used to dress me up and I wouldn't even complain? Remember how good it felt when I went to sleep early, and woke up and got ready for school without hassles? Remember when I used to cry at the small things, and not over boys? I'm not like that anymore. I wish I could be... but I'm not. I'm growing out of the little girl you raised up and loved. I wish I didn't have to... but I do. I have to grow up. When I was younger, I used to dream about being "grown-up" and being like the older girls. But now I regret it. Now I wish I was a little girl again. That little girl that had no homework to worry about, no boys, no period mood swings, no future to wonder about. That little girl that ate chocolate without thinking of what it would do to her body. I want to be that little girl again, but I can't.
    Now it's all about insecurities and disappointed feelings and regrets. Now I can't go anywhere without feeling slightly self-conscious. I can't do pretty much anything in front of boys without being disrespected by them. You see, mum, I have this fear. This fear of if I wake up one day and well... everything is gone. I'm afraid of life, mother. I'm afraid of what'll happen after life. I'm afraid of being hurt, of letting people in, of falling in love and staying in love. I'm afraid of creating my own family... Am I a good role-model mum? Do you think I deserve to be happy?
    It doesn't take a genius to understand that nobody is perfect. Yes, mother, I made mistakes and I still do. Sometimes it feels as if I'm not good enough, for you or for anybody else. I feel like you're not proud of me, and that you expect more from me. I feel as if you'd rather have another daughter instead of me, considering the amount of times you've compared me to other girls out there. Don't you see how much it hurts me mama? It hurts me so much when you compare me with other people. It hurts me when you cry but it hurts even more when I'm the reason.
    I wish I could make you proud.
    And one day mama, I will. I will make you proud. I'll make you proud of me; proud of being my mother. I'll make you happy, and I'll make you smile. I won't let you down.
    But for now, please let me figure out who I am. I never want to disappoint you, of course not, but I don't want to disappoint myself either. I want to be happy. That's all I want. But I want you to be happy too, mum. I know I'm not that little girl you and I both wish I still was, but I've grown and I've learned. I've made mistakes but I have learned mama. I hope that one day, I'll make you proud. I want you to be proud of me.
    I love you mother, despite our arguments and our fights. Despite how many times I've (regrettably) wished you weren't my mum. Despite how many times I've cried because of you, and how I felt like I wasn't close enough to you. I still love you and I always will. If I made you upset, well, mama....
    I'm truly sorry.
    Love, your daughter.

  3. notgivinafuuuck notgivinafuuuck
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 1:43pm UTC
    {Father's speech at my wedding}
    "I remember having tea parties in her room when she was 6. Being obsessed with boybands through her teen years. There was one day I walked into her room and she was hanging up posters of a new band. I asked "How long will this one last?" She replied "It's different this time." I never imagined that one day I would be giving her away to one of those boys from a poster in her old room, but I'm happy it's him. He makes my little girl happy. That's all that matters."

  4. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2013 5:03pm UTC
    My mom's the best.
    While I'm freaking out about college, crying hysterically, she's just staring at me. So once I finally calmed down and wiped my eyes she says, "Even after you cry, your eye makeup still looks perfect. I can't stand you." And she gets up and stomps away....
    Needless to say I'm laughing now.

  5. ily44forever ily44forever
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2013 4:27pm UTC
    Kid: Mommy, what made you decide to give me this name?
    Mom: Well Stacy, I have a very simple answer to that question.
    Mom: Simply because, Stacy's mom has got it going on.
    Mom: She's all your father and he waited for so long.
    Mom: Stacy can't you see, you're just not understanding.
    Mom: I know you think it's wrong, but your friends in love with your hot mom.

  6. Heartless17* Heartless17*
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2013 10:59pm UTC
    ♥--------------------- ---------
    When a mommy and daddy
    Skateboard love each other very much...
    They make tiny babies....
    Called tech decks....

  7. *Freedom* *Freedom*
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2013 10:13am UTC
    Me: *Shopping for bras*
    Me: *Sees hot guy coming*
    Me: Mom, hold the bras quick. I don't want him looking at me.
    Mom: I don't think he'd even look at you without the bras.
    Mom: And I'm not kidding.
    Worst Part You Ask?
    True Story.

  8. sweetiexpie sweetiexpie
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2013 10:10pm UTC
    *This is my first time back on witty since my daughter was born (: *
    Her name is Venice Charlotte Rose
    She was born April 21st and she is beyond beautiful
    Witty, I'm a mom!

  9. CaitlinAtTheDisco* CaitlinAtTheDisco*
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2013 11:23pm UTC
    Me: *watching Legends of the Hidden Temple with my Mum*
    Person: *struggling to put together the three pieces*
    Mom: How are they not getting it?
    Mom: They're so stupid!
    Me: Mom, they're kids.

  10. Just_Hold_On_To_Hope Just_Hold_On_To_Hope
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2013 8:36pm UTC
    Me texting my mom
    hey mom
    there is a reason i'm texting you, and it isnt to say hi
    no habla (hablo?) Espanol
    wtf erase that text
    hey remember when you took me shopping? Yeah i dont either
    when i come over can you buy chips and nacho cheese?
    plot twist- you are planning on surprising me with tom daley
    I bet youre spending time with your other two daughters huh?
    mom i though u loved me ;.(
    jk seriously though can you buy those chips?
    Fa la la la la la la la la
    I was taking a shower...
    Oh heh awkward...

  11. FallenAngel* FallenAngel*
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2013 1:50pm UTC
    *how a normal mom tells her daughter she is fat*
    "Honey, I think you have put on a little bit of weigh"
    *how my mom tells me I am fat*
    "Girl, your butt is the size of America"

  12. kowhyda* kowhyda*
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 4:33pm UTC
    What's wrong mommy? Aren't I beautiful?

  13. help_me_im_drowning help_me_im_drowning
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2014 9:37pm UTC
    Confession 26
    If it wasn't for the lack of money and my mother being so judgemental about getting a professional job...
    I'd be covered in tattoos already.
    (fav for more)

  14. xxUntoldXXSecretsxx xxUntoldXXSecretsxx
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2013 9:52pm UTC
    I stand and watch from the other room.
    Your fists start to fly and I cringe with every one.
    It's not me you're hitting, but I feel mommy's pain.
    She takes the depression better than you do.
    Mommy's the one taking care of me.
    All you do is destroy all she works for.
    I love you daddy, but you have to go.
    Mommy's on the floor now and bleeding real bad.
    Your fists are all red and starting to swell.
    You never expected me to be that strong, did you daddy?
    Now you're the one on the floor, screaming for help.
    I smile sadly at you.
    If only you had let mommy live.
    Now both of us would die.
    You beg for forgiveness, and I do too.
    What I do next is so dark, and we both go to where we deserve.
    All for my mommy.
    Don't you see daddy?
    When you did this, you caused me to do what I did.
    I wish it could have been different.
    But you had to hurt mommy.
    After we screamed to stop, you still did it.
    I wish it would've been different.
    Now we both regret our deadly sins.
    For we're hanging on our own crosses as we're weighed down by our chains.
    I don't balme you daddy, we did this to ourselves.
    There's only one thing we can think about.
    Mommy's in Heaven, but we'll always be stuck in Hell.

  15. pinkish_girly_stuff pinkish_girly_stuff
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 8:21pm UTC
    That awkward moment when your home alone and you put on youtube and sing i knew you were trouble karaoke. And your mom comes in and sees u

  16. Raynniee Raynniee
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 7:48pm UTC
    My mom said to me guess who's doing the dishes tonight? I hit that Soulja Boy and said YOOOUUUUUU!

  17. daisybug2000 daisybug2000
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 8:01pm UTC
    So I was listening to a song in the car and I asked if it was p!nk
    Me: Mah is this song by pink.
    P!nk in the background(music): try, try,try.
    Mom:Yeah it's called try.
    Me: OMG you must be a genius to know that MIND BLOWN
    Mom: *evil glare*

  18. myusernameis myusernameis
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2013 6:23pm UTC
    I know we fight
    And sometimes things never seem right
    But you mean the world to me
    And without you I don't know where I would be
    I love you so much Mommy
    Happy Mother's Day

  19. EscapingtheWorld EscapingtheWorld
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2013 12:56pm UTC
    Anyone have any Unique tricks?

  20. ShaunaHeraty ShaunaHeraty
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2013 2:07pm UTC
    **********ON THE PHONE WITH MOM**************
    Yep. Ok. Alright. Yes. Ok. I will. Yeah. I did. I wont. Yup. Ok...OK. Alright. Ok. Yes. I know. I will. Ok. Yeah. Ok. Alright. Goodbye. Yeah. I love you too.... I did. Ok. Yeah. Alright. Bye. Love you. Ok. Bye...


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