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Confession No4.)
I miss my best friend, I really do. Lucy if you are 
reading this, then I'm so sorry for everything I did
that upset you, I was the biggest b#tch walking the
planet, I feel as though I've grown out of what I used to be.
Life has really challenged me, I see you everyday at school
and sometimes can't help to look at the mess we've become.
I felt happier when we were friends. Now it's been over a year
since we've actually spoken properly. I really don't want to waste
our friendship, we was best friends since Year3, and we always
used to promise 'Best friends forever' I remember when we used
to cry during the school holidays because we missed eachother.
We were on the phone all of the time. There is no-one that I did the
things I did with you. You was the most perfect best friend anyone could
ask for, you always cheered me up. There was never a time where I
would cry and you wouldn't be there to make smile. I'm crying writing
this because I don't think I'll ever find a perfect friend like you.
So please forgive me.. I miss you xxx

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Confession No4.) I miss my best friend, I really do. Lucy if

1 faves · 2 comments · Feb 25, 2012 2:54pm






nessaxox · 1 decade ago
hiya kirsty luv
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Kirstyxox · 1 decade ago
<3 this made my day nessa,xo
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