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Best Rezarusandi Quotes This Week

  1. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2015 7:31pm UTC
    People Think
    you are an extrovert and easily blend with people because you always look happy and talk much, but I know you are not an extrovert. You are extremely introverted, and you become superficially outspoken and loud to keep people thinking that you have nothing to hide inside. But I know, there in your eyes you have your real figure. Unmasked, undisguised. I know you can’t see twinkling stars as simply twinkling. I know you see that those stars are actually smiling and greeting you “have a good evening, or good night, or even ‘why are you still up?’” I know when you hear the rain, you hear the most beautiful orchestra in the entire universe. I know when lights fade away and darkness sets in, you feel most comfortable and safe. I know you are smiling, and laughing and even crying during the time you spend with your awesome imaginary friend. You also got so much support and advice from your imaginary friend and have learned a lot. I know you have your own world that you create with internet connection, books, music, and locked room. I know cold wind warms you, loneliness spoils you, I know you feel unwanted and too sensitive, and there are times when you feel the whole world rejects your presence. I know that inside you are an introvert. 
I know you have a beautiful life in your beautiful world.
 I know your vault keeps millions of thoughts and secrets. 
And I know that you love someone so strong that it can move a mountain. You are an introvert and
    let me tell you, you are understood.

  2. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2015 1:46am UTC
    I just wish the more days we live, the better we know ourselves. Especially the part or the space or the knowing of being happy and with our own selves alone, so later when we are deciding to be with someone, we’d know whether we really fell in love or we just happen to feel lonely.


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