Witty Profiles

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  1. Melrose* Melrose*
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2013 4:10pm UTC
    So, today, i put a semi colon on my wrist. cause why not.
    i was at lunch. and this girl that normally doesnt sit with us sat by me.
    i saw her looking at my wrist. she looked up and met my eyes and smiled.
    that smile literally meant the world to me.

  2. glitter162* glitter162*
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2013 7:27pm UTC
    Whenever I sit down in a field
    I automatically start pulling out grass.
    Anyone else?

  3. SelinTheBean* SelinTheBean*
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2013 3:46pm UTC
    a sentence an author could have ended, but chose not to.
    you are the author; the sentence is your life.
    stay strong.

  4. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2013 4:31pm UTC
    after 26.2 miles, she still looks just as beautiful. congratulations on another marathon mum, you're absolutely amazing and I can't imagine life without you. we had a guardian angel protecting our family today. the bombs went off a minute after my mother crossed the finish line and myself and the rest of my family were very close to the area. it was terrifying, but in those minutes I thought I'd lost my mother and my best friend forever, I realized just how precious life is. I thought I might never get to see her again and all I could think about was "how can I go on without her" and "I should've said I love you more". I realized that life can be taken from you at any moment and you need to remind others of how much you care about them every single day. A guardian angel was watching over our family today. thank you for keeping us safe and congrats on another great finish mum, I love you so much.
    - Maddie

  5. sammy* sammy*
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2013 7:19pm UTC
    Is it too
    to go to Neverland?

  6. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2013 8:38pm UTC
    do you ever "miss" a food
    after you're done eating it.

  7. DontGetYourHopesUp DontGetYourHopesUp
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2013 5:50pm UTC
    ( ( ( chapter 35 ) ) )
    The cool air of the air-conditioned church felt so good in the blistering July heat. Savannah was so honored to be one of Heather’s bridesmaids in the wedding. She stood at the altar, smiling at Shane who was on the other side. When it was time for them to sit down, she sat next to Shane holding Jordan as he held Grayson.
    The babies were six months old now but had gotten way bigger than from when they were first born. Jordan looked exactly like Heather with her huge, crystal blue eyes and the beginning of thin, white-blonde hair. Grayson had the same hazel eyes as Shane and Shane joked that his brother was jacked, just like him.
    Heather looked stunning in her strapless, sweetheart neckline, A-line, lace wedding dress. It couldn’t have fit her body any better, and her face was lit up from the excitement of marrying Mr. Palmer.
    “Are you alright with this?” Savannah whispered to Shane, referring to Heather marrying his dad after being opposed to it all this time.
    “Honestly, yeah, I am,” Shane whispered back. “Ever since the twins were born my dad has been completely different. Heather loves you so he does too, and that’s made things so much easier on me. It’s because of you that everything is alright again.”
    “No it’s not,” Savannah smiled.
    “It is,” he said. “Thank you.”
    the babies had started to cry so they took them outside so the cries wouldn't ruin the wedding.
    “You’re beautiful,” Shane told her for the fifth time today.
    “Thanks, you too,” Savannah said. She gasped, told him ‘wait,’ and then started laughing at her mistake.
    “You know after I kissed you for the first time I told you you were beautiful and you said that exact same thing,” Shane laughed.
    “You remember what I said after our first kiss?” Savannah asked, happy that she wasn’t the only one.
    “Of course I do,” he said.
    Savannah looked at Shane and the wave of memories hit her all over again.
    She remembered the first time she saw Shane when he walked passed her in Mr. Ian’s classroom. She was devastated when he kissed Ava in the middle of the class and she found out they were together. But from that moment she was hooked.
    He remembered seeing Savannah for the first time too. He was in love with Ava but still wanted to know about Savannah. But of course Ava wasn’t happy about that and that caused so many problems between Ava and Savannah who hated each other.
    But Shane finally got Savannah but f..cked everything up when he cheated on her with Ava. It was weird to think that that one awful mistake has led them to this moment right now.
    Savannah laughed, “I think she should go back in now, they stopped crying.”
    They discreetly made their way back to the front row of the church, not trying to interrupt anything. They made it back just in time for the vows, which were so heartfelt. They talked about their thoughts when they first met, the great times they had together and how excited they were for their life together. It made everyone in the church tear up a little bit just because it was so sweet.
    “You may now kiss the bride,” the priest brought their attention back. Everyone clapped as they kissed and walked back down the aisle and out of the church.
    Little did Shane and Savannah know, that in ten years, that would be them.
    Note: I hope you liked the ending!! I'm so sad that two years worth of writing this story has finally come to an end. But I'm also really happy. I've learned a lot about myself actually, just by writing these stories. And I'm so thankful for all the friends I've made too by writing this story. I know I always say this but thanks so much to all of you who have been with me since the beginning and didn't give up on me when I wanted to give up on myself. It honestly means more to me than you porbably think. All of your comments telling me that you guys love my stories and think I'm a good writer really help me and I appreciate all of them. Omg, I'm sorry just like two years and five stories later, here I am finally ending the series. But, every ending leads to a new beginning. And while I'm not going to write another story in the Second Best series, I will write a new story:) thank you all so much for everything. I love youuuu- Kylie

  8. DontGetYourHopesUp DontGetYourHopesUp
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2013 5:27pm UTC
    ( ( ( chapter 34 ) ) )
    Savannah felt so scared at school the next day without Shane there to protect her. She knew it wasn’t good to fully depend on one person for everything, but at a time like this, that was exactly what she needed. Everyone had heard about the fight and Savannah couldn’t help but feel like people were blaming her for it. Everyone loved Shane and Aaron, and Savannah was the reason everything happened.
    She basically clung to Ava all day whenever she could, even though she wasn’t in any of her classes. At least she could text Ava in those classes though; in gym she couldn’t, and worse, she’d see Aaron. She couldn’t believe he got away with everything, but sometimes that’s how things work out. The worst things happen to the best people, and the ones that deserve nothing receive everything. It’s not fair, but that’s just how things go.
    Savannah walked out of the locker room in black Soffe shorts and a white t-shirt with her schools name on it. There were six volleyball courts set up, and the teacher picked twelve students to be captains of each of their teams, one of those students being Aaron.
    “Pick your teams,” the teacher said. “Aaron, you pick first.”
    “Savannah Grant,” he said immediately. She was the only Savannah in the entire school, he didn’t have to say her full name but he did, to let her know that Shane fighting him and her trying to ignore him wouldn’t make him magically forget who she was.
    Savannah stood up nervously and walked over to him. Each time it was his turn to pick, he picked kids he didn’t even talk to, ones that Savannah didn’t talk to either, and she knew he was doing this purposely so Savannah had no choice but to talk to him.
    “Savannah, can I talk to you?” Aaron asked, his voice shaking a little. Savannah realized he was nervous and unable to act like his normal over-confident, c..cky self. And what was Savannah supposed to say? ‘No, you can’t talk to me’?
    “Umm…sure,” Savannah said. They let their team play the game for them as they stood to the side, out of earshot from everyone else.
    “You’re telling people I r.aped you?” he asked.
    “You kind of did,” Savannah couldn’t even look at him.
    “You said yes.”
    “After you told me you were Shane,” Savannah said.
    “I guess I didn’t realize how drunk you were. I’m sorry you thought I did that to you,” he apologized. “I would never intentionally r.ape anyone, I’m just a do..chebag who will take action whenever he could get it, but I would never go that far as to r.aping you. That’s why the second you started freaking out and crying I stopped. I didn’t realize what a huge mistake I made until I was sitting in the office with Shane yesterday and realized he could ruin my life in a second. It’s just like, practically every guy wants to get with you and for Palmer to be able to brag about banging you, like, I wanted to be able to do that too. So at first when you let me and you didn’t stop, I figured you knew I wasn’t Shane and were into it, but I guess I was wrong. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but just know I’m incredibly sorry.”
    “Okay,” Savannah nodded. She didn’t know what else to say. She knew when Aaron hooked up with her that he wasn’t looking to r.ape her. He just didn’t realize his mistake until now. She didn’t forgive him, but she understood where he was coming from and knew his heart was in the right place.
    She tried walking back to the court but he stopped her. “And Savannah?” he asked.
    “I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear, but Palmer really loves you. And I know he’d do anything to be with you. You’re a great girl and I know Shane hates me right now, but I’ll be honest when I say you guys are perfect for each other. I think you should give him a second chance.”
    Note: one more to go :(

  9. KT_143 KT_143
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2013 6:17pm UTC
    Popular Girl in Class: I wish there was a way to use your phone to text someone, but instead of typing stuff you would have to say it out loud into the phone or something, and the other person could hear you, and they would talk out loud back to you.
    Her Friends: OMG! You are such a genius, I would never have thought of something so smart like that!
    Me: On March 10th, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented something like that.
    Popular Girl: What?
    History Teacher:
    Alexander Graham Bell:
    Me: The telephone.

  10. finding_nemo finding_nemo
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2013 6:22pm UTC
    *Hoping it'll thunder storm so we can't go outside for track*
    friend: Please let ther be lightning, Santa.
    me: What.
    friend: I pray to Santa.
    me: What? Why?
    friend: I feel like god's got alot of other people to listen too, and there's alot 'of bad kids in the world so Santa's free.
    *Couple minutes later it lightnings*
    friend: Thanks Santa.
    Moral of the story, pray to Santa.

  11. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2013 7:19pm UTC
    phy-ed teacher: you need exercise.
    me: it's pronounced "extra fries"

  12. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2013 1:11pm UTC
    Don't you do all those things?:
    -you sit in your towel after a shower because you're too lazy to get dressed.
    -you and your bestfriend can say one word, and crack up.
    -you hate when one string of you're hoodie is longer than the other.
    -you hate it when people think you like someone when you clearly don't.
    -you hate it when your favorite song comes on, as you pull into the driveway.
    -you feel like if you turn on the lights, you will be safe from anything.
    -you push those little buttons on the lids of fast-food drinks.
    -you laugh until people get hurt, then stop when you realize it's serious.
    -you hate it when parents get serious about something funny you tell them.
    -you hate when you tell a guy to shut up and they copy you in a higher voice.
    -you pretend to sleep when your parents come in.
    -you text the person next to you things that you can't say out loud.
    -you hate when people in front of you walk really slow and you can't get past them.
    -you're always tired no matter how much sleep you get.
    -you stop the microwave before it hits 00:00 to avoid hearing the beeps.
    -you use the "sup" head nod.
    -you hate when you are mad at someone and they make you laugh.
    -you check the fridge every ten seconds to see if food magically appeared.
    -youuuu addddd unnecessaryyyyy letterssssss attttt theeee enddddd of wordssss.

  13. DontGetYourHopesUp DontGetYourHopesUp
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2013 12:24pm UTC
    ( ( ( chapter 32 ) ) )
    Savannah and Ava sat in the cafeteria and watched as Shane was escorted to the office by two teachers, Aaron following behind with the vice principal.
    Shane knew they saw him but he couldn’t look. He knew Savannah wouldn’t be happy that he beat Aaron up because it didn’t solve anything, but it made Shane feel better.
    Savannah saw Aaron too, and Aaron stared right back at her, shaking his head. Savannah couldn’t even look at him. “He’s in my gym class,” Savannah told Ava. “He tried talking to me today but I couldn’t. How am I supposed to do that for the rest of the year?”
    “I don’t think he’s going to be bothering you anymore,” Ava said.
    “So what happened here?” Mr. Sherman, the principal asked the two beat up guys in his office.
    “Well Palmer over here went crazy after school and started whaling on me,” Aaron said.
    "Because you deserved it, and you know you did,” Shane said.
    “Fighting is not tolerated at this school and could lead to suspension. Now either you guys tell me the full story and I could try to go easy on you with the punishment or I’ll suspend you both for ten days,” Mr. Sherman warned.
    “You want the honest story?” Aaron asked. Shane rolled his eyes, knowing Aaron wouldn’t be giving him that.
    “That would be helpful,” Mr. Sherman was getting impatient.
    “Shane got angry because his girl had s..x with me but maybe instead of taking his anger out on me, he should be taking it out on her,” Aaron said. “I just hope you don’t hit Savannah this way when she messes up.”
    “I don’t hit Savannah, I would never. And you want to know why? Because she’s way smaller than me and can’t fight back. I would never take advantage of her like that,” Shane said, knowing Aaron would understand his sly remark.
    “So this is about a girl?” Mr. Sherman asked. “Guys, don’t beat each other up over it. Just move on, it’s nothing worth fighting about.”
    “No, it is, because this isn’t the first time he’s done this,” Shane said.
    “I had s..x with Ava before she was even your girl, you can’t get mad at me for that!”
    “It’s not s..x if it wasn’t consensual!” Shane yelled at him.
    “What are you trying to say?” Mr. Sherman asked. Shane knew he could ruin Aaron’s life right now, but it wouldn’t be worth it. He could say he r.aped Savannah, but they would call in Savannah to be questioned, her parents would find out, they’d find out Savannah was drunk and then the school would do an investigation on under-age drinking, Mike would get in trouble for hosting the party, the cops would get involved, and a huge mess would be made that would be nearly impossible to clean up. He couldn’t put that much stress on Savannah.
    “Nothing. Aaron’s right. I was mad he got with my girl,” Shane gave up.
    “Well I’m glad you told me the real story. Since the fight happened after school, technically we’re not obligated to do anything but since it was on school grounds we have to take some action. Shane, since you threw the first punch, I’m going to have to suspend you for five days, which would have been ten if it happened during school hours. And your parents will be notified. Aaron, for you the fighting was out of self-defense so you’re free to go. Shane, you’ll have to wait for your parents to pick you up,” Mr. Sherman said.
    Aaron left and smirked at Shane on his way out. “You’re not going to call my dad, are you?” Shane asked nervously.
    “It’s mandatory that I call both of your parents.”
    “It’s just that my dad’s girlfriend had twins yesterday and he spent the whole night at the hospital with her and they’re taking the babies home today and I know how stressed and tired he’s going to be and I don’t want to stress him out anymore,” Shane said.
    “Maybe it’s possible that I dial the wrong number and leave a message to the wrong person,” Mr. Sherman nodded slowly. “But I’m supposed to call him.”
    “Thank you so much,” Shane smiled.
    Note: three chapters left how sad :(

  14. DontGetYourHopesUp DontGetYourHopesUp
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2013 12:30pm UTC
    ( ( ( chapter 33 ) ) )
    “Shane, are you kidding me??” Lindsay yelled at him when they were finally home. She didn’t say one word to him in the car. “Why would you beat up another kid? You know better than to fight other people.”
    “He was asking for it,” Shane said.
    “Really? He said to you, ‘Shane, punch me.’ He did?”
    “He was being a d..ck to Savannah,” Shane said.
    “Oh, so that makes it okay to beat the sh..t out of him?”
    “Yeah, I thought the same thing!”
    “Savannah could have gone to the principal about it then. You didn’t have to get involved. Did she tell you to beat him up? You’ll do anything she says, won’t you?”
    “No, mom! You’re making it seemed like she has me whipped, she doesn’t. But that’s just what you do for the person you love,” Shane said.
    “You don’t love her!” Lindsay yelled at him.
    “Yes I do!” Shane fought back. “That’s why I took matters into my own hands and fought him.”
    “You’re not going to be embarrassed that people know you did something so childish?”
    “No because I won,” Shane said. “And I would do it again if I had to. I don’t want anyone thinking they can act that way towards Savannah.”
    “You really love her?” Lindsay asked softly.
    “Yes. I’ve been trying to tell you this. I would do anything for Savannah,” Shane said.
    “Why don’t you ask her to be your girlfriend then?” she asked.
    “I have, she doesn’t want to,” Shane said.
    “Just give it time. You guys are going to end up together,” Lindsay said.
    “I hope so,” Shane said.
    “But don’t think because you love her and I like Savannah means that you’re off the hook. You’re going to be staying at your dad’s this week and helping Heather out with Grayson and Jordan.”
    “My principal said he wasn’t going to call him! Please Mom, Dad is going to be so angry that I got suspended, especially if he knows it’s because of a girl. He’ll never let me hang out with Savannah,” Shane begged.
    “Sorry,” Lindsay shrugged. “But I think you should know that your dad actually really likes Savannah. When he called yesterday to tell me the news, he said he was surprised by Savannah. He thought she was going to be like the other girls you’re interested in but he was really surprised that she’s a sweet girl.”
    “So you don’t think he’d be angry that I fought another guy because of her?”
    “I think he’ll be disappointed, but he’ll also be happy that it was because of a girl like her. And don’t tell him I told you this, but he said if you were to date Savannah, he’d let you.”
    Note: two chapters left how sad :(

  15. Calliope* Calliope*
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2013 2:23pm UTC
    (I am working morning shifts at a cafe.
    We are serving breakfast. A little boy and his mother walk in.)
    Me: "So what will it be?"
    (There is a sudden silence and everyone turns to look.
    The mother looks very embarralsed)
    Mother: "Eggs... He would like some eggs..."

  16. DontGetYourHopesUp DontGetYourHopesUp
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2013 7:04pm UTC
    ( ( ( chapter 30 ) ) )
    The next day at school, Shane got congratulated by many people for the arrival of the twins. Nobody even knew that Shane was going to have a brother or sister, but that’s because Shane never told anyone about Heather. He was way too embarrassed, but there was no hiding her now- those babies didn’t come from nowhere.
    But what Shane got even more of were confused questions from people about what he was doing with Savannah. They’d all heard of her drunk endeavor with Aaron, but no one knew the actual story, not that Shane would tell them what really happened. He just told them he still loved Savannah and was lucky she still wanted anything to do with him after the way he treated her.
    The only people that talked to Savannah were other guys, hoping she’d get drunk with them and give it to them too. Ava had ignored her all day. As much as she wanted to talk to her best friend, she couldn’t. Friends don’t do that to each other.
    Ava sat alone after school in the cafeteria, disgusted by Shane and Savannah. She didn’t need them. She’d find other people to hang out with. She knew how many guys wanted her, and that’s all she needed, right?
    She was surprised when they both walked in the cafeteria after school. She thought they were doing this to rub in the fact that they were together and both screwed her over. Did they seriously think she was the kind of person who would take this?
    “Wow, look how cute you are, Savannah. First you f..ck the guy that took advantage of the person you claimed was your best friend, and now you’re pretending like you’re an innocent saint who can’t do anything wrong. Good for you, honestly.”
    “Ava, you have the wrong idea,” Shane said.
    “I don’t,” Ava shook her head. “I know exactly what kind of person she is, she’s made it clear.”
    “Just give her a chance to explain.”
    “And what are you doing with her? You’re trying to pretend like everything is alright when you know you were hurt just as bad as I was Friday night. You let her lead you on time and time again and oh, look, you’re still letting her! You’re never going to learn. I get it, you’re ‘just friends,’ nothing is going on, you’re just really close. Like no, that’s bullsh..t. I don’t know why you still want anything to do with her, because I don’t.”
    “Because I gave her a chance to explain and realized I had it all wrong. Ava please, just listen,” Shane said.
    Ava looked at Savannah, with an emotionless expression. She really had no desire to hear what Savannah had to say, knowing it wouldn’t make a difference. “Are you going to say anything?” Ava asked after a moment of Savannah being silent. She wanted to say something, just not with all these people around.
    Savannah led Ava over to the side of the cafeteria where no one could hear them. Shane could see from where he was standing Savannah letting the secret out as Ava’s face changed from a hard look to one that was beyond sad. Shane figured Savannah would cry when she told her that, but it was Ava who cried even more, apologizing and hugging her.
    Savannah forgave her but Ava wouldn’t be able to forgive herself after she talked so much sh..t about her to everyone and not letting Savannah just explain from the beginning. They walked back over to Shane and all three were just relieved that everything was settled out.
    “Honestly though Savannah, he can’t get away with this,” Ava said.
    Note: yay sav and ava are friends again :)

  17. DontGetYourHopesUp DontGetYourHopesUp
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2013 7:10pm UTC
    ( ( ( chapter 31 ) ) )
    “Legally he can,” Savannah said.
    “But there has to be something you can do,” Ava said.
    “Ava, he r.aped you too. He knew you didn’t really want to have s..x but he did it anyway. It doesn’t matter anymore. Let’s just pretend it never happened.”
    But Shane was not okay with pretending like it never happened. He knew Aaron was borderline retarded but he definitely knew enough not to take advantage of these girls that way. And Shane would let him know that.
    “I got to go guys, text me later,” he said to both of them. They each gave him a hug, thankful that he brought them back together. He wanted to kiss Savannah so bad, but he couldn’t. They weren’t together, and even though he knew the misunderstanding of the term ‘just friends’ was cleared up, he understood that’s all they were.
    Shane walked out to the parking lot where he knew Aaron would be. Aaron always bragged about waiting in his car as the winter track team ran by as a few girls would ditch practice every day to hook up with him. No girl was in the car yet and Shane could see him sitting there bored, texting on his phone. He was just about to pull away when he looked up and saw Shane.
    “Hey man, what’s good?” Aaron stopped the car and put it back in park.
    “I have a question, come here,” Shane said. Aaron got out of his car and walked over to the side Shane was on.
    “What’s up?” he asked.
    Shane took one look at his face and punched it. He had way too much anger and wanted to keep hitting him.
    “Bro, what the f..ck??” Aaron yelled at him.
    “You thought it was okay to r.ape Savannah?” Shane pushed him into the side of the car.
    “I didn’t r.ape her! I asked her if she wanted to have s..x and she said yes!” Aaron got up and pushed Shane back.
    “She thought you were me and you knew that!” Shane yelled at him.
    “Palmer, you’re just mad that I f..cked your girl. Maybe if she wasn’t such a sl..t sh..t like that wouldn’t happen,” Aaron said.
    “YOU F..CKING R.APED HER!” Shane yelled at him.
    “SHUT THE F..CK UP!” Aaron yelled back, realizing Shane was drawing attention to them.
    “This isn’t her fault that it happened, it’s yours. You’re f..cking disgusting,” Shane punched him again.
    Aaron punched him back but Shane kept going, taking out all his anger and aggression on him. Anyone still in the parking lot came over and tried to break it up, but they couldn’t. Teachers came out and tried to break up the fight, but Shane and Aaron just kept hitting each other, despite teachers getting in the way. Two male teachers pulled Shane away, who only had some bruises. Aaron on the other hand was bruised all over and bleeding.
    “Look who f..cking won,” Shane spit on him, not being able to do anything else.
    Note: four chapters left! :( but on the bright side.....I'm thinking about writing another story. Not with these characters or anything to do with this series, like a whole new story. It would take a few weeks to write the whole thing up but would anyone be interested?

  18. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2013 6:58pm UTC
    ; your story isn't over yet.

  19. Eli22b Eli22b
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2013 3:35pm UTC
    "And essay should be like a womans skirt, long enough to cover the subject,
    but short enough to keep interest." - My Social Studies teacher

  20. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2013 6:31pm UTC
    i would, without hesitation, punch a younger
    version of myself in the face.


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