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Laugh Quotes

  1. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2014 6:19pm UTC
    The greatest gift some people can give the world is to close their mouth.
    Nobody wants to hear negativity 24/7.

  2. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2014 6:14pm UTC
    I like pizza better than I like 98% of the human population. v.v

  3. FacelesAngel* FacelesAngel*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2014 11:24am UTC
    I am excited by a new day!
    I want to throw
    my pillow at a new day
    and then sleep until the
    next new day...
    And repeat.

  4. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2014 10:40am UTC
    From the moment I saw you, knew I was going to be spending the rest of my life avoiding you.

  5. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2014 2:36pm UTC
    I have the social skills of a sparkly Ugg.

  6. FacelesAngel* FacelesAngel*
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2014 1:56pm UTC
    I don't want to KEEP CALM;
    I want to LAUGH until I cry;
    LOVE until I die.
    I want to SCREAM to the world;
    And just be DESERVED.
    Life is too short to KEEP CALM;
    So LIVE until you can't;
    And LOVE when you can.

  7. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2014 6:02pm UTC
    When a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does a hipster buy its album? XD

  8. thisgirljamie thisgirljamie
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2014 11:27pm UTC

  9. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2014 9:40pm UTC
    Using a thesaurus to make your writing sound more interesting is the most elderly ruse in the tome.

  10. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2014 12:48pm UTC
    I watched Transformers today. I've spent 30mins in my garage telling my car I know his secret. He's shy.

  11. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2014 8:39pm UTC
    “Can I pet him or will he bite?” is a fun thing to ask parents that keep their kid on a leash.

  12. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2014 7:02pm UTC
    Philosopherer's Stone: We're probably gonna need to close Hogwarts.
    Chamber of Secrets: We should really consider closing Hogwarts.
    Prisoner of Azkaban: Sooo are we closing Hogwarts?
    Goblet of Fire: Someone died we should really close Hogwarts now.
    Order of the Phoenix: Nope? Not closing Hogwarts?
    Half-Blood Prince: Really guys it's time to close Hogwarts!
    Deathly Hallows: Hogwarts is kinda blown up guys, do we close it now? No? Great.

  13. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2014 2:08pm UTC
    Hungry isn’t even a feeling for me anymore it’s become a personality trait.

  14. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2014 12:12pm UTC
    If someone could find my motivation and return it to me I'll reward them greatly.

  15. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2014 11:08am UTC
    Sorry I accidentally inhaled your air guitar. XD

  16. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2014 6:49pm UTC
    If I committed a crime the investigators wouldn't be able to get my prints because my fingertips are always covered in Doritos dust. XD

  17. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2014 4:16pm UTC
    Everyone keeps saying that they want a "fairytale" wedding,
    but when I show up and curse their firstborn suddenly I’m a jerk! XD

  18. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2014 12:47am UTC
    Me on my wedding day: Wait you still like me, right? I didn't mess anything up yet, right? XD

  19. Vanessa15* Vanessa15*
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2014 7:39pm UTC
    That awkward moment when your being sarcastic and someone beleives you

  20. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2014 7:26pm UTC
    I like my coffee how I like myself: Dark, bitter, and too hot for you.


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