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Best Lonelyvent Quotes Ever

  1. of_mice_and_lucifer* of_mice_and_lucifer*
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 7:50pm UTC
    Can I please just vent?
    I know i never vent, here or anywhere, but I just I'm too tired to cut and it's too hot to anyway. I'm just so sad and alone and lonely because my brothers are always gone or they never talk to me, my dad is always at work and my mom is always working so I literally have no one. No one to hang out with, I don't really have any friends. So today my mom promise that we were gonna go shopping then to a movie. well the movie that were were going to see started at 4:35. it's 4:42 now. she overworked again.. so then she basically cancelled on our plans for shopping and everything because we were gonna have to go shopping tomorrow for school anyway. but i just started crying and i ran down to my room because i really wanted my last day of summer break to be fun, ya know? so then she came into my room and was like do you wnt me to take a shower then we can go and i always do this when i'm hurt i just want everyone away from me and let them do what they want so i was like no just go back to work i'll be fine but she was like no i don't want you to spend your last day hurt and upset so she's taking a shower and we're going to go shopping then to a movie but i'm still just so upset because i'm always alone and lonely and i just keep crying and crying because i'm like trying not to have anxiety attacks all day i'm so terified and nervous for school i mean everyones gonna hate me and judge me and i just i can;t go out in public it's too much for me i can't handle people seeing me. even walking by a group of people who start laughing makes me paranoid because they were obviously laughing about how lame and fat and stupid and ugly i am like oh god. i. just. can't. handle. being. out. in. public. god. theres so much more to vent about but i've stopped crying and i don't wanna start again so yeah. sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar. if you read this, then potato. xoxo.


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