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Stepping Out
Chapter 5

               Greyson wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. I knew he wasn't gonna kiss me. He definitely wasn't that type of guy.
              We went to the local pizza shop to get some food before he dropped me off at my house. On the way to the pizza shop, I called my parents to tell them I was with a friend.
               "I'll have a coke and a slice of mushroom pizza please." Greyson told the waitor.
               "I'll have the same." I said to him. He walked away and returned with our drinks a minute later. Then he dissapeared into the kitchen. Pizza Perfect was decorated with funky neon signs, art with food in it, and a tiled, checkered floor. Red booths lined the walls, tables stretched across the middle.
               "So what kind of things are you interested in?" Greyson asked me, staring at me deeply. 
               "Well, I play the violin and I write poetry and even compose some songs every once in a while. I absolutely love music. It is litterally my life. I know everyone says that but to me, it's completely true. See I don't let the words roll over my skin. I bask in them and let them soak into my soul. I don't sit there and say 'I like this song.' I resonate with the lyrics, I feel connected to them." I blushed slightly, feeling like it was too cliche. He smiled back at me and said,
                 "You must be an amazing poet. That was beautiful and so deep. Now some things about me. I write as well, just not poetry. More like short stories. I play piano and I live alone. I moved away from my parents last year. I have an apartment on Fifth and Myers. That's where we were. We weren't at my parents." His eyes grew sad and then they went blank. "I want to go to school to be a composer/pianist. You should here me play sometime." 
                  "Yea, I would love to." We ate our pizza and he drove me home. He walked me to the front door and said he'd see me on Monday.
                   Holy crap. I think I had just made a friend. Sort of.
woo! i got another chapter up,
there'll probably be one (maybe two? ;) tomorrow
feedback appreciated!
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Stepping Out Chapter 5 Greyson wrapped his arms around me and

4 faves · Feb 4, 2013 7:30pm





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