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Confession No5.)
I used to cry myself to sleep most of the time, it was my
daily ritual; to wake up, stare at myself in the mirror and thrown at
what I saw, I was ashamed of the way I looked, the person I had become,
I was ashamed of myself. I hated myself. However now, when I wake up
Now it's my daily ritual; to wake up, and just smile and feel lucky to have the
life I have not anyone else's, I'm lucky God even gave me life. Some people
would have killed to be in my position, and I am grateful for every little thing
life brings.. because everything always happens for a reason. I am aware of 
the fact that not every element of my life is perfect, but everything just keeps
getting better(: and I am thankful for everything life has brought me, because
without it I wouldn't have met the amazing people I have met now:)
I'm so lucky, and so are every one of you. I wish I could share
all of my commitment to my life with everyone who needs it, because there's 
enough for everyone to feel happy about themselves:)

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Confession No5.) I used to cry myself to sleep most of the time,

0 faves · Feb 25, 2012 3:02pm




