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Best Ski Quotes Today

    posted a quote
    February 9, 2015 8:01pm UTC
    makes it all so hard when i see that we're far from the way we were

  2. SimpliciteLove SimpliciteLove
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2013 4:36pm UTC
    "Don't look down."
    I've never liked that saying. Let me explain.
    I am a skier. I've been skiing for eleven years. I usually go and ski at Perfect North Slopes, which is ten minutes away from my house. Well, at Perfects there is a lot of hills and a lot of beginner skiers. There is a certain hill right in front of the lodge. It's called Center Stage.
    You would never guess from looking at it, but Center Stage is a very dangerous, steep, icy hill. It is actually the iciest hill at Perfects. But, if you look at it from below, Center Stage looks like a normal beginner hill. It looks easy. So everyday multiple beginners try and tackle Center Stage. When they get up there, they never look down, but if they did they would realize how steep it actually was. So these beginners make their way down about 1/4 of the hill. Then they realize their mistake. They fall, lose their skis, and hurt themselves rolling down the hill.
    If they had just taken the time to stop and look down before they started going down no one would've gotten hurt. They would've seen the ice, the patches of deep snow your skis get caught in, and just how straight down it goes. They would've gone, "Wow, this looks harder than I thought." and would've turned around to tackle it another day, when they were more experienced.
    That is why I think you should look down.


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