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The Summer of 51 Boys
part one. comment, should i keep writing? sorry if this is boring, its the introduction.

"Anabell, sweetie!" I looked up from the Math book, my teacher sent home for me. My mom was franticly tidying up the house, before her book club got here. "Would you like to stay for the book club?" I looked at her, and her messy curly brown hair, that even now seemed to look better then my own, frizzy wavy brunnette mess on my head. I shook my head. "The teachers sent alot of homework home, it's okay. I'll be in my room." She nodded, and smiled uneasily. Miss Overprotective Mommy. Ever since I was diognosed with acute lukemia, Mother Dear has franticly hovered over me. I am fourteen, and I can take care of myself, I thought. I was happy she was finally doing something, other then hovering. A hobby would be good. I plopped down on my bed, and leaned on my back. My eyes wandered over to the Math book. I sighed, and just stared at the blank white ceiling. I thought about school, which I haven't atteneded since last week when I got my treatment. Mom gets nervous. I heard a phone conversation, and she's considering home schooling me. Blah. "Anab-" My moms voice was disrupted with Kasey, My best friend. She leaped through my bedroom door, and squeeled. "Bells!" I hugged her, and she sat next to me. I told her all about my week, and my treatment, I told how I was planning on stopping the treatment, but i didnt get the reaction I expected, She looked at me sternly. "No, Bells. Why would you?" I was quiet. I wanted to be free, without treatment in my way, I knew I may die eaither way. I wanted to die with hair on my head. But I didn't tell her that. I just shrugged. "Cus. I just do. Be free and all, y'know?" She was still stern, and her blue eyes were shot with pain, and then she opened her mouth, but didn't speak. She cleared her throat, and stared out the window at nothing, then whispered "What about your mom?" I clenched my fists, forgot about that. "Err, I don't know, but I want to live my upcoming summer to the best, not in a hospital. WIll you help me with that?" She nodded, and with her back turned I could still see her plotting. "Anabell?" She turned around, "have you ever had a boyfriend?" I shrugged. "No, unless you count kindergarden." She half smiled "Oh yeah, we all got boyfriends for Valentines day, I kinda remember." Then she sucked in a breath, oh god what was she planning. She pulled out suprised every year since kindergarden when we met, I was really lucky to have her. My greatful thoughts were interupted. "Your gonna have boyfriends this summer, do't worry about it Bells. Mission 50 summer boys" I gasped. "Like someones gonna date me, 50, boys." She smiled, showing her braces. "Don't worry about it, I got this. You just make yourself pretty." She ran out the door, I heard her clomp down the stairs, yell bye to my mom, and listened to the door slam behind her, as she ran across the street to her house. "50 boys, in one summer?" I choked the words out to myself.
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The Summer of 51 Boys part one. comment, should i keep writing?

22 faves · 3 comments · Jun 2, 2010 7:18pm






sydneyisamazing69 · 1 decade ago
write write write ! , it's amazing :)
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alwaysxandxforeverx · 1 decade ago
mee too please keep writing!!
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xorosieox02 · 1 decade ago
omg awesome! write a book i love where the plot is going! eek! excited for part 2!
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