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The Summer of 51 Boys
part two! comment.

I parted my brown hair to the side, and pulled it up into a tight side ponytail. I put on a grey and white striped tanktop, and a navy blue skirt. My phone buzzed impatiently on my bed.
(1)New Msg - From ; Kasey -
Bells, on my way with mystery boy one. be ready.
I watched my phone fade into blackness. I gulped. I was Ms.Hopeless Romantic, and how did Kasey get a guy that fast, what did she say? Oh yeah, my friends dying, will you go on a date with her? Ugh. I Looked around for my gladiator sandals, but I couldn't find them anywhere. I sighed unevenly, and stomped down the wooden stairs. Crap. what am I going to tell Mom? Her head peaked around the corner. "Anabell, are you alright?" I nodded, walking past her silently with my head down. "Anabell, you look like you killled someone, your acting strange, where are you going?" Her voice was shaky, like I actually killed something, if anything I would die from embarsment. "Mom. I'm going out with Kasey, and er, her fmaily to a fancy resteraunt." She nodded, and carried the hamper to the bathroom. I sighed a heavy breath of releif. I grabbed my gladiator sandals, and shoved them on frantikly, wait am I shaking? I exhaled deeply, and I wandered over to grab my rip off coach bag, put on a tiffany necklace, which was from my dad, the day before the car accident. A sudden stroke of pain hit me, I remebered the night my dad died, how my mom stayed strong infront of me, but I heard her sobbing in the hopsital cafeteria, when I walked by with my aunt. How was I supposed to tell her to take me off treatment now? I breathed in again, my chest vibrating, silent cries. I cannot mess up my makeup. I repeated in my mind. I sucked in, and as I slipped my phone out of my purse to check where Kasey was, she knocked at my door. Then let herself in. "Bells! Okay, well this is Ricky, Anabell, Anabell, Ricky."I nodded, and half smiled. Ricky greeted me witht he same smile, he looked a little nervous too. Since neither of us could drive, our parents didn't know what was going on, and we were broke, we had a very fancy date on my back porch, and ate a very romantic peanut butter and jelly. Kasey tried lighting a flame. but the wind blew it out eatch time.  "Kasey, it's okay, now shoo." She laughed. "Going!" She hurried away, but I saw her face peek from behind the blinds of the screen door, and then turned around. " Okay Ricky, one quick question. How did Kasey get you here?" He laughed. "Oh well, that. " He smirked wider then before. "She told me, that if I came here, she'd do my math homework for a we-" I interupted angirly, "WHAT?" HE laughed more, and his shaggy brown hair wipped over his eyes. "Kidding, kidding. She old me she had a pretty friend who would be lonely tonite, and I said well I'll fix that." I smiled, and yelled at myself in my head for freaking out. "How do you know her" He anwsered "Bio, were partners." I nodded. "Any Hobbys?" I felt like this date was perfect, I don't need fifty, i just need one. "Oh, Hobbys. I collect er, star wars collectibles. I even go to the conventions and dress up as a clone trooper. I laughed, he was full of jokes tonite. He didn't laugh, his mouth fromed a straight line and he put down his peanut butter jelly. "I wasn't kidding." He left. Oh god. Mission First Date - Failed.
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The Summer of 51 Boys part two! comment. I parted my brown hair

20 faves · 6 comments · Jun 2, 2010 7:50pm






xErinElizabethh · 1 decade ago
This is great! i hope you continue... only one thing. Coach and Tiffany should be capital. other than that its great!
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Summer_Love · 1 decade ago
keeep riting :) and quickly

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circleof_lies · 1 decade ago
this is adorable. (:
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Hopeless__x · 1 decade ago
Ah! Keep writing ;D
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katsnailsblog · 1 decade ago
ahhh i can tell this is going to be adorable. keep going! (:
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m1k4l4m4r13 · 1 decade ago
loove it
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