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Best Whereareyou Quotes Today

  1. awesomenessandahalf awesomenessandahalf
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 5:11pm UTC
    excuse me where do i find the hot boys section

  2. TheDysfunctional TheDysfunctional
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2013 6:54pm UTC
    You say you care,
    but could you please act like it?

  3. I'mNotOkay* I'mNotOkay*
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 1:26pm UTC
    I have been on witty for three months and twenty three days
    And this will be my one hundredth quote on this account! Isnt this exciting!? No? Okay! Anyways I'm just going to make this a "Where are you?" update. (My first update for this story)
    I have the most amazing and supportive readers in the world and I couldnt ask for better ones! Thank you so much for reading my story! I am happy to know that I'm not writing to nobody (if that makes sense)
    Okay on to the actual update,
    1. So part one of chapter one was really long and I know that I'd prefer to put longer parts up and I'm sure most of you prefer to read longer chapters but I cant post longer chapters because when I tried posting chapter one part one it wouldnt let me post it until I "Shortened my quote or tidy up'd my HTML" So i spent an hour trying to make it fit without earasin any part of my story, I managed to do so but I really dont want to spend an hour trying to make it fit every time i try to post part of a chapter, I am dedicated to this story but I just do not have the time to do that.
    2. I know I post this on every quote but the real life Jannette and Jade are really amazing, nice cool people, I would actually recommend talking to them. I would honestly recommend talking to any of the people that the characters in my story are based off of, every single one of them are perfectly nice.
    3. All of your characters will be used eventually, I have only written the first chapter I will get to you, maybe not til the sventh chapter but I will eventually get to you.
    4. I have gotten some people asking me if all the characters are based off of real people, the answer is yes, one hundred percent of all the people in my story are real people, I just changed last names. Not all of the characters are based on people from witty though. Aaron, Mrs. Montgomery and other people that will show up later in the story are based on people from tumblr, or people I know in real life. Now there will be a character based on myself just with a different name and it'll be a smaller part that I'm only in for a chapter or two
    5. For those of you asking when the whole ghost thing will come into play. Whenever I feel like it is the answer! :) I'm actually not sure but I do know that SPOILER ALERT: it will be after Timra dies.
    6. I will start doing spoiler alerts throughout the story. How they will work is well like I just did (Although if you read my idea for the story this particular one wasnt really a spoiler alert) anyways, at the top of the spoiler alert quote will be the words spoiler alert in red capital letters and then underneath I will write what the spoiler is in white so that those of you who dont want to see it dont have to if you come across my page to reread a chapter or something and those of you who do want to read it can just highlight it.
    7. And finally if you want to be notified comment on my quote rather than favorating it. Favorating it shows me that you read my story/chapter commenting on it means you liked enough to be notified of upcoming chapter
    If you have any questions leave them on this quote and I'll answer them in my next update!

  4. ThatLostGirl* ThatLostGirl*
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2013 6:21pm UTC
    I still remember when we started talking. You made me feel like no one else ever did. You made me feel good about myself. And then you just left. Ignored all my messages. You weren't there like you promised.

  5. SummerFlower SummerFlower
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 7:44pm UTC
    Now I know why
    hugged me like
    it would be the last
    it was because
    you planned on never
    seeing me again

  6. thatwaswellfunny thatwaswellfunny
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 5:32am UTC
    Hello,earth calling to Wittians?
    Where are you?

  7. SummerFlower SummerFlower
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 7:40pm UTC
    Now I know why
    hugged me like
    it would be the last
    it was because
    you planned on never
    seeing me again


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