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How come you can easily get picked on for being smart or intelligent? People think if you know alot and can think a lot, or if you have certain abilities that make you smarter or have above average intelligence, that you are either stuck up, a loser, self centered,arrogant, geeky, or weird. Being considered smart or intelligent is a "good' thing. Why do people get to be made fun of for actually using their brains and having common sense? So many dumb people walk around every day doing really dumb things, and don't get picked on for being dumb or stupid. If you call someone "stupid" then you are being mean, but the fact is, if a person is really being stupid, why shouldn't you be able to let them know that? If you call someone smart "too smart","a know it all", "stuck up" or "arrogant", then its not viewed as being mean. Why is that?
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How come you can easily get picked on for being smart or intelligent?

1 faves · Jun 6, 2014 10:35pm





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