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Best Youarejustasstupidaseveryoneelse Quotes Ever

  1. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2013 2:17am UTC
    Why is it so hard for people to
    mind their own business?
    Like, not every human being
    thinks the same way you do.
    Just because you find something
    "wrong" and "inhumane" doesn't
    mean it is, it doesn't mean you're
    right, and it doesn't mean everyone
    feels the same. Why does no one
    get that? Like, you think kid-leashes
    are considered abuse? That's fine
    and dandy, but that doesn't mean
    everyone feels the same. Just
    because someone uses a leash
    for their kid doesn't make them a
    bad parent and just because someone
    is against them doesn't mean they
    are a good parent. My mom used
    a kid-leash on my sister because she
    got distracted easy, and when we were
    in crowded places she'd run-off. Like,
    oh yeahhh she's such a horrible mom
    because she didn't want to lose her
    kid at an amusement park /sarcasm.
    Kids are hard to control, they don't listen;
    and no matter how much of a good parent
    you are, they'll be little s.hits at times.
    You can't confine a kid to a stroller their
    whole life, and some people don't want to
    risk their kid running off and getting hurt
    or worse. It's not like they buy a leash so
    they can tie their child on a post outside
    while they go inside to shop/eat. No one is
    right in the situation. That my nitwit friend
    is what we call an opinion.


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