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Best Chapter5 Quotes Ever

  1. BrokenHeartedGirl1 BrokenHeartedGirl1
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2013 10:06pm UTC
    A New Direction.
    Chapter 5
    *Allie's POV*
    "Alright ladies," Coach Tracy echoed, "It is the beginning of our season and we are not where we need to be."
    I made eye contact with Kate. We both rolled our eyes. We were never "where we needed to be". Tracy drew on about how we needed to be practicing harder, but all I could think about was what had gone down in the locker room hours before.
    After we had finnished our gruelling dryland which consisted of 25 minutes of cardio, 10 minutes of stregnth, and 5 minutes of abs, we were off to the pool. We warmed up with a 10 minute straight swim which killed. I was so tired and out of shape. After the 10 minutes were finally over, we began our first set: 5 300 IMs. I was dying. After the first 300, Tracy had asked me to clib out of the pool. I was relieved even though Tracy terrified me.
    "Allie, I don't know if you know this, but this team is really counting on you this year. I need to see you trying harder in practice. You could be great. You really could. You just need to try."
    I sighed, "Ok I'll try a little harder."
    "Alright, get back into the water."
    Finally, it was over. I was so tired as I climbed into my ford escape and sped home. I was greeted by my parents as I walked through the door. They asked me how my day was and about practice. I waddled upstairs, and checked my phone. I had a 3 frantic messages
    from Kelsey.:
    "CALL ME ASAP xx"
    From Colleen:
    "WTF!? Allie, I'm so sorry. Call me. I'm here for you
    and another one from Luke:
    "Babe, we need to talk."
    My face dropped. It had already been a crap night. I didn't know what to do. I decided to call Kelsey, after all we had been friends the longest.
    She picked up after one ring.
    "A-Allie" she stuttered.
    "What what's wrong?" I was so confused.
    "It's Luke"
    Author's note~Love you guys! 2 chapters in 1 night! Keep reading! It's worth it!

  2. AlwaysInsideYourHeart AlwaysInsideYourHeart
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2013 3:47pm UTC
    But I Swear, I Thought You Were Perfect
    Chapter 5~ First Days, Drake's POV
    I think one of the things I hate the most about school is the first day. You can't get through ten minutes without somebody screaming or someone cutting in front of you for an intense hug of being ruinited. After finally getting through all the people, I made it over to Charlotte behind the gym. I had brought hot chocolate and donuts with me and sat next to her.
    One of the most important things you should know about me, is that, well, I like Charlotte. A lot. We're best friends, but if we could be more, I would happily be with her. We've been through so much together and she means the world to me, but I don't want anything to hurt our friendship, so my feelings stay my own.
    We spend a half hour together just talking and joking, then walked over to art for first period. When we got into the room, Char kind of froze. I knew she was really nervous for some reason, but I couldn't figure out why until I saw her looking at this guy. His name's Brian, and he seems nice, but I felt jealous to see Char look at him so long.
    I tried to remain calm and then since I knew she wouldn't do it herself, I made her go sit across from Brian. He stared at both of us for a second then complimented our hair. Char introduced us, and Brian brought up the question I had kind of been dreading.
    He asked if we were dating.
    And of course, we aren't.
    Again, short sorry.
    I promise they'll start to be
    longer chapters again. Don't
    forget to give feedback and tell
    me if you want to be on the
    notification list. Thank you for
    reading so far <3

  3. 1hockey2lax3crazy 1hockey2lax3crazy
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2013 11:23pm UTC
    Chapter Five
    Hunter's P.O.V.
    I woke up the next morning, my head and arms pounding in pain as I glanced down at the small blood pool in on my gray sheets, a razor sitting on my nightstand. I vaguely remembered having a nightmare, getting up, and pulling apart my razor. I looked at the fresh marks on my arm, getting up and finding my meds in one of my suitcase. I found the large bottle of Advil, quickly downing four pills before finding a Chuck E. Cheese tank top, a pair of compression shorts, and going into the bathroom to shower quick. I washed my long hair, frowning slightly as I noticed the colors still streaming out of the ends. I tried to clean out my arms, but the water I stung, and I didn't dare try and put soup on them. I stepped out of the water, towel drying my hair some before putting it into a high ponytail, and taping my arm after I pulled on my lazy clothes. I walked out, finding the box marked 'entertainment' knowing it would have my music book, pens, pencils, more headphones, my fashion book, colored pencils, markers, and guitar picks. I pulled out some pencils, my music, my design book, and a few guitar picks before walking into the living room where I had seen my large Martin guitar case last night.
    I walked into the large room, finding my guitar case immediately as I set down the stuff I had brought from the box. I went into the kitchen, looking for some water and something small to eat, knowing very well i I ate too much, it would come right back up. I found Ari doing the same, at some point in high school we both ended up with stomach problems, mine were from a seizure medication that just gave me more seizures, Ari's was… well we still don't know… She tossed me an apple, and a bottle of water.
    "You know me so well," I laughed catching both items.
    "What do you think I ate?" She laughed lightly as I sat down in the living room, content to stay there all day, playing guitar, recording my bad singing, and of course working on my design sketches. My life goal when I was seven was to be the first women in the NHl, while being a pop star, while being a fashion designer. Part of me still hadn't given up on that dream, but I knew it would never happen, especially not that hockey part. Ari left to go hang out with the boys, and I was rather happy to be by myself. The peace and quiet letting me tweak little things in my horrible music writing ability. I heard a soft knock at the door, knowing it was unlocked I just shouted rather then get up.
    "IF YOU PROMISE NOT TO KILL ME, YOU CAN COME IN!" I shouted loudly, my drawings sprawled over the coffee table and couch, multiple guitar picks and strings on the floor, and my music book on a stand in-front of me as I continued to pluck out notes, trying desperately to figure out what was wrong with the rhythm.
    "Hunter, I think your gonna have to rethink that policy," A thick Irish accent spoke up walking through the door. The voice was too deep to be Max.
    "I think its a fantastic policy," I said in a small voice. Still not completely comfortable with Niall. I suddenly realized all my art everywhere. I quickly started to pack it up, not wanting anyone to see any of it. I started to put the pictures I had drawn into their folder, the same with my music. Starting to put my guitar away. Only Ari and Max had seen this side of me, I wasn't even ready to have Lizzie see it, let alone Niall. A guy I had met yesterday.
    "Whats this?" He whispered picking up one of the drawings that I had clearly dropped. It was a blonde women, her blue dress curling into blonde hair and a pale yellow trench coat drenched around her shoulders. A red notebook held up in one of her delicate hands. "This is beautiful Hunter," Niall whispered sitting down next to me, taking my book out of my hands, looking through the things I had drawn. "This is all amazing," He whispered looking at artwork after artwork. I gave up around page number five, I wasn't getting the book away from him. I shook my head no, moving my music book away from him. "What's that?" He asked grabbing for it.
    "Nothing," I mumbled picking my guitar back up to put it away as Niall stole my music book.
    "Play?" He whispered, a pout forming on his face. "Please?" I sighed, taking the music from him. I started to play 'Good Riddance' by GreenDay. It was something I could play off memory, and Niall wouldn't have to listen to my awful singing. "Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go. So make the best of this test and don't ask why, its not a question but a lesson learned in time," Niall's soft, sweet voice played through the house, making my guitar ability sound like a two year old playing with pots and pans. I stopped playing, staring blankly at him. "Why'd you stop?"
    "I don't normally play in front of people. And I defiantly don't like them looking at my artwork. But, here you are, and you've done both. And I can't decide how I feel about it," I mumbled quickly as Niall's bright blue eyes stared at me.
    "How would you feel if I arranged for someone else to see your artwork? Someone that could get you a job with the boys and I. Someone that could make it so you travel with Max, Lizzie, Ari and all the boys?"
    "Niall. Don't"
    "I already have," he held up his phone, an email up, already sent, with pictures of my art.
    Author's Notes ~
    Do you guys like it? I haven't heard anything from you guys yet! Please tell me what you think, I'd love ideas too!

  4. 1hockey2lax3crazy 1hockey2lax3crazy
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 1:38pm UTC
    I Would♥
    Chapter Five
    Louis' P.O.V.
    "How'd you finally get him to do it?" Taylor asked as Niall and Hunter disappeared. I looked at her as she gently kissed my jawline.
    "He kept smiling at his phone, and I asked him who he was talking to and, I don't know. He just manned up I guess," I laughed kissing Taylor's nose, pulling her into my arms as she giggled.
    "Bout time," Taylor mumbled as Niall came running down the stairs. A smile spread across his face. "Hi Niall?" Tay smirked.
    "Hi," He said in his own little world. "Just, I'm gonna go get some water, and then go back upstairs," He almost tripped over his feet walking into the kitchen.
    "Ni," I laughed. "Why so happy?"
    "Lou," He mumbled in-between sips of water. "Are you aware your sister is amazing?"
    "I am Nialler," I smiled, thinking about how if Niall was this happy. What was Hunter feeling? "And I'd like to make you aware that if you hurt her, I will have to murder you," I stopped laughing, realizing for the first time. One of my best friends was dating my baby-sister.
    "I would never in a million years hurt her Lou," Niall smiled shyly. "I promise."
    I heard Hunter's soft footsteps walking down the hall. Her hair un-braided in a high pony tail. I pair of shorts, the same earrings and make up she had when she went to school today, and a Directioner tank-top that I had given her for Christmas. She slept in it all the time, so I guess it wasn't a completely useless gift. She smiled looking at Niall as she walked into the kitchen. Niall disappeared after her. How cute is that? Baby Niall is in love.
    Niall's P.O.V.
    I quietly followed Hunter into the kitchen as she went to grab something from the fridge. She stood up turning around and placing a blue container on the counter as I walked up behind her, gently wrapping my arms around her waist as she stood up again. I felt her jump a little, surprised that I was there and then relax into my arms. Putting her hands on top of mine. I gently kissed her temple as she took a step closer into my chest, turning around to face me in the process. I looked at her perfect brown eyes, holding her close to me. I felt Hunter bury her face in my shirt.
    "Princess?" I whispered kissing the top of her head, as she draped her arms around my neck. "Why are you so adorable?"
    "Cause your a liar," She smiled kissing my cheek and relaxing further into my arms.
    "Or your blind," I laughed pecking at her nose. I gently lifted Hunter off the ground, tucking one of my arms under her legs and walking into the living room, sitting down in the big arm chair as she curled up against my chest, tucking her head under my chin. I couldn't help but hope that Hunter never left my side.
    Author's Notes ~ Sorry it's short but I have writters block so yeah... Feedback + ideas pwease! thanks lovesXX
    Polyvore ~ http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_48/set?id=70927500

  5. Mrs_One_Direction Mrs_One_Direction
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2013 2:01am UTC
    Kiss You: Chapter Five
    Skye’s P.O.V
    It’s been a week since Harry came over to my place, and today he was coming again. My dad would be at work and Harry hadn’t met him yet. I wanted to make sure I knew Harry a bit better before my dad met him. That and I wanted to prepare Harry first. My dad could be a little… intimidating. I wanted to warn him first, I guess.
    I took his hand and led him to my bedroom. I’d made sure I put most of my posters away so he wouldn’t think I was a total weirdo. I’d left the big ones there though because they’d be hard to move without bending- and I wouldn’t want to ruin them.
    We sat down on my bed and he looked around my room. He smirked at the posters and faced me again. I wanted to know more about the real Harry Styles and see if things I read were true.
    I smiled, “I’ve read this, right?” Just ask him, Skye. “Is it true that your favourite place to be kissed is under your ear?”
    He cheekily smiled, “Why don’t you find out for yourself?”
    My heart rate picked up as I thought about leaning in. He took my hands calming my heart down but giving me butterflies. He put my hands on his shoulders, hinting something, and trying to make me relax. It worked. He was so calm and smooth about everything.
    I looked in his eyes then leaned in and pressed my lips to his neck right under his ear. After a bit, I moved away and he smiled at me.
    “So is it?” I asked.
    He laughed, “Yeah.” I giggled and he put his lips on mine. “You’re so cute, Skye.”
    “Aaw, does Harry have a little crush?”
    “I think so,” he said seductively. He resumed to kiss me and deepened it. He gently leaned onto me so I had no choice but to lean back until I was lying down. He was hovering over me with his hand resting on my stomach. He slowly slipped it under my shirt, resting it where it had been before, but this time there was no material in between. I dropped one of arms from around his neck and put it under his arm and on his back and pulled him closer to me. His hands started delicately running up and down my side and stomach, giving me shivers and Goosebumps.
    “WHAT’S GOING ON IN HERE?” a loud voice yelled. My dad.
    Harry quickly scrambled of my bed and I sat up and quickly wiped my mouth. “Nothing, Dad. I thought you were working until late tonight.”
    “I had to come back and get some things,” he told me bluntly.
    “I didn’t even hear you come in,” I said with pink cheeks.
    “I wonder why?” he asked sarcastically while eyeing Harry as he straightened himself out.
    “Uh, Dad, this is Harry,” I said hopping off my bed and standing next to him.
    “Yes, you’re in that boy band,” my dad said.
    Harry nodded and stuck out his hand, “Pleasure to meet you, sir.”
    Ultra polite, I thought.
    My dad took his hand and quickly shook it. I cleared my throat, “Well, you don’t want to miss anything at work, Dad, so off you go,” I said ushering him out of my room and taking him to the front door, leaving Harry in my room.
    “Skye…” he started.
    “Dad, I know what you’re going to say but I have a guest so can we please talk about this later? Please?” I begged, embarrassed. I quietly added, “I promise you we weren’t going to do anything and we won’t.”
    He thought for a moment and sighed. “Okay, Skye, okay. Just, be careful,” he said. He kissed my forehead, gathered his things and left.
    I groaned and jogged back to my room. Harry was standing over my dressing table playing with hair ties or something and walked over to me when I closed the door behind me.
    “That’s not exactly how I wanted to meet your dad,” he said.
    “Yeah, that’s not exactly how I wanted you to meet him either. And not how I wanted him to meet you. I’m so sorry,” I said with a laugh.
    “He just wants his little girl to be okay,” he said taking my hands again.
    I smiled, grateful that he understood. “Still, it’s not a great first impression.”
    He shrugged. “Oh well. We’ll just have to work really hard to change his mind.”
    “You’re so adorable, Harry,” I said lightly hitting his nose with my finger.
    He kissed my cheek and pulled me out of my room and into the living space. “Do you want to watch Love Actually?” I asked.
    “Sure,” he answered with a laugh. I placed the disc into the DVD player and skipped back to the couch where he was sitting. I put my head on his shoulder and arms around his waist and he draped his arm around my shoulders and the other on my hip. We stayed like that for the rest of the day, watching movies and talking all afternoon.

  6. Ireland201 Ireland201
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 7:19am UTC
    If you could see me now
    chapter 5
    Conor's POV
    "Evan wanted a horse," she whispered, stroking Teddy's neck.
    "A friend of mine," she hummed, smiling slightly.
    I never forgot that name, or the way she smiled when she said it. It was as if it were some inside joke that I wasn't part of. Or as if there were good and bad memories associated with that name. Her eyes lit up, but there was something more behind them. Something I didn't understand.
    "So, would you like lessons?" I asked, snapping her out of her daze.
    She bit her lip. "I don't know... You're lucky I'm standing this close to a horse, you want me to get on one?"
    "Go on. For the bant," I said, grinning.
    "Oh, sure. If I fall off and break my neck, you can tell the doctor "Oh, it was just for the bant,"" she said sarcastically. "What does that even mean?"
    "For the fun of it. Do it just so you can say you did. That kind of thing," I explained. "Live on the edge."
    She rolled her eyes. "Not today."
    "Can we live on the edge tomorrow?" I asked, smiling still.
    "No. Not for a while."
    It had started to rain and it was getting heavier and heavier. It pounded off the roof of the shed. I could barely hear Jodie speaking.
    "So, will I get to meet this Evan?" I asked.
    "Maybe someday. If you keep annoying me it will be sooner than you would hope," she said, the same menacing smile on her face. I still didn't understand what was behind the happiness in her eyes.
    "What are you talking about?"
    She shook her head and grinned, although it didn't reach her eyes. "It's a secret."
    "I'm a good secret keeper," I told her.
    "I don't care."
    There was a silence then, as I debated whether or not to say the next thing.
    "Are you okay?" she asked, obviouslt seeing my internal debate.
    "Um, yeah. I was just wondering if...well...is Evan, like, your...boyfriend?" I asked, feeling idiotic.
    There was a fraction of a second of silence and then her face crumpled in what could only have been agony. She sank down to the ground, burying her face in her hands. I could clearly hear her crying, even over the pouring rain and the slight thunder that had started. I stood frozen, not knowing what to do.
    She sighed, wiping away tears, looking up at me. "No, Conor, he's not."
    "Oh," was all I could manage.
    "He was, but not anymore," she muttered.
    I knelt down beside her. She looked down at her hands, at a ring on her finger that I hadn't noticed she was wearing.
    "Did you break up?" I asked, trying to sound sympathetic.
    She hesitated. "I guess you could call it that."
    For some reason, I knew she wasn't telling me half of the story. But I wouldn't upset her anymore than I already had. I wrapped my arms around her and she buried her face in my chest, still crying.
    "You're not half bad," she said when she had cried herself out.
    "Not so bad yourself, Jodie," I told her, grinning.
    She changed position so that my arms were still around her, but we were looking into each other's eyes.
    I wanted to hug her, and kiss her, and tell her she was fine. That she deserved better than Evan.
    "Thank you," she whispered. "So much."
    "Any time." I leaned my face in closer to hers. She stared up at me, an unreadable expression in her eyes.
    She flinched suddenly, making me jump. "Maybe we should go inside."
    I coughed awkwardly. "Yeah. Good idea."
    Author's Note:
    Yeah, yeah. I know. The romance chiz will start soon, so don't worry.
    Feedback? Follow for a follow. Thanks! ~Mary :)

  7. TheSmileFaker TheSmileFaker
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2013 6:17pm UTC
    Oh The Cherry Tree- Chapter five.
    ''I don't know if that's a good idea. You could be hurt-'' I started protesting at Kaii's absurd suggestion.
    ''I am not hurt. I'm perfectly fine, come walk with me. I promise it'll be worth it.''
    His voice was loud and clear, he didn't fumble for a single word. No head damage, anyway. He still had that lazy tone in his voice. The kind of tone that made him sound confident in everything he said.
    ''Okay,'' I replied simply.
    I got up and helped Kaii to his feet. He didn't even flinch, he looked fine. Better than fine. He was shirtless, and he had a perfectly sculptured stomach, his biceps were huge and his hands were rough, but firm. He was the most attractive description of a man.
    He noticed me staring and smirked. ''My shirt is ripped...'' he ..bragged? He sounded happy about it.
    ''I'll get you a big hoodie or something. Come on upstairs, we're bound to find something.''
    I led him up the first flight of stairs, and he seemed amazed at how much mahogany was around the place. It was everywhere. The floors were simple dark wood, but the bannisters were polished mahogany, giving the place a Victorian sort of air. The bookshelves were as full as could be, Mum and Dad had loved to read before he left. The carpets rich and soft, the dark red colours, the large windows. It really was enticing.
    Once we got to my room, Kaii's expression suddenly changed. Maybe he'd expected my bedroom to be dark and draped in rich colours too, but that was not the case. My room was painted a light, breezy colour, not quite white but not quite beige. My bed, wardrobe, dresser, table, couch, and every other piece of large furniture was white. The walls were bare, but I had put a little touch of myself here and there. Above my bed were some white fairy lights hanging by my head. I had a pin-board with hundreds of little photos, drawings and notes pinned onto it, right beside the dresser. The curtains were beige, and the window itself was huge. The carpet under my bed was a light shade of pink, matching my table-lamp and a few shelves filled with books.
    All in all, it was a lovely, bright room, designed perfectly for a spunky, happy teenage girl.
    I went straight to the dresser and got the biggest sweater I had. It was a dark blue, with a dove embroidered onto the left shoulder. Kaii tried to look as if he wasn't disgusted at the thought of wearing it, but failed. He put it on, though.
    ''Does it fit?'' I asked, breaking the silence. We hadn't talked at all since we came up, Kaii had been observing the house and I'd known it.
    ''Yeah, it's fine. Let's go.'' he said curtly. He led the way down this time, and I followed without argument.
    Once we got downstairs, I got my hoodie from a corner in the living room. I must have thrown it there when we had rushed Kaii inside.
    It was dark outside. Snow covered the ground as far as I could see, and it was breathtaking. But my curiousity won over my awe, and I had to find out what Kaii's deal was.
    ''You can start explaining anytime today, you know,''
    He gave me a strange look. A sort of glance, then he looked away. As if it was physicially paining him to tell me about himself.
    ''Do you believe in legends, Madison?'' he asked quietly.
    ''Very rarely,'' I replied curtly.
    ''Do you believe in werewolves? Vampires? Half-breeds? Hybrids of human nature?'' he looked at me now, and he had a sort of soft look in his eyes. They were chocolate brown now, full of warmth.
    ''No. Most certainly not.'' I said this with a definite tone, but when I looked at Kaii I realised he wasn't joking.
    ''Don't tell me you're a vampire. Or a werewolf. Seriously, don't even try me.'' I warned.
    ''I'm not a vampire, nor a werewolf.'' Kaii smiled, mischeivously.
    ''Then what the heck is this all about?''
    ''I'm a hybrid. A shapeshifter. Sort of. I'm limited, because only my mother was a shapshifter. My father was human, and had no idea about my mother being this way.''
    I couldn't help it. I laughed. He sounded so sincere, but I was sure he was kidding. Being stupid.
    ''Yeah sure okay. Now can you be serious?'' I insisted.
    ''I am being serious. My wounds not being there when you dried the blood off? Shapeshifter quirk. I'm a hybrid, so my wounds don't actually open, but the blood is as real as yours. A full shapeshifter can stop the bleeding by pure force of will.'' Kaii was talking this nonsense as if he was quoting exactly the truth. I didn't believe him of course, this was idiocy.
    ''Kaii just stop. Be honest with me and stop making up this crap!'' I snapped.
    ''I'm not making up any crap Madison. Look into my eyes, am I lying?'' he grabbed my shoulders and stared right into my eyes. This was crazy, he looked so serious. Either this guy was an amazing actor, or he was insane.
    ''My eyes, Madison. My eyes! You saw them. You saw my hybrid eyes. The yellowish colour? The crimson border around my pupil? I know you saw it! You noticed it!'' he was pleading with me to believe him.
    ''Kaii, I noticed your eyes! But why would they be brown now? Why do your eyes keep changing?!'' I challenged him to answer. He looked right at me and said: ''Because I saw another shifter,'' he said simply.
    ** So hey:) Thank you so much everyone for your favs and comments! Every single one of them means so much to me. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Chapter six should be out tomorrow, I'm sorry about the cliff-hangers. But I just love leaving a chapter on a high! :D don't miss the reveal of who the other shifter in town is. That's if, Kaii's telling the truth. Right? ;) **

  8. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2013 9:12pm UTC
    Trust me.
    C h a p t e r 5
    "Pick up! Pick UP, LYDIA!" I faintly yelled at my phone. It'd been about the 4th time I'd called my best friend, and I need to talk to her. It has been a week since I've seen Greydon, but tonight, he randomly added me on Facebook. I don't even know HOW he knows my last name.
    For the past week I've been purposely avoiding him at all costs. People whisper all the time about how Greydon and I 'coincedentely' missed school at the same time, and honestly, it hurt. I was beginning to be known for something I didn't even do.
    "Hello?" yawned a sleepy Lydia from the other line. I sighed in relief.
    "You need to come over. Like, now." I said quietly, not wanting to wake Monee or Alex.
    "Huh? Why? Is something the matter?" she slurred. I bet she's still half awake.
    "Just come over please!" I pouted, and checked my watch. It was 9:57pm, but Lydia was NOT a night owl. I probably woke her up.
    "B-but, it's late!" I could practically see her pouting.
    "No," I said firmly. "We need to talk."
    There was silence from the other line of the end, I fiddled with the hem of my tshirt. I was curled up in the living room. In mom's rocking chair.
    Lydia sighed. "I'll be over in ten."
    I bit my lip. "Okay. But hurry. I have a lot to tell you."
    **Greydon's POV
    **Earlier that day
    I unlocked my door, slinging my bag off of my shoulder as I went. I really, really couldn't keep that girl off my mind. It might just sound a bit weird, but I know she doesn't want to talk to me, so I just... Um... Spied? Observed? Not stalked, no. Of course not. But over the course of the week, whenever I saw her at her locker, if we made eye contact, she would shut her locker and leave. It hurts. She's actually scared of me.
    But how couldn't she? We're so different. Maybe that's the thing I like the best about her. Or maybe it's the way she dresses, she's always prepared. Or maybe how she bites her lip when she's nervous. Maybe it's because she's so classy when the rest of the girls in our grade are so... trashy. But honestly, when I see her, I can't see anything else.
    I walked into my living room and saw my mom on her chair, rocking back and forth peacefully. I smiled and walked over, kissing her on the forehead.
    "Hello, mom." I said, sitting on the armrest and she looked up at me with her large chocolate eyes.
    "Hello, dear."
    "I love you."
    "I love you too."
    I jumped onto my messy bed, homework done, and opened my laptop. And I remembered something.
    Today I learned Reagan's last name... A substitute was calling out full names in math and her name was called. Her full name's Reagan Bensley. I got on Facebook and added her as a friend.
    I hope she accepts.
    I've been extremely busy and I'm going to Spring Hill this weekend so I can't update this weekend either :(
    I'm sorry :(
    I hope you enjoyed this chappie tho!
    Ily guys! Time for me to go to bed c:<3 Have a good sleep and sleep well! <3

  9. aislinn325 aislinn325
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2013 7:30pm UTC
    Stepping Out
    Chapter 5
    Greyson wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. I knew he wasn't gonna kiss me. He definitely wasn't that type of guy.
    We went to the local pizza shop to get some food before he dropped me off at my house. On the way to the pizza shop, I called my parents to tell them I was with a friend.
    "I'll have a coke and a slice of mushroom pizza please." Greyson told the waitor.
    "I'll have the same." I said to him. He walked away and returned with our drinks a minute later. Then he dissapeared into the kitchen. Pizza Perfect was decorated with funky neon signs, art with food in it, and a tiled, checkered floor. Red booths lined the walls, tables stretched across the middle.
    "So what kind of things are you interested in?" Greyson asked me, staring at me deeply.
    "Well, I play the violin and I write poetry and even compose some songs every once in a while. I absolutely love music. It is litterally my life. I know everyone says that but to me, it's completely true. See I don't let the words roll over my skin. I bask in them and let them soak into my soul. I don't sit there and say 'I like this song.' I resonate with the lyrics, I feel connected to them." I blushed slightly, feeling like it was too cliche. He smiled back at me and said,
    "You must be an amazing poet. That was beautiful and so deep. Now some things about me. I write as well, just not poetry. More like short stories. I play piano and I live alone. I moved away from my parents last year. I have an apartment on Fifth and Myers. That's where we were. We weren't at my parents." His eyes grew sad and then they went blank. "I want to go to school to be a composer/pianist. You should here me play sometime."
    "Yea, I would love to." We ate our pizza and he drove me home. He walked me to the front door and said he'd see me on Monday.
    Holy crap. I think I had just made a friend. Sort of.
    woo! i got another chapter up,
    there'll probably be one (maybe two? ;) tomorrow
    feedback appreciated!

  10. xxreadytoflyxx xxreadytoflyxx
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 2:33am UTC
    .: Miss Popularity :.
    Chapter 5
    Angeline's P.O.V
    I was officially now the queen of the 2013 Fun Fair.
    I was proud, and I was now living the PERFECT life.
    Sarah moved out of the way (yeah, b/tch) and I earned my popularity back.
    So I guess this is nearly the end of my first adventure, but I have to talk to you about the Fun Fair.
    It was the best fun ever, so I have to spill it.
    So we went to the Fun Fair, and we played all the games, bought items for ourselves and for our families, and just had an amazing time.
    Sorta like, the best time ever.
    Stay tuned for Book 2, Series 1, Miss Popularity!
    Signed, Miss Popularity.
    .:The End:.
    These books are short, each will go to 5-10 chapters. I want them to be short, they are series, same characters that go on different, crazy adventures. I might be introducing new characters, but they won't be main.
    Comment for a reminder for 'Miss Popularity: Normal Sarah'!
    Teaser: I got kicked out of the newspaper staff and lost my popularity. I guess that's not the end of the world, right?
    I hope you liked this story, Series 1, Book 1, Miss Popularity!

  11. xxreadytoflyxx xxreadytoflyxx
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2013 7:44am UTC
    ♥Magic In My Eyes♥
    Chapter 5
    Regina's P.O.V
    I laughed at Leah, giggling hysterically at her anxiety.
    "Oh, don't worry Leah," I purred, chucking lightly to myself, "I've got it all under cover."
    Problem was - I really didn't have anything undercover.
    But if Leah believed me, then it'd all be fine, and I wouldn't have to stress.
    "Really," Leah said, not showing any emotion on her face.
    But I could read her face like a book, perfectly.
    She was just worried, that's all, right Regina?
    She's not going to shoot me in the face, right Regina?
    "Come on Regina," Leah urged. Her tone was calm, but she really was angry.
    "What are you going to do with her?"
    I laughed confidently, but inside I was a nervous wreck.
    "Me? What did I do? Crystal would be fine. I heard she's a strong and independent girl. I heard Emma Ston-"
    Leah raised an eyebrow unconfidently, crossing her arms, while pacing the room back and forth.
    "Why did you bring Emma Stone into this little talk? Are you really faking confidence at this moment?"
    Ava's P.O.V
    School again?
    I scrunched up my face unattractively in disgust.
    When I got there, I saw Regina in a new building.
    It was meant for girls only.
    It's basically a salon and they have a spa where they do you hair, makeup and give you manicures and stuff.
    I hate that place, only the populars go there.
    I walked inside the building, spying on Regina.
    "Oh yes! I'm captain in Science Club now! Yes, certainly! Definitely! Aw, babe, WHAT?! I can't believe you said that to me? Just defending your little friend Crystal...? You know what, faking confidence is the key. That's how you become popular. Why I change the subject you ask? I thought you wanted to listen to it...? No? Oh, okay, well OMG! There's that Ava girl I hate. How dare you defend her! She's a b.tch! Oh, yeah, about Science. I've created a few spells, mixtures and potions to put in the recipe book for 'Happily Ever After'. That recipe book is SUPER important to me. Basically, I just love to make potions and spells. I wish one day I had a fantasy, enchanted kingdom full of evil, gloom and darkness. That'll be the day when I rule the world. You think I'm not going to rule the world? Well get a spell of this! I'm going to use my communication banishment powers. Evil is where I go. And like I said, faking confidence is the key. Bye Julian! If you need any help with things, just ask!"
    That's basically what I heard Regina say.
    And she was talking to... JULIAN?
    I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time! I took a break. well I hope you guys are still interested. 2 big things revealed, wow! xoxo

  12. 1hockey2lax3crazy 1hockey2lax3crazy
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2013 6:47pm UTC
    Just The Way You Are
    chapter five
    Annika's P.O.V.
    "We're leaving. Now hurry up," I blankly stared at Cam. Should I listen to him? Which would be worse? Staying with my drunkard, sexually abusive father. Or my alcoholic brother. "Are you deaf?!" Cam shouted in a clear attempt to make me answer.
    "I-I…" I stuttered, suddenly anger crossed my mind. I felt my heart go cold. "No," I muttered. "I'm not going with you Cam."
    "Really?!" He shouted at me. "Who are you gonna run to when your little boyfriend leaves for London?"
    "You just he was. Whatever Annika. I sobered up for you," Cam spat at me, making not attempt to hide his disgust. "I sobered up long enough to get us out! Or do you wanna have your fathers third child…?"
    "Yeah Cam, long enough! What does that mean?!" I lost it, tears trickling down my cheeks. "That as soon as we get away your gonna start drinking again!"
    "GUESS WE WON'T FIND OUT!" Cam shouted, grabbing a suitcase out of his room and quickly fleeing down the stairs, out the door, probably never to be seen again.
    I walked back into my room, slamming the door behind me. I threw myself on the bed. Maybe I should have gone with him… No. I would have been worse off living with my alcoholic brother. I let out a shaky breath, tears streaming down my cheeks as I rolled over, staring at the ceiling. I thought about it again, reaching for my phone off the bed side table, quickly clicking Cam's contact. He picked up almost immediately.
    "What," His speech was clicked, angry, but not slurred like I had become accustomed to.
    "What happens if dad dies?…" I mumbled, trying to keep my voice steady so it wouldn't become evident that I was crying.
    "Sucks to be you," And with that he hung up. Cam was done with me. He had offered me a way out and I said no. So what would happen? My brother was gone, Niall and Ash would leave soon, and Bell and Julia were clueless…
    Niall's P.O.V.
    "Hey leprechaun!" Bella's voice rang cheerfully through the phone. I took a deep breath, I had to tell someone. I was leaving in a week, and someone was going to have to take care of Annika once I left. "Niall… is something wrong?"
    "Annika…" I mumbled into the reciver, it was all i could manage to stutter out. My heart beat was ringing through my ears. "When I leave… you've gotta take care of her…"
    "Niall, she's fifteen… I think she can take care of herself…" Bella laughed lightly before realizing how serious I was about it. "She is trying to-"
    "yes. And you better watch out for it after I leave."
    Author's notes~
    HEYO! Maybe more tonight, but no promises cause theres a hockey game on ;) no, totally kidding I'll write more tonight =P SOOOO... it would be very much appreciated if you guys left some feedback and ideas
    Thanks Loves

  13. Supergoth Supergoth
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2013 1:52pm UTC
    Chapter 5
    Within weeks I had clumps of hair falling out of my head. My skin was pale and saggy. I was surprised that Tyson actually stayed with me. Every second a nurse or doctor was stabbing needles in my skin. At one point, I ended up bellowing in frustration. My dad came to see me in hospital one day.
    “Listen Melody, I know I shouldn’t have walked out on you and your mother and brother. But it was the right thing for me. I am getting custody of you, you will be moving to California ASAP! How good is that, the will be much better than this junky hospital!”
    “Dad, no! I’m not moving away from Tyson! This is my life here, I know things are bad at the moment but I love him. He is here for me. He went for a cup of coffee about half an hour ago ‘cos I told him too!”
    “Melody, does it really take half an hour to get a coffee? Listen Tyson told me to give you this.” Dad handed me a note reading:
    Dear Melody,
    I am so sorry to make you feel pain.
    I didn’t wish to leave you but I couldn’t cope.
    My love for you was fading, and I have to leave you now.
    Before you get hurt. I hope for you to live through cancer.
    Tyson x
    Hot sweaty tears fell from my face. My father was comforting me but I couldn’t feel his hand, I couldn’t hear his voice. Flashes of images ran through my mind of mum and Braxton. Dads brown hair spiked around his face was covered in sweat. His lips were in a straight line as I got up and walked away. Now I was alone: no boyfriend, no mum, no dad and no brother. I was lonely. I pulled out the packs of aspi.rin from my bag. Each pill slipped dryly down my throat. My hands started to wobble and everywhere became black. Everywhere was black for a long time. Then voices came into my brain.
    “Oh Melody, why did I leave you! I didn’t mean to cause you pain!”
    “If I only not left for a cigarette! Urgh, I quit smoking!” I tried so hard to make out who it was speaking. But after a long time my eyes opened. I tried hollering to dad but he stayed on the side of my bed.
    “I know how much you must be grieving but we have to clean up Ms. Humingson. Get her ready to be put into isolation until the funeral.” I sat up and waved my hands in the air.
    “I’m here! I’m alive!” I shrieked at the top of my voice. Dads or the doctors’ head didn’t move to find me. My skin looked nearly transparent I felt my little bit of hair, nothing. Am I dead? Did I not make it through the aspi.rin addiction?

  14. Alexisiscool Alexisiscool
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2013 3:46pm UTC
    Chapter 5.
    The man who bellowed, It was Professor Smithson...Fudge it they found me and I have no wear to run, I will bump into a monk or priest and then I will be damned... I have no where too run, where do I go? They'll find. Tears scarred my eyes, I cant kill someone in a church and I cant harm them, they'll drag me out crying and screaming, and kicking then I will be screwed they'll strip me, no! Tears flooded my eyes...NOOO! "Ruby, Ruby what is it?" The chatty many asked, "Ruby my dear, those men, do you know them?" I nodded, terrified "They-they want to hurt me, they want my body they want to entrap my heart, they want my soul-They'll torture me!" I dropped to my knees weeping. "Please don't let them get me!" I begged "Please!" The man knelt down next to me and comforted me, "They cannot hurt you in here and if they do they will be damned, and you child will go to heaven!" The man said, "Friar please hide this child so she feels safer and then when she does, prehabs she might be able to fight with us. The man in the habit took me too a closet and stepped in it with me, it was a old brown wooden one. I shut my eyes, it was still hard even with the pitch blackness... I cried and whimpered, only hope was left. "Please Miss, It's okay, You will be just fine darling!" The Friar said smiling at me, pulling down his brown hood, "I promise you'll get out of this alive!" I heard screaming coming from outside the closet, horrific screaming. After which I heard burning, and foot steps running out of the church. The Guards were yelling and finally both my and the Friair fell out of the closet. Luckily the guards didn't see us, so we ran looking for somewhere else to hide. Suddenly I heard a crash, I ran to where fighting was going on, Jane was on the floor bleeding servely. The Professor stood there laughing down at her, "B//tch, you cannot defeat me, don't even try!" My hatred burned again, Jane was-Was on the floor, just like my father was, except she was still breathing and still alive! My eyes filled with the burning fire inside of me, I whipped out the diamond sword from my belt. Time TO fight For good, "Professor, Good to see you b@st/rd!" I yelled walked towards him, with sword in hand, "Oh hello child, thought you'd come to a church to fight, did you?" he laughed, I smiled deviously. "No, I think I will push you out of this holy place, its not where you should be allowed, my friend!" I pointed the sword at him pushing him outside into the open air, "Fight time!" Slashing and gashing around, we hit each other hard with the swords. I used my sword to defend myself the best I could, I leaped up and slashed face quickly, he fell back, angrily his eyes changed into a deep blood coloured red. He stood up and charged for me, I leaped up and jumped heroicly over him, back onto my feet and I slid away, corsing mud be hind me to mold up into 2 mud hills behind my feet and a trail of torn away mud in front of my toes. I was a foot above the ground, Holding the sword in front of me. I smiled, "It's killing time!" Slowly I stood up straight and ran for him, but before I did so, he shrieked out in agony, I stopped dead in my tracks looking at him, there was an arrow in his back. In the door way to the inside of the church was the man who greeted us when we came was stood there holding a bow smiling. "Killing is never right, but you may need it, use it sparingly... But with no fear!"

  15. Main Account: LoveYourLifeee* Main Account: LoveYourLifeee*
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2013 5:03pm UTC
    Dreams Don't Always Come True.
    Chapter 5
    We sit in silence as Josh takes me to school. What shoud I say to him? I'm pretty sure he
    knows what happened Saturday. "How's school going?" Did he just read my mind? Atleast the ice
    was finally broken. "My grades are really good, and cheer is going great. But, I haven't gotten any
    college acceptance letters yet." I reply. "You'll get some soon." He says, boosting my self-esteem.
    He's waiting for a reply , but I don't know what to say. We're stopped by a red light, so he leans
    forward and turns up the music. It seems like forever but we finally arrive at school. "You're gonna
    have to take the bus home, I have an interview and mom won't be home until 8 tonight."
    "Ok, thanks for the ride." I say furious. I walk onto the courtyard searching for one of my friends or
    Shane. "Over here." I smile, excited to see his face. We hug and I don't want to let go ,until I see
    Daniel looking at me as if im a piece of trash. Did Shane tell him? He never did get that far with me
    before we broke up. "Really, Shane? I can't believe you!" I storm off and can here his foot steps
    behind me. "What did I do?" He yells back. I can feel them all staring but I keep going
    until we reach somewhere we'll be alone. "Who else did you tell?" Im so mad, tears start flowing.
    He looks at me confused. "I'm not some trophy you show off to all of your friends."
    " Don't cry, Im sorry. I didnt think it would bother you, it was just Daniel." He trys to grab me
    but I turn away. "Well it does, okay, it's embarassing." I cant control the tears, im making a really
    big deal, and im not even that mad. " I dont know what else you want me to say."
    He walks away and I crouch down, cover my face and continue crying.
    Author's Note: I hope you guys are enjoying the story. I know its kind of dragging along but I can only write so much. Can anyone guess why Callie is having this mood swing? lol. Please continue to leave feedback and let me know if you would like to be notified.

  16. changed changed
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2013 12:15am UTC
    Chapter 5
    “He`s right here!” I yell as the paramedics come out of the truck.
    “Please back away miss.”
    Me, back away, excuse me but this is my best friend.
    What is going on with Colton? First he acts all weird and
    then this? I watch closely as they try to get him awake. Nothing is working.
    I hear one of the men say his pulse is reducing speed and
    that the best hope is to get him to the hospital
    as quick as possible. I begin to cry.
    One of the paramedics comes over and says,
    “Every thing is going to be okay. Is there someone that can
    come and get you and bring you to the hospital or
    do you just want to drive there from here?”
    “I think I’ll be okay to drive.”
    “Okay, if you start to feel weird or like you are swerving
    or can`t concentrate, pull over and call someone to come get you.”
    “What hospital entrance should I go to?”
    “Go to entrance F. What is your name i`ll make sure the
    guard lets you in? Are you sure you are going to be okay?”
    I see the ambulance carrying Colton disappear in the distance.
    “I`m Mary Brooks. Yes, I will be okay.”
    “Okay Mary, don`t worry everything will be alright,
    I will meet you at the hospital.”
    The man patted my back and left headed for his car.
    I stood in the exact same spot in shock watching as the
    man drove away. I stood there for about 2 more minutes
    trying to take in everything that had just occurred.
    Then I got back into my car. Shaking, I put the car
    and drive and drove towards the hospital.
    All I could see in my mind was Colton.

  17. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2013 10:22pm UTC
    The Letter. The Change.
    THE LIE.
    Chapter 5: End of April
    *Katia's POV*
    We were halfway there and I started to get really nervous. What was I going to do? How bad was everything going to be? Louis must of noticed how nervous I was because he took my hand and began making small circles with his thumb.
    "It's going to be okay," he tried to assure me.
    "What am I going to do?" I asked him. "She was my only true friend. I have no one else who truly likes me for me. Who am I going to eat lunch with? Talk with between classes? She was who I did everything with and... and..." My voice had cracked and tears were started to fall.
    "And now she's gone." I whispered.
    Louis squeezed my hand. "Its going to be okay. It will all work out. If it gets bad just call me. I'll come get you."
    "My dad, he won't... he won't let me," I stuttered. My dad had never been big on mourning. When my dog passed away I was given three hours to cry and after that I wasn't allowed to. That was hard for me, I spent countless nights up late, when everyone was asleep, crying and breaking down. I don't think it would have taken me that long to move past his death, but I had mourn in parts, crying only when no one around.
    "We won't tell him," Louis's voice was kind and gentle but at the same time strong.
    "I thought you were afraid of him," I looked over to see his reaction.
    "I am," he looked away from the road and into my eyes. "But for you I would do that." I smiled and he looked back at the road.
    I felt better, but that didn't stop the butterflies. Far to soon we were turning into the school parking lot. I glanced at the clock, 8:05. Only 10 hours of torture left. Well 8, I'm hopefully skipping track practice. Louis pulled up in front of the school. I started to gather my bags, I felt myself getting worked up as I picked up each bag.
    "Hey." I looked up at him. "Don't be afraid to call."
    "I won't," I told him. After trying to tell if I was lying for a second he leaned in and kissed me.
    "I love you." I wrapped my arms around him. I learned you can never be sure when the last time you will see someone is.
    "I love you too," he whispered into my ear. I felt a lump at the back of my throat begin to form. After a second I let him go and got out of his car. I walked up to the school doors and after taking a deep breathe walked in.


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