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Member Since: 17 Nov 2011 12:57pm

Last Seen: 17 Jul 2012 12:48pm

user id: 239601

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 They scream louder this time,
and there's nothing you can do.
You know you are everything they never wanted,
And it's just so clear to you.

Pulsing music from your iPod drowns there voices out,
but you know that it won't stop them from fighting;
just from you hearing their sickening blowout.

You think of the days they were so happy,
and wonder if it was all your fault.
Maybe if you had just been beautiful,
you're mom might've tried to halt.
Maybe if you had gotten straight A's,
you're dad would've cared for you,
instead of only hurting you.

You've tried so long for them to see,
all you've ever wanted was them to be,
what every other family always had.
But your cries and pleas have only left you hopeless, broken and sad.

So once again you open that same drawer you sadly know too well,
and grab that magical blade that'll solve everything, for now.
You lift up your long sleeve and put your only true friend against your fair skin.
Just one cut, 
you close your eyes shut.

One tear slips down your vulnerable face,
just one tear you let escape.
And then you see those flashbacks once again,
of the times your father made sure you knew,
no one will ever want you.

So you let that blade break through your skin,
and hope to God you'll eventually be okay.

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I take away beauty
I take away lives
I tear apart families
You’ll live in my lies

You’ll cover me up,
with sleeves
I’ll isolate you-
or at least that’s what it seems

you’ll feel so deserted
you’ll feel so alone
I’ll drive you insane
I’ll make you feel numb
yet my pain you just can’t get enough of

the pleasure the pain 
the release that you feel
maybe you’ll need stitches
just so "it" will heal

the more you use me
the deeper you slide in
the more blood you see;
the deeper your drawing begins

I’ll help you draw the lines
I’ll help you pain stars
and the more you abuse me
the more I’ll leave scars

but if I cause you death
you blame me
you took me in hand
this I know you can see

I’m caused by depression
Mr. Razor's my name
you can try to cover me up
but I’ll still leave an emotional stain

so don’t dare forget me
remember my name
you’ll be thinking it later
as you cry out in pain

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  1. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 1:56pm UTC
    1 ❤- uglyyyyyyyyy
    2 ❤-i'm quite ugly.
    3 ❤-i'm okay.
    4 ❤-getting there
    5 ❤- pretty.
    10 ❤- stunning.
    15+ ❤- flawless.
    you tell me, and repost
    this to find out what you

  2. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 2:59pm UTC
    Comment your name on this quote and I'll write a comment on your profile with the name f/m name that matches yours!♥❤

  3. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2012 6:28pm UTC
    If I get over 50 hearts I'll post my real facebook.

  4. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 3:02pm UTC
    Confession No5.)
    I used to cry myself to sleep most of the time, it was my
    daily ritual; to wake up, stare at myself in the mirror and thrown at
    what I saw, I was ashamed of the way I looked, the person I had become,
    I was ashamed of myself. I hated myself. However now, when I wake up
    Now it's my daily ritual; to wake up, and just smile and feel lucky to have the
    life I have not anyone else's, I'm lucky God even gave me life. Some people
    would have killed to be in my position, and I am grateful for every little thing
    life brings.. because everything always happens for a reason. I am aware of
    the fact that not every element of my life is perfect, but everything just keeps
    getting better(: and I am thankful for everything life has brought me, because
    without it I wouldn't have met the amazing people I have met now:)
    I'm so lucky, and so are every one of you. I wish I could share
    all of my commitment to my life with everyone who needs it, because there's
    enough for everyone to feel happy about themselves:)

  5. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 2:54pm UTC
    Confession No4.)
    I miss my best friend, I really do. Lucy if you are
    reading this, then I'm so sorry for everything I did
    that upset you, I was the biggest b#tch walking the
    planet, I feel as though I've grown out of what I used to be.
    Life has really challenged me, I see you everyday at school
    and sometimes can't help to look at the mess we've become.
    I felt happier when we were friends. Now it's been over a year
    since we've actually spoken properly. I really don't want to waste
    our friendship, we was best friends since Year3, and we always
    used to promise 'Best friends forever' I remember when we used
    to cry during the school holidays because we missed eachother.
    We were on the phone all of the time. There is no-one that I did the
    things I did with you. You was the most perfect best friend anyone could
    ask for, you always cheered me up. There was never a time where I
    would cry and you wouldn't be there to make smile. I'm crying writing
    this because I don't think I'll ever find a perfect friend like you.
    So please forgive me.. I miss you xxx

  6. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 2:47pm UTC
    Confession No3.)
    I haven't cut since 15/02/2012 which was my birthday.
    It was the day my Mum found out about it, she began to
    question me, and she went furious, I began then to feel
    ashamed of myself and felt pity, as she assured me that
    she loves me forever, thats when she kissed me and held me
    in her arms and said ''I don't ever want my baby to feel hurt,
    especially I don't want my baby to hurt herself.'' It was probobally
    the most emotional moment of my life and it has really got me
    close with my Mother, and I can assure you that I love her to pieces
    and I will never do what I did again:-) She's proud of me, but not as
    proud as I am for having the best Mum alive:)

  7. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 2:43pm UTC
    Confession No2.)
    I can't stand feeling like I'm just his second choice
    she cheated on him, so he came crying to me, I was
    always there for him. He tells me I'm beautiful, and that
    it's impossible to go a day without talking to me, I feel
    exactly the same way,or maybe even more; but I feel as
    though I'm just his back up plan. Sometimes I wonder why
    he ignores me when she's arround. Maybe some guys just
    go for the orange fake girls.. Well whatever that is; I'm staying
    natural me, and I will never change for anyone:-)

  8. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 2:38pm UTC
    Confession No1.)
    I am very insecure about what people think about me
    and always feel very nervous after I've done something
    that would give someone an opportunity to judge me,
    so I always pray that they have forgotten. I try to be the
    best person I can be, but people still feel the right to
    say bad things about me, we're human, we all make
    mistakes, you're not perfect either so why.. are you
    judging me for my past?

  9. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 2:29pm UTC
    Heart this for
    True, Honest, Witty

  10. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 4:17pm UTC
    Yesterday, someone asked me why I have butterflies all over my arms..
    I replied, ''because they keep me here,where i am, right now.''❤

  11. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 4:01pm UTC
    I started my diet last week and I've already lost 1/2 a stone.
    Basically what I do is;
    -Eat 3 meals a day, but don't finish them
    -Drink water, nothing else
    -No snacks
    -Dance work out every day:-)
    I think I'm going to be a lot happier now:')
    I weighed 7 stone, now I weigh 6 and a half:D
    really commited to this aswell:-)

  12. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 1:01pm UTC
    This is long but worth reading..
    Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever seen someone get bullied? Have you
    ever smiled or atleast attempted to cheer someone who's going through a rough
    situation? Someone you wouldn't usually talk to? Have you ever bullied someone?
    We all have, most of us think it's a bit of banter and can't be harmful, but I know for a
    fact that their are people in the world who take everything seriously, and the words we
    sometimes say can really, really upset someone. So what if they've got acne? They don't
    chose to. So what if they have a squeeky voice? That isn't their fault either. They're small?
    Well, sorry, God made us all of different shapes and sizes. No one out there is perfect.
    You may not even know it but some of what you may say to someone, could be a huge
    insecurity of them, and you never know what they would do just to get rid of the hate put
    towards them, so for once they could actually feel good about themselves. This isn't just
    about the way someone looks; it could be for something they enjoy, I know for a fact that
    usually 'dancing' for males is considered gay, but it's probobally the most expressive form of
    art I have heard of, it's incredible, not only that but judging people for their past and for what
    their family is like is definately unacceptable, people don't choose to be poor? We are all human
    and each and everyone of us has made mistakes, and we always will, but as long as we're
    learning from what we do, everything is fine. Cyber-bullying, verbal-bullying, physical-bullying
    is all harmful and really not a good idea. If you are being bullied; all you have to do is tell someone,
    if your having thoughts of suicide, tell someone, if your self-harming, tell someone. Your life is
    precious, it's beautiful and you are so lucky to still be alive, some people have fought for their lives
    and if your going through a rough patch, that's something you should do, always try to keep a positive
    face, and always have positive thoughts; whether it's heart breaks, bullying, family problems, there
    is someone out there who cares, and there always will be. Be individual, be yourself, if people don't
    like what they see, it's just a matter of opinion, and everyone is aloud to have one. Wear what you want,
    be what you want, do what you want. Most importantly dont change for anyone. You're perfect. ❤
    If you ever need someone to talk to I'm always going to be here.
    Let me know and I'll tell you my facebook name:-)

  13. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2012 1:15pm UTC
    I might ask for a cat for my birthday.
    Then I can actually have a real friend.♥

  14. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2012 3:08am UTC
    65% of witty cut.
    20% fake cutting, to fit in or for attention.
    25% dont.

  15. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2012 3:00am UTC
    I've got 30 fresh cuts now.
    23 scars, and thats just on my wrist.
    Proves cutting can be addictive.
    So please whatever you do-don't cut.
    You will regret it. It feels good whilst,
    but after it's the most painful thing you'll ever
    feel. Don't make the same mistakes 102902300238230
    of us did.. just a little bit of advice.♥

  16. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2012 10:14am UTC
    Today, it's my sisters birthday I haven't seen her in exactly a year):
    Tommorow, it's monday,-school.
    The day after it's valentines day, better start naming my cats.f&a alone.
    The 15th is my birthday, I wonder who even remembers.
    Could february get any worse?..♥

  17. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2012 10:44am UTC
    F#ck yes, my quote is bottom of page 15 on top quotes('-:

  18. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2012 9:51am UTC
    Hour Of Honesty.
    For the next hour, I will
    answer everyones questions
    honestly, comment your question(-:
    repost if you dare:)

  19. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2012 9:46am UTC
    Turn off Number 3.
    Boys with grim teeth-.-

  20. nessaxox nessaxox
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2012 12:45pm UTC
    Turn off number 2.
    The boys that think every girl likes them.


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