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Oh The Cherry Tree- Chapter five.
''I don't know if that's a good idea. You could be hurt-'' I started protesting at Kaii's absurd suggestion.
''I am not hurt. I'm perfectly fine, come walk with me. I promise it'll be worth it.''
His voice was loud and clear, he didn't fumble for a single word. No head damage, anyway. He still had that lazy tone in his voice. The kind of tone that made him sound confident in everything he said.
''Okay,'' I replied simply.
I got up and helped Kaii to his feet. He didn't even flinch, he looked fine. Better than fine. He was shirtless, and he had a perfectly sculptured stomach, his biceps were huge and his hands were rough, but firm. He was the most attractive description of a man.
He noticed me staring and smirked. ''My shirt is ripped...'' he ..bragged? He sounded happy about it.
''I'll get you a big hoodie or something. Come on upstairs, we're bound to find something.''
I led him up the first flight of stairs, and he seemed amazed at how much mahogany was around the place. It was everywhere. The floors were simple dark wood, but the bannisters were polished mahogany, giving the place a Victorian sort of air. The bookshelves were as full as could be, Mum and Dad had loved to read before he left. The carpets rich and soft, the dark red colours, the large windows. It really was enticing.
Once we got to my room, Kaii's expression suddenly changed. Maybe he'd expected my bedroom to be dark and draped in rich colours too, but that was not the case. My room was painted a light, breezy colour, not quite white but not quite beige. My bed, wardrobe, dresser, table, couch, and every other piece of large furniture was white. The walls were bare, but I had put a little touch of myself here and there. Above my bed were some white fairy lights hanging by my head. I had a pin-board with hundreds of little photos, drawings and notes pinned onto it, right beside the dresser. The curtains were beige, and the window itself was huge. The carpet under my bed was a light shade of pink, matching my table-lamp and a few shelves filled with books.
All in all, it was a lovely, bright room, designed perfectly for a spunky, happy teenage girl.
I went straight to the dresser and got the biggest sweater I had. It was a dark blue, with a dove embroidered onto the left shoulder. Kaii tried to look as if he wasn't disgusted at the thought of wearing it, but failed. He put it on, though.
''Does it fit?'' I asked, breaking the silence. We hadn't talked at all since we came up, Kaii had been observing the house and I'd known it.
''Yeah, it's fine. Let's go.'' he said curtly. He led the way down this time, and I followed without argument.
Once we got downstairs,  I got my hoodie from a corner in the living room. I must have thrown it there when we had rushed Kaii inside. 
It was dark outside. Snow covered the ground as far as I could see, and it was breathtaking. But my curiousity won over my awe, and I had to find out what Kaii's deal was.
''You can start explaining anytime today, you know,'' 
He gave me a strange look. A sort of glance, then he looked away. As if it was physicially paining him to tell me about himself. 
''Do you believe in legends, Madison?'' he asked quietly.
''Very rarely,'' I replied curtly.
''Do you believe in werewolves? Vampires? Half-breeds? Hybrids of human nature?''  he looked at me now, and he had a sort of soft look in his eyes. They were chocolate brown now, full of warmth.
''No. Most certainly not.'' I said this with a definite tone, but when I looked at Kaii I realised he wasn't joking.
''Don't tell me you're a vampire. Or a werewolf. Seriously, don't even try me.'' I warned.
''I'm not a vampire, nor a werewolf.'' Kaii smiled, mischeivously.
''Then what the heck is this all about?'' 
''I'm a hybrid. A shapeshifter. Sort of. I'm limited, because only my mother was a shapshifter. My father was human, and had no idea about my mother being this way.'' 
I couldn't help it. I laughed. He sounded so sincere, but I was sure he was kidding. Being stupid.
''Yeah sure okay. Now can you be serious?'' I insisted.
''I am being serious. My wounds not being there when you dried the blood off? Shapeshifter quirk. I'm a hybrid, so my wounds don't actually open, but the blood is as real as yours. A full shapeshifter can stop the bleeding by pure force of will.''  Kaii was talking this nonsense as if he was quoting exactly the truth. I didn't believe him of course, this was idiocy.
''Kaii just stop. Be honest with me and stop making up this crap!'' I snapped.
''I'm not making up any crap Madison. Look into my eyes, am I lying?'' he grabbed my shoulders and stared right into my eyes. This was crazy, he looked so serious. Either this guy was an amazing actor, or he was insane.
''My eyes, Madison. My eyes! You saw them. You saw my hybrid eyes. The yellowish colour? The crimson border around my pupil? I know you saw it! You noticed it!'' he was pleading with me to believe him.
''Kaii, I noticed your eyes! But why would they be brown now? Why do your eyes keep changing?!'' I challenged him to answer. He looked right at me and said: ''Because I saw another shifter,'' he said simply.

** So hey:)  Thank you so much everyone for your favs and comments! Every single one of them means so much to me. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Chapter six should be out tomorrow, I'm sorry about the cliff-hangers. But I just love leaving a chapter on a high! :D don't miss the reveal of who the other shifter in town is. That's if, Kaii's telling the truth. Right? ;) **

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Oh The Cherry Tree- Chapter five. ''I don't know

5 faves · 1 comments · May 30, 2013 6:17pm





story · writing · chapter5

Halo Angel1* · 1 decade ago
dun dun dun dunnnn :P
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