Witty Profiles

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  1. _flawedbeauty _flawedbeauty
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 7:00pm UTC
    I was texting my guy friend, while I was on vacation.
    Me: I'm pretty good. It's wicked hot in South Carolina.
    Him: Well I bet it's cus ur there. (;
    Me: Aha, totally. I change weather patterns.
    Him: Why did you put sarcasm in your last message?
    Me: Cus I don't think I can change the weather.
    Him: Ur wicked pretty i bet u culd (;

  2. _glitterfied _glitterfied
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2010 6:19pm UTC
    People Gossip. Its natural.
    people bully, it's normal. people insult, its average.
    - - - - - - did you know it is estimated over one million people kill themselves from suicide, every year? that's more than the average for war and murder.
    So before you say something mean, look at them.
    They are probably beautiful. Say it.
    It may save a life.

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. LittleMissAuthor LittleMissAuthor
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2010 1:10pm UTC
    A Mean Cycle
    part two. comment. don't know if its good. thanks for reading.
    Sometimes, I feel like I'm in a box that seperates me from everyone else.There all on the outside but I'm trapped. I could be surrounded by millions of people and still be the most lonely person in the world. If I cried, and screamed people would just pass me by. I was never good at relating to people. Like if everyone was FM radio, I'd be AM. I used to think about what'd it be like if I died. Would people miss me for a few days, then forget about me. Would people who didn't like me feel bad, or throw a party? It seems like things happen when you least expect them, but what if you expected to die, or fall of the earth. Another day of waking up sweaty and shaken. This time I was sprawled out on the couch, from when I fell asleep there earlier. The dream was over and I was awake, ending at the exact 6;30 like always. My dad was in the kitchen making coffee, and he glanced over and smiled. We didn't talk much since my mom got in the accident. She left to get some food at the grocery store, and a drunk driver hit her car. She died on impact. It really messed up my dad, and to be honest I don't think I've ever been the same since then. "Hey, honey. I was just about to wake you. I was going to wake you up last night, to go upstairs but you looked so peaceful."
    I choked back a sarcastuc laugh, I was anything from peaceful.
    "Oh, well thats okay. I'm gonna go get ready."
    He nodded, and hugged me since he had to leave soon. I walked up the stairs and went to my closet, grabbing a plaid shirt with mid length sleeves, and denim bermuda shorts. i threw it on, and went to fix my hair, keeping the curls down, as they fell to my shoulder. I applied some eyeliner, and a touch of mascara, grabbed my bag and head out the door. When I got to school, Kelsey and Mikayla were talking. They looked at me, like they were suprised I was here, and there conversation ended. "Hey, gals." They both halfheartly smiled. "Hey sams." They both said in sync. I sat down next to them and they stared at me, and then kelsey spoke up. "Sams, you've seemed off for a while. Are you okay? Me and Mikky, were just talking that maybe you were like mad at us or, um. ." I looked at her, but she didnt finish her sentence. "No, I'm not mad. Just haven't slept good that's all." They nodded in synce once again. I felt like I was missing something. Mikalya, me and Kelsey had grown apart over the years, well I have atleast, I always seeme dlike an outcats in this friendship, but they always were kind to me. My brain was racing trying to see if I did anything wrong. The bell rang, saving my thoughts as I walked into English. The only seat open was next to heartthrob, Tommy Daniels. My heart fluttered as I sat silently. I covered my face with my hands, and the teacher talked loudly about antonyms. I felt a soft poke, on my shoulder. "Hey, there." Tommy smiled his angelic smile, shining perfect white teeth, "H-Hi." He flipped his flowing deep brown hair that trimmed his eyebrows. "Your Sam right?" I nodded breathlessly. " Um I like your hair. Its pretty curly." I widened my eyes a little. "Thanks." he nodded. His hair bouncing flawlessly. The conversation stopped there, but I forgot all bout this morning, and remained floore dhe even talked to me.

  5. LittleMissAuthor LittleMissAuthor
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2010 2:50pm UTC
    A Mean Cycle
    part one, comment. should i continue?
    Have you ever noticed, how much time we waste, to worry, or fight? We only get so much time, to make best friends, and fall in love. We should spend every minute happy, right? We don't, and people say before you die, your life flashes infront of your eyes, the good parts and bad parts. I know when I die, I don't want see my breakups, or falls, maybe I won't see anything, but I've seen something. Something that won't go away.
    I woke up sweating. My curls were a mess, tied up in a loose ponytail that clung to my neck. The blankets were on the floor, and an old tee-shirt fell to my mid thighs, one of those "My Aunt me got this T-Shirt at Florida, Because she loves me!" shirts. I guess she thought I was taller, and younger. The dream happened again. Normally when i dream, I forget what I saw, but this stuck in my mind. The clock read 6:30. and I knew I had to get up and get ready. I lifted my leg over the bed, and let it dangle, and flipped my other landing with a thud on the carpet, as I lazily, grabbed a Hollister T, a pair of denim shorts, and my favorite bangle bracelets. I tossed my hair into a sloppy curly bun, after brushing it out, and walked down stairs, pretending as always to be happy. Even though the dream haunted my brain. Dad waved me a hello and goodbye, kissed my forehead, and ran off to work. "Bye Sammy." I grabbed a water, and glanced at the clock. 7:18. I had a few minutes to waste, so i sat on the couch, and my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Kelsey.
    One New Message - Hey Samsbby, me and Chase, are together AGAIN! yay!
    Chase was her off and on boyfriend, I think was the fifth breakup in two months. But i kept quiet, that was my specialty, pretending to be happy for everyone, even if I was jelous, I've never had a good boyfriend, I've been cheated on twice, I guess i wasn't that great to be around. I started my trip to the bus stop, and after a few minutes we were at school. Kelsey and Mikayla, ran up to me and said Hi. The three of us had been bestfriends, since we wore Huggies. We used to all be neighbors, but me and my dad moved, after mom was in the car accident. I didn't talk much today, I havent for almost a week since it all started. The day went by fast, everything normal. Sat with Kelsey, Mikayla, and Chase at lunch. Went home, changed into sweats, and watched Tv. I guess I fell asleep, because it was happening again.
    it was dark, and then it seemed to all light up, it was my old neighborhood where kels, and Mikayla live. Our backs were turned but I could tell it was Kels from her straight black hair, my dirty blonde curls, and Mikky's wavy blonde. Chase was there, passing a football to Kels, who was trying ever so hard to impress her superstar boyfriend. Then she over threw it and it lands in the street, she goes to get it, and Chase runs over and hugs her as he tries to steal it. He steals it and has to go, and kisses her on the nose, and it goes black for a second, then theres three screams, mine, Kels, and Mikkys. Then I can see again and theres a Missing paper, with my face on it.

  6. _flawedbeauty _flawedbeauty
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2010 5:24pm UTC
    "Oh Her, She, Bugs Me."
    i hope she gets hit by a bus, falls out a window, and chokes on her own gossip.

  7. _flawedbeauty _flawedbeauty
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2010 3:33pm UTC
    "And thats why my
    cat hates my aunt."
    xxx and this is why you shouldn't butt into conversations.

  8. _flawedbeauty _flawedbeauty
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2010 4:10pm UTC
    I ripped up your picture.
    shh, i kept the peices. [ ♥ ]

  9. LittleMissAuthor LittleMissAuthor
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2010 9:28pm UTC
    The Summer of 51 Boys
    part four, comments and ideas are welcomed.
    When my eyes opened, all I saw were flourescent lights, they hurt my eyes, and I winced. I turned slowly, and Kaseys eyes lit up."Bells, Bells!" I nodded, and the pillow rubbed against my cheek. " Do you remeber what happened." I moved my elbow on the sheets, and propped myself up. "No." My voice didnt sound the same, too hoarse. She nodded, noticing my voice too, and she talked quickly. "Okay, so I was at my house, and my little brother kept pushing me around so I punched him in the gut, and then I heard your mom yell really loud, like screaming. So me being the amazing person you love, ran over there and found you coughing up blood. So we called the ambulance, and the docs said it was from the treatment." I watched her face, and my eyes grew tired. "Oh, but can I go home soon?" She shrugged "Don't know, hope so. Don't want to stand up, your know three dates." I rolled my eyes. " I could have died, and you only care about dates?" I laughed. "Well you didn't die, so don't go there. But your mom is wacked. Shes so worried, I think she's talking to the Doc now. Oh wait here there come." I heard gentle footprints down the tiled hallway, and then saw a tallish man, standing in a white Doctor coat, and square glasses. His nose was pointed, and his eyes were tired, and purple underneath. "Hello Anabell, How is everything?" I leaned up more and my mom franticly shuffled towards me, I nodded at her, as a greeting and then looked back at the Doctor. "Fine Doc." He smiled wearily. "Good, that happens from treatment, but it's for the best. Me and your Mom consulted, and agreed that you should stay here for your next treatment, it's the best we have to a cure." Okay, lets re-run this, they want me to stay, to get more of this crap that made me sick. I had a plan. "Sure sir." He smiled, his eyes squinted, and my moms big hazel eyes, widened in delight for me not giving a hard time. "Honey, I need a coffee. Kaseys here, be right back!" She scurried out, as if I would combust if she didnt come back within five minutes, or escape, like I planned too. "Kase. I'm leaving this place." Her eyes grew bigger, and I noticed the pretty blue trim, as her mouth formed a perfect "O". "UH, BELLS. ARE YOU FRIKKEN OUT OF YOUR MIND?" With that, I leaned out of bed. pulled out the stupid IVs, and wrestled through the wires, occasionly grimacing when the needled poked my skin. I guess I got lucky, with my head down, I didn't look like a patient at al. I checked myself for any wires, or some tracking device and I escaped through the door, and went throught the little patio for little kids. Mommy put me in the kid section, Suprise suprise. I ran through the door, and kept running through bushes, wow that wasnt realistic, it was amazing. Bushes scraped my skin, when Kasey grabbed my shoulder. "I'm coming too."

  10. LittleMissAuthor LittleMissAuthor
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2010 7:18pm UTC
    The Summer of 51 Boys
    part one. comment, should i keep writing? sorry if this is boring, its the introduction.
    "Anabell, sweetie!" I looked up from the Math book, my teacher sent home for me. My mom was franticly tidying up the house, before her book club got here. "Would you like to stay for the book club?" I looked at her, and her messy curly brown hair, that even now seemed to look better then my own, frizzy wavy brunnette mess on my head. I shook my head. "The teachers sent alot of homework home, it's okay. I'll be in my room." She nodded, and smiled uneasily. Miss Overprotective Mommy. Ever since I was diognosed with acute lukemia, Mother Dear has franticly hovered over me. I am fourteen, and I can take care of myself, I thought. I was happy she was finally doing something, other then hovering. A hobby would be good. I plopped down on my bed, and leaned on my back. My eyes wandered over to the Math book. I sighed, and just stared at the blank white ceiling. I thought about school, which I haven't atteneded since last week when I got my treatment. Mom gets nervous. I heard a phone conversation, and she's considering home schooling me. Blah. "Anab-" My moms voice was disrupted with Kasey, My best friend. She leaped through my bedroom door, and squeeled. "Bells!" I hugged her, and she sat next to me. I told her all about my week, and my treatment, I told how I was planning on stopping the treatment, but i didnt get the reaction I expected, She looked at me sternly. "No, Bells. Why would you?" I was quiet. I wanted to be free, without treatment in my way, I knew I may die eaither way. I wanted to die with hair on my head. But I didn't tell her that. I just shrugged. "Cus. I just do. Be free and all, y'know?" She was still stern, and her blue eyes were shot with pain, and then she opened her mouth, but didn't speak. She cleared her throat, and stared out the window at nothing, then whispered "What about your mom?" I clenched my fists, forgot about that. "Err, I don't know, but I want to live my upcoming summer to the best, not in a hospital. WIll you help me with that?" She nodded, and with her back turned I could still see her plotting. "Anabell?" She turned around, "have you ever had a boyfriend?" I shrugged. "No, unless you count kindergarden." She half smiled "Oh yeah, we all got boyfriends for Valentines day, I kinda remember." Then she sucked in a breath, oh god what was she planning. She pulled out suprised every year since kindergarden when we met, I was really lucky to have her. My greatful thoughts were interupted. "Your gonna have boyfriends this summer, do't worry about it Bells. Mission 50 summer boys" I gasped. "Like someones gonna date me, 50, boys." She smiled, showing her braces. "Don't worry about it, I got this. You just make yourself pretty." She ran out the door, I heard her clomp down the stairs, yell bye to my mom, and listened to the door slam behind her, as she ran across the street to her house. "50 boys, in one summer?" I choked the words out to myself.

  11. LittleMissAuthor LittleMissAuthor
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2010 7:50pm UTC
    The Summer of 51 Boys
    part two! comment.
    I parted my brown hair to the side, and pulled it up into a tight side ponytail. I put on a grey and white striped tanktop, and a navy blue skirt. My phone buzzed impatiently on my bed.
    (1)New Msg - From ; Kasey -
    Bells, on my way with mystery boy one. be ready.
    I watched my phone fade into blackness. I gulped. I was Ms.Hopeless Romantic, and how did Kasey get a guy that fast, what did she say? Oh yeah, my friends dying, will you go on a date with her? Ugh. I Looked around for my gladiator sandals, but I couldn't find them anywhere. I sighed unevenly, and stomped down the wooden stairs. Crap. what am I going to tell Mom? Her head peaked around the corner. "Anabell, are you alright?" I nodded, walking past her silently with my head down. "Anabell, you look like you killled someone, your acting strange, where are you going?" Her voice was shaky, like I actually killed something, if anything I would die from embarsment. "Mom. I'm going out with Kasey, and er, her fmaily to a fancy resteraunt." She nodded, and carried the hamper to the bathroom. I sighed a heavy breath of releif. I grabbed my gladiator sandals, and shoved them on frantikly, wait am I shaking? I exhaled deeply, and I wandered over to grab my rip off coach bag, put on a tiffany necklace, which was from my dad, the day before the car accident. A sudden stroke of pain hit me, I remebered the night my dad died, how my mom stayed strong infront of me, but I heard her sobbing in the hopsital cafeteria, when I walked by with my aunt. How was I supposed to tell her to take me off treatment now? I breathed in again, my chest vibrating, silent cries. I cannot mess up my makeup. I repeated in my mind. I sucked in, and as I slipped my phone out of my purse to check where Kasey was, she knocked at my door. Then let herself in. "Bells! Okay, well this is Ricky, Anabell, Anabell, Ricky."I nodded, and half smiled. Ricky greeted me witht he same smile, he looked a little nervous too. Since neither of us could drive, our parents didn't know what was going on, and we were broke, we had a very fancy date on my back porch, and ate a very romantic peanut butter and jelly. Kasey tried lighting a flame. but the wind blew it out eatch time. "Kasey, it's okay, now shoo." She laughed. "Going!" She hurried away, but I saw her face peek from behind the blinds of the screen door, and then turned around. " Okay Ricky, one quick question. How did Kasey get you here?" He laughed. "Oh well, that. " He smirked wider then before. "She told me, that if I came here, she'd do my math homework for a we-" I interupted angirly, "WHAT?" HE laughed more, and his shaggy brown hair wipped over his eyes. "Kidding, kidding. She old me she had a pretty friend who would be lonely tonite, and I said well I'll fix that." I smiled, and yelled at myself in my head for freaking out. "How do you know her" He anwsered "Bio, were partners." I nodded. "Any Hobbys?" I felt like this date was perfect, I don't need fifty, i just need one. "Oh, Hobbys. I collect er, star wars collectibles. I even go to the conventions and dress up as a clone trooper. I laughed, he was full of jokes tonite. He didn't laugh, his mouth fromed a straight line and he put down his peanut butter jelly. "I wasn't kidding." He left. Oh god. Mission First Date - Failed.

  12. lauren03 lauren03
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2010 5:27am UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. my-shadow-stalks-me my-shadow-stalks-me
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2010 6:34am UTC
    I love laughter.
    8 The AH-HA! laugh
    the "i get it!" giggle when a joke finally sinks in.
    8 The NERVOUS laugh
    "we're sooo screwed"
    8 The OMG laugh
    after doing something scary and the adrenaline sinks in
    8 The AWKWARD SILENCE laugh
    which sometimes actually makes it worse
    8 The INTERNET laugh
    8 The DELAYED AH-HA! laugh
    the "i get it!" giggle when a joke finally sinks in....the next day
    8 The FAKE laugh
    because if i didn't laugh right now, i'd probably burst into tears
    8 The FORBIDDEN laugh
    got to keep a straight face or else i'll be in serious trouble
    8 The SNORT laugh
    when you accidentally, well, snort
    8 The EVIL laugh
    "Muwahahaha!" Need I say more?
    when your crush is nearby and you suddenly become hyper and giggly
    8 Then there's the EPIC laugh
    when you can't stop laughing and when you eventually stop
    you can't even remember why you started!
    idk, haha. i was bored.
    anymore you can think of?

  14. sensation sensation
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2010 5:35pm UTC
    Or you could not
    reply back.... that's cool too :p

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. 33_LuvU2_33 33_LuvU2_33
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2010 1:55pm UTC
    && Am i the only one
    that wishes that when you lose your ipod
    you could just call it?

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. xodancinnchickox xodancinnchickox
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2010 8:09pm UTC
    Belly tops, flip flops
    Lemonade, in the shade
    Blue skies, hot guys,
    Late nights water fights,
    Ice creams, sweet dreams,
    Bathing suits, shooting hoops,
    Party time, schools out,
    Sleeping in,sneaking out
    Summer's coming...
    Summer oh ten, let it begin.

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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