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A Mean Cycle
part one, comment. should i continue?
Have you ever noticed, how much time we waste, to worry, or fight? We only get so much time, to make best friends, and fall in love. We should spend every minute happy, right? We don't, and people say before you die, your life flashes infront of your eyes, the good parts and bad parts. I know when I die, I don't want see my breakups, or falls, maybe I won't see anything, but I've seen something. Something that won't go away. 
     I woke up sweating. My curls were a mess, tied up in a loose ponytail that clung to my neck.  The blankets were on the floor, and an old tee-shirt fell to my mid thighs, one of those "My Aunt me got this T-Shirt at Florida, Because she loves me!" shirts. I guess she thought I was taller, and younger. The dream happened again. Normally when i dream, I forget what I saw, but this stuck in my mind. The clock read 6:30. and I knew I had to get up and get ready. I lifted my leg over the bed, and let it dangle, and flipped my other landing with a thud on the carpet, as I lazily, grabbed a Hollister T, a pair of denim shorts, and my favorite bangle bracelets. I tossed my hair into a sloppy curly bun, after brushing it out, and walked down stairs, pretending as always to be happy. Even though the dream haunted my brain. Dad waved me a hello and goodbye, kissed my forehead, and ran off to work. "Bye Sammy." I grabbed a water, and glanced at the clock. 7:18. I had a few minutes to waste, so i sat on the couch, and my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Kelsey.

One New Message - Hey Samsbby, me and Chase, are together AGAIN! yay!

Chase was her off and on boyfriend, I think was the fifth breakup in two months. But i kept quiet, that was my specialty, pretending to be happy for everyone, even if I was jelous, I've never had a good boyfriend, I've been cheated on twice, I guess i wasn't that great to be around. I started my trip to the bus stop, and after a few minutes we were at school. Kelsey and Mikayla, ran up to me and said Hi. The three of us had been bestfriends, since we wore Huggies. We used to all be neighbors, but me and my dad moved, after mom was in the car accident. I didn't talk much today, I havent for almost a week since it all started. The day went by fast, everything normal. Sat with Kelsey, Mikayla, and Chase at lunch. Went home, changed into sweats, and watched Tv.  I guess I fell asleep, because it was happening again.

it was dark, and then it seemed to all light up, it was my old neighborhood where kels, and Mikayla live.  Our backs were turned but I  could tell it was Kels from her straight black hair, my dirty blonde curls, and Mikky's wavy blonde. Chase was there, passing a football to Kels, who was trying ever so hard to impress her superstar boyfriend. Then she over threw it and it lands in the street, she goes to get it, and Chase runs over and hugs her as he tries to steal it. He steals it and has to go, and kisses her on the nose, and it goes black for a second, then theres three screams, mine, Kels, and Mikkys. Then I can see again and theres a Missing paper, with my face on it.

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A Mean Cycle part one, comment. should i continue? Have you ever

57 faves · 11 comments · Jul 9, 2010 2:50pm






Marycastro14 · 1 decade ago
guess u should continue, its nice :)
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LittleMissAuthor · 1 decade ago
OMG 48 faves for this story? thankyosomuch. Part two is out now!
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hotty1121 · 1 decade ago
this was amazingplz continue
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LilWayne_x3 · 1 decade ago
yes, I really think you should continue, pleeease ? (:
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LindsayyJoyy · 1 decade ago
i think youshould continue. your an amazing author
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xoxpnklvxox3 · 1 decade ago
I LOVE THIS!! Plz continue!
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love2laughxoxo · 1 decade ago
Wow this iz really good i think u should cotinue! :D
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youririshgirlx · 1 decade ago
so like in your dream you guys get like kidnapped, and you see like those papers that say MISSING - woah, this storys intense.
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legacylayouts_ · 1 decade ago
i agree with theXregret.
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bigcitydreams_ · 1 decade ago
wow, just wow. :D<3
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theXregret · 1 decade ago
i really like it, i like when you said " that was my specialty, pretending to be happy for everyone" (:
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