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Best Youchoose Quotes Ever

  1. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2013 10:21pm UTC
    We are not given a good life
    or a bad life.
    we are given a life.
    It's up to us to make it

  2. batmancupcake57girl batmancupcake57girl
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2013 7:50pm UTC
    There are 5 types of Friends:
    5) Facebook Friends: Those people who have 500 friends is not really your friends. They are there to creep on you.
    4) Tag-A-Long Friends : Someone that tag's along with you everywhere and themelves over to your house.
    3) Backstabber Friends: They act like you are their best buddies but once you turn around, they are making you look bad, and tearing you apart.
    2) Friends With Benefits: They just want to take advantages of you They care nothing about you.
    1) Legit Friends : They are the people who is always bring you up. The bestfriend are the ripholes in rooftops kind of friends.
    Its your choice what you want to be and what friends you want to have

  3. maggiemay157 maggiemay157
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2013 8:16pm UTC
    if you're laying in bed
    wrapped up in sheets
    of miserable thought,
    go to sleep
    if thumbing through old messages
    only cuases your heart to ache
    and long for something unattainable
    erase them
    if it hurts to keep
    everything youre feeling
    bottled up inside
    let it out
    if youre clinging onto someone
    that doesnt treat you like
    youre worth the world
    let them go
    because sometimes
    we choose to believe
    that things are only
    indistinguishable shades of gray
    when in reality,
    life is more black and white
    than it seems
    if you're unhappy
    with the way
    you're living your life
    change it


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