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Best Prevent Quotes Ever

  1. Yourbeautiful* Yourbeautiful*
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2013 1:26pm UTC
    It breaks my heart,
    to hear people talking about self harming
    or when I see scars on people.
    Don't let people or feelings make you self harm.
    I hope you know that you're loved and people care.
    I will be there for you.
    I swear until the day I'm gone,
    I'll always try my hardest to prevent self harm.
    I don't care if we've never even talked before.
    You are important to me and I'll try my hardest to help.
    I just humanity stops taking self harm as a joke,
    and finally realize it's a big deal.
    Stay strong ❤

  2. help_me_im_drowning help_me_im_drowning
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2013 7:34pm UTC
    Simply telling students not to bully, is like telling a baby not to put random things in their mouths. You know that they are going to do it anyway. Those students are going to go back to class, instead of listening to the teacher, they will pass notes. They will spread rumors. They will pick and taunt until somebody has had enough. Those somebody's will go home to a parent that ask how school was. When they never realize "Boring," or "Fine," is just a coverup. That kids can be harsh and "Get over it" is just never enough. That when parents say, "I use to get picked on it school too," it never helps. Though this is a new generation, the words have gotten worse, and even more physcial. It was all just because you wore the wrong clothes, or had a problem physically. But students don't care that your parent is going bankruptcy and cant afford nice clothes, or that that problem physically is from a car crash when you were 5. But you can prevent a baby from picking things up off the floor and putting them into their mouths, and you can prevent bulling too. If you see it, don't ignore it. Take action, stop it. Because if that was you, you'd want help to.


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