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Best Smartpeople Quotes Ever

  1. Girl_Who_Waited Girl_Who_Waited
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2013 12:55pm UTC
    My religion teahcer asks
    "What song would you sing to God to show him that we are alright?"
    And I actually answered
    "Teenagers by My Chemical Romance"
    She said "Thats so nice"
    While all the other students just stared and held in their laughter

  2. Samwise Gamgee ♥* Samwise Gamgee ♥*
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2013 8:31pm UTC
    Any man who can drive safely
    while kissing a pretty girl
    is simply not giving the kiss
    the attention it deserves.
    -Albert Einstein

  3. chareli chareli
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2013 12:02pm UTC
    *Two of my friends talking*
    Friend 1: Your commulative GPA is 98.8? Oh, I'm like .3 behind you.
    Friend 2: Really? So 98.5? That's pretty good. Keep it up. What's your current?
    Friend 1: Oh, um 97.3....
    Friend 2: Omg what happened?!
    Friend 1: Eh, you know, I've been slacking.
    Me: lol wut?

  4. Xx_Deal_With_It_xX* Xx_Deal_With_It_xX*
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2013 4:09pm UTC

  5. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2014 11:34am UTC
    You shouldn't waste your time arguing with a stupid person
    Becuase you won't win. It's not that the stupid person somehow outwitted you
    It's because they do not have enough common sense
    So they are never going to see your side of things, no matter how insightful or wise
    you may actually be, no matter how much more common sense you have than them
    In all their stupidity, they are going to somehow believe they are right
    That's part of being stupid, not recognizing that you are stupid
    You can tell when a person is truly stupid and ignorant
    Why bother wasting your energy and attention on them?
    Some people are literally so stupid, and do such stupid things
    It makes me wonder how they are allowed to exist
    People should be tested regularly for common sense and how much knowledge they have
    And all the people who score low on the test should be required to pay a fee
    People who are smart should be rewarded for using their brains
    That would be cool

  6. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 10:35pm UTC
    How come you can easily get picked on for being smart or intelligent? People think if you know alot and can think a lot, or if you have certain abilities that make you smarter or have above average intelligence, that you are either stuck up, a loser, self centered,arrogant, geeky, or weird. Being considered smart or intelligent is a "good' thing. Why do people get to be made fun of for actually using their brains and having common sense? So many dumb people walk around every day doing really dumb things, and don't get picked on for being dumb or stupid. If you call someone "stupid" then you are being mean, but the fact is, if a person is really being stupid, why shouldn't you be able to let them know that? If you call someone smart "too smart","a know it all", "stuck up" or "arrogant", then its not viewed as being mean. Why is that?


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