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Best Tori10176 Quotes Today

  1. NeverFadingBeauty* NeverFadingBeauty*
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2013 6:53am UTC
    A daisy for you
    A daisy for me
    A daisy for all, can't you see
    That we are all the same
    Inside and out
    We all have hearts, and feelings
    Hate makes me want to shout
    We are all human
    Inside we are all the same
    Just people with a name
    We are like daises floating in the wind
    All the same no matter the kin
    So we all have feelings
    Cause we are, Human Beings.
    -Written by me, inspired by Tori10176-

  2. *Dirtbag* *Dirtbag*
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2013 8:20pm UTC
    If I'm perfect to one person thats enough for me<3

  3. Victoria13 Victoria13
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2013 12:49am UTC
    Tori10176 has to be one of the most inspirational people I have ever met. She is beautiful and strong and courageous. She is so kind and sweet. I think she deserves lots of happiness and only the best of things in this world. You guys should go follow her and show her some love and support.

  4. Victoria13 Victoria13
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 10:17pm UTC
    I'm really scared, I think Tori10176 might seriously injure herself or even worse kill herself. I'm so terrified and I just want her to be alright. I need help because she won't listen to me. And to make matters even worse, she's not online to listen, if anybody knows how to contact her in any other way than Witty, please do. :(

  5. Smile612 Smile612
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2013 1:08am UTC
    Victoria, Tori, Nori, whatever you want to call her. She seems like a nice girl. Also her quotes are daily so you'll never run out of things to read from her!

  6. Alexisiscool Alexisiscool
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 3:50pm UTC
    Dear Victoria (Tori10176)
    You are amazing and beautiful... This is my Story, to prove your not alone in what you went though...
    Year/grade Rec/kindergarden (sorry im British): I was bullied and teased by everyone for the fact i cried alot
    and had thantrums and was basiclly a psycopathic 4 year old! XD (Dont feel bad about Kinder Garden, I mean,
    i was psycopathic and I was often thrown out the classroom, soooo...Dont feel bad)
    Year/grade 1: Started to have to see a consilour, Yes at 5 years old i was visiting a consilour, for anger and
    sh//t And i was still teased, i remmeber a boy perposely breaking my alice band and i was physcially hurt... i h
    ad 2 friends thats it! Everyone else bullied me. I also played date with this boy, it was cute, i cry about it now...
    Year/grade 2: I was no better, but I did try my hardest, and finally my no1. enemy left school, BUT, i was still
    teased and told off my friend actually started to be cruel with me, so i had one friend, one real friend! Also my m
    um kicked me out after a bad day off school when i said i didnt want to live there anymore, luckily she let me
    back in! Well my godmother did!
    Year/Grade 3: My consilour left, I was soo upset i cried for days, i needed her! I was still bad and bullied and
    YEAR/GRADE4: I finally cleaned myself up and became a good kid, but i discovered the internet and was
    addicted from the age of 8, yes EIGHT years old, and i was hooked! :( I became psyco and upset and angry
    and 100% anti-social at that point! I finally made a few more friends! Luckily for me! But i was CRAZY, INSANE,
    i was angry alot aswell, I would cry for nothing sometimes! I joined Skype and stuff happened where a guy told
    me too take off my clothes and got me too do THE MOST DISGUSTING THINGS EVER!
    Year/grade 5: WORST YEAR EVER, i became suicidal, i gained anixety, anti social behavious, depression and
    sh//t like that, I would often talk to myself, and laugh by myself (No IM MENTALLY STABLE, Okay maybe not)
    I was alsolubtely crazy, i would play alone and just be by myself! I was bullied no stop! No one cared about me!
    Also i almost killed someone, but dont mind about that, IT WAS NOTHING I SWEAR! I had too see a consilour
    but then stopped at the started of year 6! I also had to see a therapist about stuff I wont talk about! Me and my
    friend played truth or dare, and well it got s/xual and i was hurt badly by my traitorous friend who told the one
    person I was in love with, my friend Alicja (im bisexual) i didnt want her to know!
    Year /grade 6: first 6 months were PERFECT, then hal way though the year, my teacher started been
    extremely cruel to me and horrible, literally HORRIBLE, so naturally i turned back into a bad kid! Also I was
    hideous and gained weight and also got extremely pale and started cutting again, then I had to see a consilour! I
    WOULD WRITE ALOT and became angry, depressed, upset, suicidal and worried, i talked to myself and would
    have s//xual nightmares!
    Year/Grade 7: I still have too see my consilour but things are getting better i still have cuts, im doing well but im
    still alone and paranoid and angry and betrayed by friends, scarred with the memories and bruised with hell
    and torture of memories and i have a lot of flash backs!
    NOW (year/grade 8): Im happy but still scared and paranoid and im still homicidal and suicidal, i dont feel
    loved, but Now i've stopped cutting, i cut if im depressed! Im happy now that ihave witty, and your quotes have
    made me feel good about myself, made me feel happy! and smiling! YOUR QUOTES HELP PEOPLE, YOU
    ARE BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING, words cant say how amazing you are, your are amazing, not like me, you
    will do better then those haters, your a strong person too live through this , you ARE LOVED AND SPECIAL
    AND AMAZING, Im sorry such cr/p happened to a wonderful girl like you! :) Your amazing, keep smiling girl.. im
    here for you!

  7. alittlebitoflove alittlebitoflove
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2013 12:51am UTC
    Well to be honest I'm so glad I got this request because she's certainly a special girl, she's so pretty, I've talked to her several times on my main account and she's so nice and fun to talk to! you should definitely get to know her and talk to her, you'll find out how amazing she is after!

  8. imakesmiles imakesmiles
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2013 5:46pm UTC
    She is so sweet, so inspirational, and so awesome! She makes an effort to converse with other wittians no matter who they are, and that's extrememly admirable! She's been through a lot and still came out strong and beautiful. Go follow her!

  9. BreeeFayy* BreeeFayy*
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2013 9:12pm UTC
    My name's Bree and I don't often make these type of quotes
    But this is important to me.
    My friend Tori, actually my best friend on this site, Tori1076,
    Is going through a very hard time right now.
    All you have to do to see that
    is to scroll through her quotes.
    She means a lot to me and I bet you can guess what I'm about to say
    If you could all comment "love" or "hope" on her profile or something nice about her
    That would mean the world to me
    And I'm sure to her also.
    Tori is an insparation to many people on this site, including me
    and my only wish right now is that nothing bad happens to this amazing girl...
    please help me.

  10. DatHotDude DatHotDude
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2013 4:37pm UTC
    She is an ugly h/oe


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