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Status: i'm just a little black rain cloud

Member Since: 16 Dec 2011 06:44pm

Last Seen: 19 Oct 2024 03:14pm

Birthday: April 24

Location: Hyrule

user id: 251359

37,706 Favorites
68 Following
382 Comment Points
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stories of music . stories of dialogue . judy garland  .  hannah hart  .  rose dix   .  seabird  .  the   killers . eisley . tigers . bunnies . elephants . longboarding  .  tattoos  .  skinny ties  .  ears  . legend of zelda  .   pokemon 

i like
amenah so be a dear and check that cutie out . if you're feeling extra beautiful today, you should also say hi to noa  .  and this one's been with me from the beginning

01-08-12 matthew
??-??-12 emilyanne
02-06-13 courtney
03-17-13 caleb
05-04-14 alexander

steve followed me 05-23-14 if that means anything to you

a wise woman once said, "when you know yourself, it's only yourself you have to answer to...for...to"


  1. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2017 3:21pm UTC
    Everything ends or dies or gets taken away
    Fxck bittersweet
    And me
    Until I forget about the trains and stuff like that
    You shouldn't be hearing this
    I shouldn't be saying it
    But to hell with me and all my wanderlust
    This is all just feelings gushing right?
    Stream of consciousness
    Don't take it personally
    But I want to get out with you
    t.s., explicit

  2. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2017 8:54pm UTC
    five things i learned about myself last year
    1. i am not impatient. i am restless.
    2. i'm not a people pleaser.
    3. practicing reckless optimism is not nearly as hard as knowing when to let it go.
    4. the third cigarette is the hardest to light.
    5. i can cry. i just have to let myself.

  3. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2016 5:16pm UTC
    shake me till my neck breaks
    i'm not one of your demons
    (ignorance is bliss, isn't it?)

  4. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2016 1:59pm UTC
    i 've got plans to get to you
    you know, don't you know?

  5. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2016 3:51pm UTC

    dazzle me, dazzle me (throw away your gold). you'll never be what you wanna be with all that money.

  6. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2016 8:07pm UTC
    e y e s like broken christmas l i g h t s

  7. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2016 7:51pm UTC
    << fifty words for murder >>
    ( a n d i ' m e v e r y o n e o f t h e m )

  8. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2016 7:29pm UTC
    bury your motives
    bury your pride

  9. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2016 4:44pm UTC
    august favorites
    ice cream cake. kt. skinny jeans. weddings. iced tea. woe is me. sleepovers.
    vaping. anticipation. driving at night. striped socks. super smash bros. kudos.
    turning coworkers into friends. bufferingbook.com. biking. black nail polish.
    getting lost. asking the waiter for more free bread. expo markers and a white
    board. audrey. sugar skulls. storage trunks. halloween. pancakes. classical
    guitar. emperor's new groove. two-part inventions. morning air. laced fingers.
    waffle cones. brandon flowers. piggy-back rides. glitter. don't stop believing.

  10. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2016 10:26pm UTC
    every facet of my head hurts--my mind, my jaw, my ears, my eyes are on fire. my stomach is churning. i'm hunched over, sitting on a chair in my kitchen, staring at the medicine cabinet. i just want it to stop.
    i am holding a bottle of pills. my hand is shaking, causing the capsules to rattle. my face is contorted, my eyebrows are permanently furrowed. the fan above me creates a buzzing noise that blocks out any voice of reason i could be hearing.
    the bottle is on the floor, the cap is broken off. all the pills are gone. my shaking has gotten worse. i've started sweating, and drops of it sting my eyes. they blur my vision. i don't care. i feel like i'm going to lose everything i've eaten today. i pound my fist on my thigh, and the bruises that are already there scream. i grit my teeth.
    my jaw aches worse than ever. my abdomen is sore. i'm gasping curses on myself. i've thrown up four times. i might pass out if i do it again. there was a time i would've died rather than vomit. i wish i was dead. wasn't that the whole point?
    i am asleep on the bathroom floor. my toothbrush is laying on the side of the sink, next to an open tube of toothpaste. my dreams are black.
    i cough myself awake. my skin looks dead. my toes are numb. my throat is raw. i take a shallow breath and stand up. my legs are wobbly. my body aches from sleeping on the hard tile. i force myself to take a shower. i try not to look at myself in the mirror.
    my back is against my matress. judy garland is playing from my ipod. her voice soothes me. i unclench my fists. i will be okay. i will be okay. i will be okay.

  11. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2016 7:12pm UTC
    relapse, r e l a p s i n g, detox, d e t o x i n g

  12. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2016 7:02pm UTC
    i missed you as soon as i let you go.
    i tried to tell you i love you, but i am not very brave.
    no, n o t a t a l l.
    -T.s., traveling breaks my heart

  13. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2016 6:46pm UTC
    or should i just get along with myself?
    i never did get along with everybody else
    i'm trying to do what's right

  14. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2016 6:39pm UTC
    my w a v e, my s h a r k, my d e m o n in the d a r k
    (the blue tide pulling me under)
    my s o u l, my h e a r t, pull e v e r y t h i n g apart
    --are you gonna be my love--

  15. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2016 6:30pm UTC
    the stars in the sky are about to cry
    "we hate to see you go"
    (the stars in the sky are about to make us liars)

  16. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2016 11:00pm UTC
    july favorites
    travel. twilight princess. old friends. woodchips. baby grands. backpacks.
    first hugs. long-awaited meetings. lemonade. my little pony. candle light.
    jean jackets. popcorn. lilo and stitch. smash mouth. brutal honesty.
    sleeping in. cotton candy sunsets. flowers. alex vause. insomnia-induced
    confessions. converse. calling kaete. hanging upsidedown off my bed.
    planning skype dates. klondike bars. dollar tree. grandparents. over-sized
    t-shirts. jordan almonds. btvs. headphones. the pink elephant. forest roads.
    city bridges. skipping stones. front pikes. baseball. patience. apologies.

  17. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2016 11:46pm UTC
    i promise to be good to you. i could never hate you. you are not toxic. please listen to me. you are the sun. you are the moon. you are the stars, wrapped into human form. and i am not much. but i prommise to be good to you. i could never hate you. you are not toxic. please listen to me.

  18. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2016 12:03am UTC
    you deserved the universe. you deserved it all.
    your name was always caught in my throat. now it is flowing freely off my tongue, and i wish you could hear just how often. but that would change everything.
    i always wanted to know you. dare i say i do?
    my ears itch for your voice to say i can come in. i don't want to intrude. i don't want to intrude. i don't want to intrude. but i want to u n d e r s t a n d.
    stranger is such a harsh word.
    i think i'm in love. ((everyone here leaves so quickly, i hope you linger.))
    i should have told you back then.
    but you deserve the universe. you deserve it all.
    -T.s., friends come and go

  19. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2016 11:38pm UTC
    june favorites
    comic strips. motorcycles. haikyuu!!. willow. camper mail. twitter talks with amenah.
    amenah. amenah. trash punk. scene kids. spine kisses. scary movies. oh wonder. audio
    books. short hair. late night showers. three am. sunglasses. wizard of oz. slushies.
    orange juice. running away from eliza in target. holding hands. my sisters. star wars.
    geometric tattoos. trucks. blaring music out open windows. bonfires. vocal layering.
    bedtime stories. christina grimmie. power thighs. taking my friends on dates. care
    packages. galaxy purple. the neighbor's cat. waffle cones. old sneakers. pride.

  20. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2016 3:38pm UTC
    nineteen years, but i got nowhere to be


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