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  1. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2014 7:31pm UTC
    Currently I'm now in a Creative Writing Class and my class is now in the poetry unit. I plan to put up some of the original things I write and I would like to ask that no one tries to pass it off as there own. If you do, I will find where you and your family live ._. hahahaha nah. Well anyways the teacher assigns genres to everyone and guess what I got? Romance. ROMANCE. I suck with romance *cries*, well at least she said we could go anywhere with it. Anyways, this is what I wrote :D enjoy~
    Just You and Me
    On a starry night,
    atop the sandy beach.
    My heart has alight,
    with your hand in my reach.
    At a shopping mall,
    smiles on our lips.
    We just have it all,
    almost attached at the hip.
    Can you see
    the love we have,
    just you and me,
    smiles and laughs?
    Who is she?
    The one who stands by you?
    What about me?
    I thought you loved me too.
    Missed calls.
    An empty bed.
    My heart that falls
    when you have fled.
    Can you see
    the love we have,
    just you and me,
    has made me sad?
    He left with her,
    Leaving me behind.
    He calls her forever,
    even though he’s mine.
    “I thought you loved me,”
    I sorrowfully said.
    He looked at me blankly,
    the day before he wed.
    Can you see
    the love we had,
    just you and me,
    hurts me so bad?
    Loud blood curdling screams.
    That girl is dead.
    Red, my knife gleams,
    on the day he was to wed.
    Alone in this white room,
    a jacket hugging me.
    You were my groom,
    I think about with glee.
    Can you see
    the love we had,
    just you and me,
    had driven me mad?


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