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just another asian*

Status: Currently married to an anime character

Member Since: 7 Oct 2010 04:45pm

Last Seen: 10 Apr 2017 04:04pm

Birthday: February 9

Location: Narnia

Gender: F

user id: 127790

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Hi there!
All my friends call me Jay.
Umm... Lets see here, well first of all I'm Asian, like you know "ninja".
I am 5' 5", female
My favorite food is rice (so versatile)
My least favorite is boiled celery (insert shiver of disgust).
My favorite subject in school is Physics (I'm a nerd)
My least favorite is Math (Yes, I know I'm Asian, but Statistcs doesn't come to me as easily as the others)
My favorite color/ colors: Black, Red, Blue , Purple (when i think about it, it seems like i have a pretty violent choice of colors)
Likes: doodling, watching anime, wittyprofiles, singing, standing in the rain (its one of the most calming things, just remember to get dry else you'll be sick for like a month), standing at high places (yes, I do get scared and freaked out but it makes me see everyone is so small and I have one of those people moments where it seem like my problems are small compared to all the bustle goin' on in this big world)
Dislikes: tripping (on air, objects, feet, invisible imaginary friends, etc.), backstabbers (yup, kind of self explanatory there), lies ( hearing them everyday gets you sick and tired after a while) , love (I kinda stopped believing in finding 'the one' a long time ago), losing (call me a sore loser, but I always feel inferior when I lose)
Personality: well I'm sarcastic (if you haven't already figured that out), witty (oh the puns), secretive (secrets can be worth more than gold to many people), procrastinator, loving (hard to believe, right?), stubborn (as a mule ;)), strong (physically though not as much mentally).
Quirks: I tend to get brash and loud when I'm nervous (usually resulting in me saying stupid things), I bite my lip when I'm nervous or when I feel like I'm about to cry, I always tie my hair back even though I waste hours trying to figure out how to get my slightly wavy hair pin straight, I tap my pencil when I'm feeling impatient, I can laugh uncontrollably for one second and have a poker face the next (helps to have this skill in school), and I always scrunch my nose slightly when I'm concentrating (my best friend told me that I had all these quirks when we were in mythology class one time), pretends to ignore you (yet holds on to every word you say)
Dream boy: honest, kind of shy, clumsy, witty, gentleman, can teach me how to flirt (I am a complete potato when I try to flirt, don't know even know how you humans do it), can see through all my fake smiles, will hold/ cuddle with me, doesn't like me for my figure/face but for myself, he will always watch animes/dramas with me (even if I have to force him), loyal, and someone who will look at who I am and still love me. And he is a fictionous character (Oh the irony)
Favorite animal: cat (I know this is random but I have a feeling I'll probably own dozens of them and live alone when I'm old </3)
Birthday: February 9 (this year, every year lol)

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  1. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2016 1:58pm UTC
    them: wow! how are you so creative?!me: i ate paste when i was four

  2. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2015 10:19am UTC
    "Live while you still can" -my fortune cookie
    Was I just threatened by a fortune cookie?!

  3. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2014 10:48am UTC
    In my writing class, we are on a poetry unit. Everyone had to reach their hand into a box and pull out something without looking. I ended with a rock covered in glitter and I made a poem for it:
    I am so glamorous
    with glitter covering me.
    I’m so beautiful,
    it’s such a simple thing to see.
    Without a doubt,
    I obviously don’t fit in.
    Besides, I want to stand out.
    I know it’s no sin.
    I straighten my hair everyday
    and put my makeup on.
    This is the only way
    for me to be beautiful as a swan.
    I always go out
    and shop for new clothes.
    It’s without a doubt
    that I’m pretty as a rose.
    Why are you trying to get close to me?
    No! You have to stay away!
    I don’t want anyone to see!
    I won’t have my heart out on display!
    I must never let it show.
    I always have to hide.
    Because no one must know;
    that I’m ugly on the inside.

  4. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2014 2:07pm UTC
    my little brother has now dubbed the bathroom his"Fortress of Solitude"

  5. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2014 12:04pm UTC
    What happened to me yesterday at school:
    Me: *goes to last stall in bathroom and opens door*
    Me: Why is there a box in the toilet and a purse on the hook.
    Me: *Touches leather on purse*
    Purse: Goodbye.
    I screamed and ran out of there thinking it was a bomb.
    Turns out it was someonthing that belonged to a mute girl
    at school and the box was a present she didn't like...

  6. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2014 11:14pm UTC
    your favorite food will continue to taste delicious until the day you've eaten it while it's soaked in your tears.

  7. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2014 7:31pm UTC
    Currently I'm now in a Creative Writing Class and my class is now in the poetry unit. I plan to put up some of the original things I write and I would like to ask that no one tries to pass it off as there own. If you do, I will find where you and your family live ._. hahahaha nah. Well anyways the teacher assigns genres to everyone and guess what I got? Romance. ROMANCE. I suck with romance *cries*, well at least she said we could go anywhere with it. Anyways, this is what I wrote :D enjoy~
    Just You and Me
    On a starry night,
    atop the sandy beach.
    My heart has alight,
    with your hand in my reach.
    At a shopping mall,
    smiles on our lips.
    We just have it all,
    almost attached at the hip.
    Can you see
    the love we have,
    just you and me,
    smiles and laughs?
    Who is she?
    The one who stands by you?
    What about me?
    I thought you loved me too.
    Missed calls.
    An empty bed.
    My heart that falls
    when you have fled.
    Can you see
    the love we have,
    just you and me,
    has made me sad?
    He left with her,
    Leaving me behind.
    He calls her forever,
    even though he’s mine.
    “I thought you loved me,”
    I sorrowfully said.
    He looked at me blankly,
    the day before he wed.
    Can you see
    the love we had,
    just you and me,
    hurts me so bad?
    Loud blood curdling screams.
    That girl is dead.
    Red, my knife gleams,
    on the day he was to wed.
    Alone in this white room,
    a jacket hugging me.
    You were my groom,
    I think about with glee.
    Can you see
    the love we had,
    just you and me,
    had driven me mad?

  8. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2014 11:48am UTC
    Whenever my friend get's serious and asks what is the answer to life,I always act like a smart@ss and say, "42"

  9. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2014 11:38am UTC
    At friend's house watching horror movie;Me: Hey, what if something crawls out of the tv?Friend: Then I'd say it's really great 3-D effectsMe: But what if it wasn't 3-D?We couldn't sleep the rest of the night xD

  10. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2014 5:52pm UTC
    yesterday during lunch at my school, my best friend and i were talking about horror movie and better places that the killer could have hid the bodies. i heard a cough behind me and i turn to see one of the school's security guards choking on coffee. o_o

  11. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2014 11:30am UTC
    At my school, we can pay the school choir to sing love songs on valentine's day.
    I'm going to send one to my friend one for gym class,
    just to watch a choir of boys chase her singing love songs xD

  12. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2014 8:38pm UTC
    Just because I forgive you now,
    Doesn't mean I will forget it ever happened.

  13. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2014 8:44pm UTC
    am i the only one who says"scooch yo booch" ?

  14. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2014 9:23pm UTC
    (Me going onto Witty)
    Me: Oh look a notification! *clicks it*
    Notification: Steve started following you

  15. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2014 7:41pm UTC
    In my Psych class, we had to do dream journals.
    After a few weeks, the teacher chooses a dream to read out loud.
    Then he finds the "hidden" meaning in the dreams, that determine who you are.
    Guess who's dream he chose?
    Let's just say I have been diagnosed psychotic by a teacher today ._.

  16. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2014 11:32am UTC
    These will probably be my last words,
    "Hey best friend's name ! Watch this!"

  17. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2014 11:40am UTC
    What do you wish for most in the whole world?
    I ask this to myself all the time and I always have the same answer.
    I wish to be happy everyday for the rest of my life.
    (comment what you wish for the most)

  18. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2013 9:07pm UTC
    For me, I always jokingly call myself crazy, I didn't care.
    But when my own freaking mom looks at me and says
    that I am f*cking insane, while looking me dead in the eye.
    I feel so lost and sad that I can't even
    stop the tears that start to fall from my eyes.
    Because I honestly thought she had actually
    accepted the real me, after all these years.
    If she calls me insane,
    than I'm afraid that I actually am...

  19. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2013 9:24pm UTC
    Chat I had with my friend earlier:
    me: I FEEL SO COLD Q-Q
    Hagoromo: Welcome to winter. We've been expecting you.
    me: D:
    Hagoromo: lol
    me: villian!
    He was rubbing in my face that his heater wasn't broken and mine is. *cries*

  20. just another asian* just another asian*
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2013 9:36pm UTC
    Author's Note (A/U) Okay, so this is my first time posting a story on witty. This is a friendship story I'm making that might be along the lines of a romantic comedy kind of thing. In the beginning, it is just building of the character and introducing the main character and a few key minors (no love/romance yet) So I'm not sure if people will like it, all I ask is that no one steal it, because that would completely break my heart. Anyway, this has kind of been sitting in my closet and one of my best friends have been harrassing me to post it online. Any relation to characters with people I know in real life are highly likely, because I based my characters on them. However, if the name matches with a person you know in real life, it has absolutely no revelance. It is all a mere co-ink-eed-ink. Hope to have some feed back and/or advice :)
    Rooming With Disaster
    Chapter 1
    I carelessly pushed at my hair, moving it out of my face. I gazed down at my almost completed painting, with a grin.
    “Almost done,” I said to myself. I gave myself a careless pat on the back, smearing the residues of paint, all over the shoulder of my black smock. I looked at the mess of color all over my smock, before letting out a small laugh. I shook my head at my own idiocy and frowned when my hair fell in my face again. I gave a small huff, before using a paintbrush to secure my hair, behind my ear. Pulling one of the smallest brushes from my messy bun, I dipped it carefully into the red paint on my palate. I used small precise strokes to add color to the wings of the once ivory butterflies. I sat back on my haunches and exhaled, before placing the brush into the cup of water by my side.
    I leaned back and stretched, feeling all of the bones in my body crack. I let out a sigh of relief and fell back onto the newspaper covered floors. I gazed at the ceiling that I had painted a midnight black, with glow in the dark painted stars. The seconds ticked by as I waited for the paint to dry and the stars left me calm. I didn’t want to part with this room. I owned this little haven for two years now and I refuse to give it up. With a resolute nod to myself, I sat back up and grabbed the brush from behind my ear. I delicately dipped the tip into the black paint and angled my hand over the painting. I wiped off the excess paint on my fingertips, before I did the delicate designs on the butterflies wings. The simple red butterflies came to life on the canvas, as I divided it’s wings with my brush. I focused to make sure that not a single line was out of place. Once I finished the final stroke, I carefully placed the brush with the others, inside the water cup, before pulling back.
    I let the air rush out of my lungs and I faced the ceiling, closing my eyes. I breathed in the familiar smell of the acrylic paint, relaxing my aching back. I felt every worry seem to flow out of me, as I opened my eyes again. I slowly got up, careful not to mess up anything. I slowly picked up the dirty water, careful for it not to get anywhere near the painting. I padded to the door of my mini studio and opened the door. The dark hallway greeted me and I yawned tiredly. I flipped the light switch, before walking into the bathroom and pouring the water down the drain. I looked in the mirror and groaned at what I saw. My black hair was caked in paint and it ranged from all colors of the freaking rainbow. I knew for sure it would be a pain to get out.
    I placed the empty cup into the sink and turned on the water. As I washed the cup, I started to lean closer to the mirror and looked at myself. The fake glasses I wore shined slightly in the light. I’ve worn them ever since that one time I got paint in my eyes. Even with the eye gear on, it had no hopes of hiding the evident bags under my eyes. After giving one more good rinse, I placed the cup into the cupboard right outside the bathroom and I turned around reentering the bathroom. I shut it behind me and turned the fan on and discarded my clothes. I plugged the tub, poured in some honeysuckle soap, and turned on the faucet. I then went to the adjacent shower and quickly showered. With that done, I exited the shower and went to shut off the bath faucet. I settled slowly into the hot water, the heat soothing my sore back and tired bones.
    I looked the the ceiling and saw the faint maroon stains, which in a morbid way, looked like dry blood. I scrunched up my nose in distaste, thinking of buying paint later on, to cover the stain. I brought a hand up and looked at my hand covered in foam. I settled back even more, daydreaming of being in a place far far away, where everyday stress could never bother me again. I felt my eyes grow heavy, the growing weight of a few nights without sleep, finally catching up to me. I sank myself into the warm water and kept my head just slightly afloat, before I breathed one deep breath. I felt the darkness seep into my vision and the world seemed to become fuzzy and faded. I thought I heard voices, but I was already too tired and out of it to notice.


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