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Lucyquin Quotes

  1. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2016 2:29pm UTC
    Once upon a time
    I was struck by lightning,
    all of my veins were pulled
    one by one through my skin
    and out of my body
    through the base of my skull.
    They were used for jump ropes
    to occupy those who could not stand
    to watch the human body be dismantled
    without the proper occasional distraction.
    My teeth formed an orchestra,
    chattering in beat to some minor chord.
    My hands became fish
    and swam soundlessly off of my wrists.
    Not to be outdone,
    my feet ran away from my body,
    chasing after my fish hands.
    They raced off into another dimension.
    It was impossible to see who won,
    just then my eyes rolled down
    the silhouette of my body
    like a gumball in one of those machines
    where they spiral for a few moments
    before reaching the bottom.
    I went to scream but
    my lips were on fire
    and my tongue thrashed helplessly about
    trying to put out the flames.
    And that’s when I began to fall apart.
    Every single part of my body
    abandoned me.
    My brain fashioned a shank
    out of my skull and cut itself to freedom.
    My temporal lobe stuck its tongue out
    as they abandoned ship.
    Only my heart stuck around,
    beating louder and louder
    to remind me it’s the only thing
    to ever have complete faith in.
    —Lucy Quin

  2. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2016 2:21pm UTC
    Sometimes in the shower I look
    down at my hands and tell myself I’m going to be an entirely different person that day, as if it was as simple as washing yourself down the drain. Sometimes I look up at the shower head and remember a time when my mother coaxed me into getting showers by telling me water came out of the spigot because there was an elephant spraying water from its trunk on the other side of the wall.
    I don’t remember time passing but all of the sudden my hands got so big. The days all seem to run together like the adjoining tracks of a train, and it’s only when I stop to notice the distance from point A to point B that I realize how much space has elapsed, how I’ll never again be quite small enough to hide behind a laundry basket and I’ll never be big enough to occupy the space in someone’s heart.
    The water rolls awkwardly along my knuckles, the right one is scabbed because I get angry and a lot of the time words just won’t do. It’s just that sometimes skin and bones feel more like a prison than a home and to try to convey that to someone who doesn’t know how it feels to house an entire hurricane in their body is impossibly frustrating. It’s like trying to accurately describe a dream as it slips further and further away, only to be later recalled in bursts. It is a fear of mine, a time when people will remember me in bursts. But I am most frightened of a time when I will only be able to recollect my life in bursts.

  3. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2016 8:54pm UTC
    Please leave format credit to 1986!
    I get upset when people don’t realize that minds get sick just like bodies, and although the symptoms aren’t apparent and obvious, that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve sympathy and understanding.

  4. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2016 8:53pm UTC
    The parts they take
    when they go
    are always
    so much bigger
    than those
    they leave behind.
    Like pieces
    from different
    jigsaw puzzles,
    I’m left with
    a nonsense
    in my chest.
    The heart,
    the ugliest muscle.
    A paper mache mess
    of all the ones
    that got away.
    —Lucy Quin

  5. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2016 8:53pm UTC
    In the 2nd grade
    my hair was so long
    it would get caught
    in the screws
    on the back of
    my chair.
    Tiny pieces would be
    ripped out and left behind,
    I’d be sure to collect
    them so no one would
    walk off with parts of me.
    And not much has changed,
    except now I don’t get
    to take my parts back,
    people walk off with
    bits of me before
    I even realize they were
    close enough to take
    anything at all.
    —Lucy Quin

  6. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2016 8:52pm UTC
    I swear there is no feeling quite
    as comforting like the glow of the television from the window of the house down the street on a night when I cannot sleep. Sometimes I lay in bed trying to picture who is watching and why they also can’t get to sleep. I think of how they will never know how many nights they have been my only source of solace, how they’ve been the only means of consistency in my life when so many others have failed.
    My mother always tells me I find comfort in the uncomfortable, that out of all of her children I am the only one that keeps her up at night worrying the most. Sometimes I think about who might be watching the television glowing from the window of my parent’s bedroom as my mother stays up thinking about all the other more suitable versions of myself she’d rather I grew up to become. I think about who they are or why they are awake staring at the flickering light of my parent’s television, and I can’t help but be comforted by the idea.

  7. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2016 7:13pm UTC
    I watched a man run his hand up and down his girlfriend’s spine like a keyboard to keep her warm as they waited for the bus downtown, she smiled without looking at him and he knew it so he pulled her close. And I thought about them hours later – how I hoped they were good to each other and knew just how lucky they were because there’s not enough of that kind of love around anymore. —Lucy Quin

  8. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2016 7:03pm UTC
    I swear I’ve written over a dozen times in my head but the words never found my mouth. But that’s just like me — inarticulate and constantly halfway out of your life.
    I meant to call but my fingers could never seem to find the courage. Instead, I kept them distracted in the hands of all the wrong people.
    “Your eyes never quite look the same twice, and I’m scared for the time when I’ll look and no one will be behind them.”
    I never knew what you meant until one night it was 3 A.M. and I caught sight of myself in the mirror and couldn’t tell where I had run off to.
    I go to sleep one person and it feels like I’m an entirely different person when I wake up. And you just never understood. It’s so hard to hold on to people when you’re constantly losing yourself.

  9. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2016 8:51pm UTC
    you text her, she texts
    you three hours later, you text her four hours later to compensate, she says she likes you but purposely posts photos of herself cuddled up with some other dude so she knows you see it. He tells you he misses you, you tell him you miss him, he deletes you on all forms of social media then disappears off the face of Earth never to be seen from again. STOP IT. This s.hit is not a game. Abandon ship. Stop f.ucking around with people who aren’t worth your time because that means you’re not focusing on the people who are. You’re doing yourself a terrible injustice by letting someone who isn’t worth a damn dictate your feelings.

  10. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2016 8:43pm UTC

    If someone wants to be in your life, they will be. Constantly. Not every now and then. Not sometimes on weekends. Not at 4am every other Thursday when they’re bombed. Constantly. DO NOT accept inconsistency as a form of some warped idea of compassion. You chase drinks, after the bus if you miss it, your dog when he makes a break for it, your hat on an exceedingly windy day – YOU DO NOT CHASE HUMAN BEINGS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOU.
    —Lucy Quin

  11. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2016 7:17pm UTC

    If there was ever a time someone needed you most it was when they had it all together, worried only of what would become of everything when it unraveled, the tiny wisps of twine that hold a person together, temporary suspended happiness. Because coming undone isn’t the scary part, it’s waiting it out that stops your blood, knowing you’ll be unhinged again but never really knowing exactly when or how long it’ll be until you’re human again.
    —Lucy Quin

  12. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2016 7:10pm UTC
    When someone’s sad, you can feel it, like stepping outside and being able to sense an oncoming storm; it emanates from all parts of their body. But unlike a storm it is contained, a sadness housed by bones and skin, and thankfully so, because the world could not handle the storm that is a broken heart.

  13. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2016 7:01pm UTC
    i never understood
    telling a visibly distraught person to sleep on it because they’d feel better in the morning. That implies they are incorrect at that point, and you’re encouraging them to sleep through the night in hopes they change by morning. Sometimes the correct words are hard to find for every person, but almost always people just need to be distracted from themselves. They don’t want cliche lines or an instant fix. They need help categorizing their demons because sometimes, without warning, they all come out to play at once, and no amount of sleep in the world is going to fix that.

  14. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2016 6:48pm UTC
    Please leave format credit to 1986!
    You’ll have days where you can’t shake the feeling that it is as though the world was created with everyone else but you in mind. And you’ll seek solace in every capacity, but there is no proper comfort, no inspirational words or advice, because it’s not entirely untrue — the world is inconsiderate and it stops for no one.

  15. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2016 2:48pm UTC
    this format was made by partie! please only use this for your QUOTES on WITTYPROFILES.COM and do not remove ANY part of the credit; that includes this credit right here and any credit that follows (c) partie
    The generation of entitled people with nothing to show for it, masking insecurities behind insults, laughing when they felt like crying, hiding from everything, frightened children in adult bodies pretending to be brave.

  16. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2016 8:17pm UTC
    IT Doesn'T maTTer How

  17. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2016 7:26pm UTC
    We’re all constantly searching for happiness, never realizing it’s always there, safely tucked inside our skin, wrapped in ribbons around our bones, and idling softly inside our hearts.

  18. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2016 7:12pm UTC
    there are places on a
    person you should never touch. Most think it’s the heart because the heart is most vulnerable. In actuality it is the mind. Where the heart is able to heal, the mind is not. Memories can be revisited, agitated with little to no warning. They are almost like a cancer, sitting dormant, patiently waiting until they are awakened — then it spreads to all facets of the body. The heart is a dull ache, an indescribable sensation in the chest that heals with time. The mind is far more sinister. It is a room of mirrors, an active hive stirred awake by subconscious chance in order to chase after you as you attempt to run from everything you’ve tried to forget.

  19. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2016 6:48pm UTC
    I am not to blame for your insecurities, do not paint blood on clean hands and cry murder, never attach my face to the little voice inside your head because you need someone to take the burden of the mountain that has become your own self-hatred.

  20. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2016 6:41pm UTC
    Please leave format credit to 1986!
    We always think they’re the one, but they are just dust settling in like all the ones that came before, covering a hopeful heart with layers of reminders of reaching for the moon only to get cut on the stars.


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