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*♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*

Status: I wish I was on here more <3

Member Since: 12 Jan 2012 10:05am

Last Seen: 4 Feb 2018 04:42pm

Birthday: October 23

Location: More than likely in my bedroom, aka my isolation from humanity base.

Gender: F

user id: 262761

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vvI absolutely love these songs, no doubt about it.vv
WOODKID ft. LYKKE LI "Never Let You Down" - YouTube
Ellie Goulding - Hanging On (Single version) - YouTube


Hi. I'm Ave. Unless you prefer to call me Avey.
I'll respond to Tris too.
I am a teenager. Obviously.
I'm in love with Divergent. Insurgent movie inspired my haircut.
I am taken as of 10/24/14 
I'm not as depressed as I used to be.
My smile isn't fake anymore.
I know amazing people and I am greatful to be their friends.
Sure, I'm quiet, but it's only because I'm thinking.
Music is my freaking life. Any song I tell you to listen to, it's my emotions.
I watch a bunch of french movies. I also take french.
I don't remember when I have been this happy.
I am in love.
I have a few friends as well who I am thankful for.

Those Few Would Be:

-My Boyfriend
-And that's about all.

Jan. 7, 2015 - Oh My God.  Steve Favorited My Quote o-o

>> 5. Steve favorited your quote. 22 hours ago <<



My Header Background Is Dedicated To Lyric, one of my best friends.



Quotes Lyric Wrote For Me

And also;
Just know this.

I love you! Even if I don't know you, I certainly care for you. So please, put down those 

pills, razor blades, and any other harmful items. Leave a comment below on my page or 

message me if you're feeling down. I get on more than you might think, and I'll reply

ASAP. <3 Thank you for understanding, I hope.

Do me a favor and make a new tab and insert this:



You won't regret it.

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  1. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2016 11:37pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    So, I am very aware that hardly anybody comes on here anymore. But, I will be trying my hardest to invite people back on here. I just got a new laptop for Christmas, so I will hopefully be here more, but I cannot guarentee it. Senior year is difficult.

  2. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2016 7:16pm UTC
    I haven't been on here in ages oh my goodness. I miss this place and my friends. I wish them all luck in their lives and hope for the best ❤️ a little update I suppose? I started this account my 8th grade year and I am nearly done half way with senior year. I am still with my boyfriend of 2 years and 1month. I am honestly so much healthier and happy- I do not hurt myself anymore, but I do have a vitamin D deficency that makes me depressed and tired all the time. If you have the app musical.ly, feel free to follow and contact me on it, my name is @aveomazin. This website helped me through so much and i will forever be grateful. Thank you. -Ave

  3. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2016 5:07pm UTC
    Forever I will miss
    The while I was on this
    For as each day I grow
    I tend to get further and go
    But don't be mistaken, I will come back
    But before then, I have to get on track.

  4. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2015 8:28am UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    And All My Dearest,
    This afternoon will be my last consistant day on witty until the new school year begins. Don't get me wrong, I will get on when I can during the summer, I promise. I will be back, this isn't a goodbye forever. So many of you have helped me through the school year and helped watch me grow emotionally. Sure, I have my downtime, but I am mainly happy. Thank you so much. Please, don't let witty die out over the summer, let it grow more. I hope that you all have a great and wonderful summer, and I hope none of you forget me. Stay strong, and fly on beauties. I will see you either when I get on during the summer, or next August. Goodbye my lovelies. Not forever though.

  5. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2015 12:48am UTC
    1. What is your middle name? Noel
    2. How old are you? 15
    3. What is your birthday? Oct. 23
    4. What is your zodiac sign? Libra & Scorpio
    5. What is your favorite color? Dark Red
    6. What's your lucky number? 23
    7. Do you have any pets? Yes.
    8. Where are you from? Hell.
    9. How tall are you? 5'4 1/2"
    10. What shoe size are you? 9 1/2
    11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Not many
    12. What was your last dream about? Me killing my ex for trying to drown my sister.
    13. What talents do you have? Sing, Draw, different things.
    14. Are you psychic in any way? Yes.
    15. Favorite song? Any Divergent/Insurgent Soundtrack song.
    16. Favorite movie? Hm. Divergent, Insurgent, TFIOS, & If I Stay
    17. Who would be your ideal partner? Someone who contacts me
    18. Do you want children? Yes
    19. Do you want a church wedding? Don't know
    20. Are you religious? Depends
    21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes
    22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? I don't think so? Wait yes. I was 3.
    23. Have you ever met any celebrities? No.
    24. Baths or showers? Showers
    25. What color socks are you wearing? Blue, grey, green
    26. Have you ever been famous? Maybe. Not.
    27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Yes.
    28. What type of music do you like? All kinds but not Jazz or Rap
    29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yes.
    30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Many.
    31. What position do you usually sleep in? The one that always is on pictures
    32. How big is your house? Moms: 2 story Dads: 1 story
    33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Nothing
    34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes.
    35. Have you ever tried archery? No, sounds fun though
    36. Favorite clean word? No (or Bruh)
    37. Favorite swear word? Hell.
    38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep? I don't know
    39. Do you have any scars? Some.
    40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Yes.
    41. Are you a good liar? Yes. c;
    42. Are you a good judge of character? Yep.
    43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? Yes.
    44. Do you have a strong accent? I have no clue. To some I do
    45. What is your favorite accent? British or Australian
    46. What is your personality type? Caring & thoughtful
    47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Probably my homecoming dress
    48. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
    49. Are you an innie or an outie? In
    50. Left or right handed? Both.
    51. Are you scared of spiders? EW YES.
    52. Favorite food? Fruit.
    53. Favorite foreign food? Send me to France and I'll tell you
    54. Are you a clean or messy person? Both.
    55. Most used phrase? "Oh thank you"
    56. Most used word? "No." "Ugh." "Awee"
    57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Depends
    58. Do you have much of an ego? I don't know
    59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? I don't know
    60. Do you talk to yourself? Yeah
    61. Do you sing to yourself? Yes.
    62. Are you a good singer? Yes
    63. Biggest fear? Dying.
    64. Are you a gossiper? Eh. Not much.
    65. Best dramatic movie you've seen? I don't know
    66. Do you like long or short hair? Depends on the person
    67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Yep.
    68. Favorite school subject? Math.?
    69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert.
    70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No
    71. What makes you nervous? People
    72. Are you scared of the dark? Sadly. I sleep with christmas lights on.
    73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? At Times
    74. Are you ticklish? Depends on my mood
    75. Have you ever started a rumor? I think once in 7th grade. It didn't catch on.
    76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? I think so.
    77. Have you ever drank underage? Not intentionally. My parents gave me some when I was a baby.
    78. Have you ever done drugs? Eh no.
    79. Who was your first real crush? In 1st grade to 3rd grade, his name was Zack. Ew.
    80. How many piercings do you have? Just my ears
    81. Can you roll your Rs? Yes.
    82. How fast can you type? Ask my NitroType game ;-;
    83. How fast can you run? Well, my quickest time for running 300 meter hurdles is 49.05 seconds.
    84. What color is your hair? Reddish
    85. What color are your eyes? At the moment they're a blue-gray
    86. What are you allergic to? Augmentin
    87. Do you keep a journal? Yeah.
    88. What do your parents do? Um, do for what? Work?
    89. Do you like your age? Um. Eh.
    90. What makes you angry? People
    91. Do you like your own name? I guess so
    92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? YES YES Jacobie Daniel for a boy, and I have different ones for a girl
    93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Both please, and if they're twins that would be awesome.
    94. What are you strengths? Leadership, I'm quite smart, and omore
    95. What are your weaknesses? My friend who died.
    96. How did you get your name? I think my mom found the name in a baby book and was all "We can't agree on anything else so do you like Avery or not?"
    97. Were your ancestors royalty? I don't think so.
    98. Do you have any scars? You asked this punk.
    99. Color of your bedspread? Dads House: Zebra Moms House: None
    100. Color of your room? Dads House: Blue & white Moms House: Soon to be red and black

  6. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2015 11:43pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    My dear wittians,
    Wednesday, May 27, will be my last day on here for the school year. I have to return my school-issued laptop on Thursday afternoon.I will recieve it again in August or September, therefor during the summer, I will get on as best I can.
    This is just a notice so I'm not here the night of saying my summer goodbyes.

  7. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2015 10:49pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    "Find You"
    Silent love is calling faith
    To shatter me through your hallways
    Into echoes you can feel
    And rehearse the way you heal
    Make them dance
    Just like you
    Cause you make me mo-o-ove
    Yeah you always make me go
    I'll run away with your foot steps
    I'll build a city that dreams for two
    And if you lose yourself
    I will find you
    High on words
    We almost used
    We're fireworks with a wet fuse
    Flying planes with paper wheels
    To the same Achilles heels
    Make them dance
    Just like you
    Cause you make me mo-o-ove
    Yeah you always make me go
    I'll run away with your foot steps
    I'll build a city that dreams for two
    And if you lose yourself
    I will find you
    (yeah you always make me go)
    Open up your skies
    Turn up your night
    To the speed of life
    Turn up your night
    Put your love in lights
    Turn up your night
    I will find you
    Make them dance
    Just like you
    Cause you make me mo-o-ove
    Yeah you always make me go
    (yeah you always make me go)
    I'll run away with your foot steps
    I'll build a city that dreams for two
    And if you lose yourself
    I will find you
    (yeah you always make me go go go go go)
    Turn up your night
    (go go go go)
    Turn up your night
    (go go go go turn it up turn it up)
    Turn up your night
    I will find you
    Make them dance
    Just like you
    Cause you make me mo-o-ove
    Yeah you always make me go

  8. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2015 10:26pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    Idream every night to just get close to you again. As close as we used to be. Young teenagers in luck of finding eachother, happy to talk at any given moment. Now it just feels like I am distant from you, not even being able to know where you are anymore. It causes me slight pain in my chest, just wishing that you'll come and tell me everything you haven't got to tell me or say how much you miss me. It's just a constant waiting game.
    Can't we just go back to the way we used to be? Can you be that boy I fell in love with? Who was happy to be at his friend's house and always helped out, even when you were with me? Now you just sleep at your friend's house and don't help with anything anymore. You don't tell anyone where you go or what you do.
    I feel pushed away from you, don't you understand? It's killing me inside.
    Please, be the boy I fell in love with.

  9. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2015 6:46pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    I 'm not sure how to feel anymore.
    I'm so done.
    This may or may not be the last thing I post.
    I doubt it will be, but if it is,

  10. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2015 11:33pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    I still think it's kind of cool that I used to be on cheer team with this girl, I go to school with her, and she lives not too far from my house.
    It's awesome cause she's super nice as well.

  11. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2015 8:52pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    That Delightful Moment When I Discover That I Needed To Run 49.10 Seconds To Qualify To Go To State, And I Ran A 49.15 At My Last Track Meet Of The Season

  12. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2015 6:44pm UTC
    - Name: Avery
    - Eye Color: Blue, changes to gray
    - Hair Style/Color: short, red/brown hair
    - Height: 5'4 1/2"
    - Clothing style: more towards a fashionable hipster?
    - Best physical feature: Probably my eyes
    - Your fears: Inject me with a serum & you'll find out
    - Your guilty pleasure: games, reading, my boyfriend, track
    - Ambitions for the future: Well.... tattoo artist, cosmetologist, artist, photographer, & counselor. I know, a lot.
    - Your first thoughts waking up: "Ugh, more sleep"
    - What you think about most: School work, Track, my boyfriend
    - What you think about before bed: If I did my homework
    - You think your best quality is: I'm smarter than I look. I can solve things quickly.
    - Single or group dates: Never been on any. Must wait until this year's birthday.
    - To be loved or respected: Both.
    - Beauty or brains: Brains, my boyfriend know's stuff.
    - Dogs or cats: Both.. but I'm allergic. Oh well.
    - Lie: I have been getting better at not doing so
    - Believe in yourself: At times
    - Believe in love: Yes
    - Want someone: Have someone
    - Been on stage: Yes
    - Done drugs: No
    - Changed who you were to fit in: Probably when I was younger.
    -Favorite color: green, red, or black. Actually, anything but yellow and orange.
    - Favorite animal: Elephants, Zebras, monkeys.
    - Favorite movie: Divergent/Insurgent, TFIOS, If I Stay
    - Favorite game: FairyTale Fights at the moment
    - Day your next birthday will be: October 23rd
    - How old will you be: 16 (Finally)
    - Does age matter: Depends on situation
    - Best personality: honesty, funny and awkward, personality.
    - Best eye color: Any (Boyfriend has light brown/hazel)
    - Best hair color: Any (Boyfriend has dirty blonde/brunette)
    - Best thing to do with a partner: smile, laugh, and just talk
    - I love: food, Divergent, my boyfriend, my friends, family.
    - I feel: in pain. Stupid throat.
    - I hide: my anxiety and discomfort.
    - I miss: my good grades.
    - I wish: to succeed and live a happy life

  13. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2015 8:26pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    Dear Veronica Roth,
    I will never forgive you for ruining my thoughts and hope.
    A Fan Who Hates Herself

  14. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2015 9:24pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    Some People's Intelligance Makes
    Me Want To Vomit.

  15. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2015 10:33pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    That lovely moment when I find myself confused and sort of in the middle of my boyfriend and his ex girlfriend's fight.

  16. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2015 9:51pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    Am I the only person who has an iPhone 4 and my stupid iMessage isn't working and won't turn on? Just me?
    Okay. Proves how much of a loser I am.

  17. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2015 8:00pm UTC
    Bold All That Apply
    I'm female
    My hair is naturally brown
    I like pizza
    I am british
    My favourite colour is Purple
    my second favourite colour is Blue or Pink
    I am afraid of heights
    My favourite food is italian food
    I love walking in the rain
    I have a pet cat
    My hair is below my shoulders
    I have a boyfriend
    I cant drive
    My favourite icecream flavour is mint choc chip
    I empathic - I feel other peoples emotions
    I am afraid of dummies/dolls/puppets/robots etc
    I've had 3 serious boyfriends so far
    I have 2 sisters
    I have 0 brothers
    I had a twin but it died before I was born
    I will try almost anything once
    The sound of the hoover/vacuum makes me go to sleep
    My parents are still together
    I have a sibling I don't get along with very much
    I have green eyes
    I can't watch anyone suffer even people I don't like
    I listen to music for the lyrics and their meaning more than anything else
    I am a contradiction I can be two exact opposites both at the same time
    Abuse of any sort infuriates me considerably
    I have really small feet
    People often misunderstand me or believe false rumours about me
    My father has or does work in a law related job i.e. prison officer, police, drug rehab etc
    My mum is a carer or nurse
    I wish I could be a abnormal psychology studier and criminal psychologist
    I have a sight problem
    My house is near the sea
    I am fascinated by Urban Legends and scary stories in general
    I find it hard to trust people
    I'm a lover, not a fighter but if you push me, I can turn into the latter
    I look younger than I am
    I act or used to act older than i am
    More than one boy is currently crying for my love/attention even though I'm in a relationship
    I am afraid of nobody really liking me
    I love taking quizzes, doing surveys and learning new trivia
    Total so far: 25
    Ok, times your total by 2.
    Put here or at top how much your total is: 50

  18. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2015 7:29pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    Beating the drum like dum di-di-day
    I like the dirty rhythm you play
    I wanna hear you callin' my name
    Like, hey ma ma, mama, hey ma, mama

  19. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2015 7:18pm UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3
    So Basically,
    If my family, friends, or boyfriend ask me what I want as a gift,
    I will simply tell them to go find me on Wanelo,
    Click on the section that says "Things I want as gifts",
    and ta da. Literally an online 'store' full of Ave.
    And you won't have to ask if I like it, because if it's in there I obviously do.

  20. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2015 12:48am UTC
    AT&T M CELL 11:52 PM 99%
    You are basically the best thing that has ever happened to me. You treat me like a princess, you don't hide things and lie to me, and I just wanted to tell you that I love it. I am practically nothing without you by my side.


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