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Best Whatthefuckisthis Quotes This Week

  1. *nerium* *nerium*
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2014 11:22am UTC
    Imagine if all you ever wanted was attainable. You walk into a store and a cluster of acne ridden teenagers stalk a aisle marked desires. Shelves upon shelves hold compact white cans, all with discreet labels reading off things like "beauty" and "self-acceptance". "Talent" is in high demand.
    And then one day, whilst reading the newspaper, you notice a story about a girl - a mere seventeen years old - who had overdosed on beauty. Her name was Catherine. and she had died in her bedroom, surrounded by a city of confidence and charisma.
    You read that only beauty was found in her bloodstream, and then you think about what a beautiful corpse she will be.
    Imagine if everything you ever wanted was attainable, and then it ended up killing you.

  2. *nerium* *nerium*
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2014 12:43am UTC
    When I was younger, my mother had an entire drawer full of prescription medication in our kitchen. It was for her clinical depression, although I didn't know this at the time. I had never seen her take any of them, not one pill. I didn't question it, I was only four and knew that some medicines tasted nasty, like that prescription cough medicine that was supposed to taste like strawberries ("hey!" my younger self whispers harshly now, "it doesn't taste like strawberries at all.") I also knew that I certainly wouldn't want to take my medicine if it tasted nasty.
    Ten years later, I did not want to take my medication. I wanted it to fester in the kitchen drawer with my mothers out-of-date boxes of Prozac. My mother told me I had to take it. I told her she was being a hypocrite because our medications are exactly the same, and we (are meant to) take them for the exact same reasons. She defended herself with half-formed excuses. But after a while, she opened up that overflowing kitchen drawer and pulled out the only in-date box she had. She then told me that if I took mine, she'll take hers - I didn't think she'd do it. She hadn't been doing it for over ten years - what would be different now? I asked, and her response was "you". I was surprised by this answer, but decided to humour her by taking my medicine for the first time in months. To my surprise, she then took hers for the first time in years.

  3. *nerium* *nerium*
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2014 5:35pm UTC
    blood caked beneath my nails, it's worse than it looks. i don't dig my hands into old wounds, and i don't really care for killing - there's just an itch in the shallows of my skull, and i think i've dug too deep; i'm feeling kinda scared now, because i can see my brain, and it's full of so many things. it's sort of cramped, and it's kinda weird to think of your brain as an actual place instead of an actual brain, but it sort of is a place, because your brain holds memories and memories are just a bunch of places, really...right? the brain is a very big place, if you think about it, and that very big place is crammed and crushed into a very small space.

  4. *nerium* *nerium*
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2015 11:26pm UTC
    Love is when you look at me and I no longer feel like crying.

  5. *nerium* *nerium*
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2015 9:47pm UTC
    I like his hands. I like the lack of warmth, how they are so cold and dry against my heated palm. I like how, gradually, they begin to warm from the radiation of my own nervous hands, and how he doesn't let go when my palm begins to slip with sweat. I like the sublte way in which he grasps my wrist, and how he will place my hand into his jacket pocket, so we can bask in the comfort of a secret. I like his hands, the roughness of his palm and the blue defintion of his veins, but I like them especially when they are holding mine.


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