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Best S0phie Quotes This Week

  1. 정국* 정국*
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2013 3:54am UTC
    One day
    You'll find your love.
    You may be single at the moment, but still you're charming.
    "No one likes you"
    Has to be the most biggest lie ever.
    There is also someone that likes you in their heart.

  2. p0kemon p0kemon
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2013 4:13pm UTC
    I'm being cyber bullied
    The reason why? because the witty user swagger9851 was using a fake picture. and I said "That picture is faker than a Barbie." and then the witty user 's0phie' who seriously looks like she's 9 years old started talking about me and my 'witty friend group' (mcbirder, mrsstyles_x, somy_a_f, kyraaalynnn0x and Cammie) and said http://oi42.tinypic.com/6pz0xs.jpg . I wonder where she learned those words!? So then I was talking to Lauren (mrsstyles_x) and I said 'S0phie is probably faking swagger9851' which it's kind of obvious because one 1. A course a 10 year old would want to be 'scene' since she uses pictures of them. 2. Sophie is swagger9851's only friend. 3. they're never on at the same time. After I said that stuff to Lauren, Sophie and Swagger9851 said this: http://oi39.tinypic.com/282dc8.jpg . Honestly, it's not hurting me, I just want them off witty. also if you look at s0phie's profile she only keeps comments when swagger9851 or others are talking about me and my friends

  3. DontCutYoureBeautiful DontCutYoureBeautiful
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2013 12:57am UTC
    is a beautiful girl that inspire me with bunches of other fellow wittians. You should follow her and fave her quotes! Eh hem.. Did I mean "fantastic" quotes? She should be witty famous and deserves more followers, so go ahead and follow her. She's a amazing friend, cool girl and all things like that. She tries her best not to insult people, if she does the reason Is because the person is a rude one.


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