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30 letters.

1- to my best frend.
Yo, wifey. ur pretty rad. i like your face. screw grammar. Can't wait for popcorn movie marathons. love you tons.~ I would say more, but you already know♥

2- to my crush.
you and lucy are accountable for 109384% of my happiness. love your pink hair, you sexy animated b*stard.♥ (btw, dragons ftw.)

3- to my parents.
sorry for all the mistakes I'm going to make. I wanna  make you guys proud, even if i do it the wrong way.♥

4- to my siblings.
yu guiz are absolute pains in the *ss, and ily for it.♥

5- to my dreams.
i'll meet you one day. they'll tell stories about how we conquered the world. stuff of legends, you and me.♥

6- to a stranger.
try your hardest and i'll do the same. good luck!

7- to my ex-crush.
lol, you're as close to a crush (irl) as I've had. I love how awkward we are and how wrong we would have been, cause it's a big no-no from me, I'm afraid. let's always stay this way. We're best at being friends, aren't we J?

8- to my favourite internet friend.
evie doesn't count cause she's more than that. So this is for yaz (and a lil bit of kami and harmony). You're all so lovely.♥

9- to someone i wish i could meet.
Jo, if you hadn't had that idea on the train, I wouldn't be who I am today. I'll always respect you.♥

10- to someone I don't talk to as much as I'd like to.
Catrina & Kara, you're both really cool. I feel so comfortable with both of you. Go far. ♥

11- to a deceased person i wish i could talk to.
i don't care if you're fictional. Professor Dumbledore, you had so many more stories to tell.

12- to the person who has caused me the most pain.
you've scarred me and changed me. and i forgive you.

13- to someone i wish could forgive me.
you really need to get over it, Amy. I'm not gonna change myself so you like me more.

14- to someone i've drifted away from.
i always miss you. you're the best father. ♥

15- to the person i miss the most.
i wish i knew you better.♥

16- to someone who's not in my country
suck it. scotland's the bomb. (jk let me live in your wardrobe ok?)

17- to someone from my childhood
you grew up to be terrifying.

18- to the person i wish i could be.
uphill battle. one day, i promise. ♥

19- something that pesters my mind.
...i'm so scared, but i keep failing to fix it.

20- to who broke my heart the hardest.
you are an evil, evil, evil author.♥

21- to someone i judged by my first impression of them
idc if i don't know who you really are; you are adorable and deserve the world, yu cutie.

22- to someone i want to give a second chance to.
I'm still not over it, but i'm trying, i swear.

23- to the last person i kissed.

24- to the person that gave me my favourite memory.
yu-gi-oh for life. ♥

25- to who i know is going through the worst times.
life goes on. remember that. ♥

26- to the last person i made a pinky promise to.
you are one of the lights of my life, saur.♥

27- to the friendliest person i only knew for one day.
hot damn, you were cute. sorry for J's loserly attempts at humour. im still rooting for you - do your best!♥

28- to someone that changed my life.
you will always be my best friend. ♥

29- to the person i want to tell everything to, but am too scared to.
maybe one day.

30- my reflection in the mirror.
fight on.♥

© format by PaperLung
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30 letters. 1- to my best frend. Yo, wifey. ur pretty rad. i

24 faves · 3 comments · Dec 15, 2013 1:36pm





inspirational · survey · lul · 30letters30days · cute

zoura2 · 1 decade ago
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stellarflame* · 1 decade ago
oh natsu <3
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no* · 1 decade ago
the dumbledore part :')
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