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Kindasortafunny Quotes

  1. HelloMrGrumpyGills HelloMrGrumpyGills
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2014 8:15pm UTC
    Mystery of Life:
    What people say after they leave a message.

  2. justkiddiing justkiddiing
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2013 3:41pm UTC
    I just wish that the neverending lonelyness
    would be less neverending
    ya know?

  3. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2013 2:04pm UTC
    Here goes.
    This is NOT a first quote
    I do NOT want to put a 'pretty' format on this quote just for faves
    I do NOT care about getting to the top quotes page
    I do NOT need help
    I do NOT have anything worth caring about
    I do NOT look like a model or dress with swag
    I do NOT hang out with the popular group (but to me my friends are the coolest people you will ever meet)
    I do NOT have an amazing talent like singing or dancing, I'm incapapable of AWEE
    I do NOT have a drop dead gorgeous boyfriend (or one at all :D)
    I do NOT have my life made
    I do NOT have a perfect family
    I do NOT think I'm 'special' or 'beautiful' nor do I think anybody else isn't.
    I do NOT like to be judged, I;m a human not perfect.
    This is NOT a last quote
    I do NOT hate on people because they're succesful
    I do NOT thirst for attention (I am THE ONLY ONE who needs to believe in me)
    I do NOT push away a helping hand (I'm always thankful for support anyhow)
    I do NOT cut
    I do NOT self harm
    I do NOT think anybody or anything is worthless or useless, if it's precious to you it's priceless
    I do NOT put a lot of thought in how I look
    I do NOT want to hang with poeple who want me to be something I'm not (I can only be me because it's what I do best)
    I do NOT flare up with jealousy or really wish I had others talents (I am and always will be proud of you)
    I do NOT fangirl often but I don't hate anyone who does, just curious in your deep passion. Show me , maybe I can too love it.
    I do NOT desperatley yearn or serach for mr. right but that doesn't mean I don't want him. He's always welcome :)
    I do NOT want life to be easy, I like and actually need challenges to become and acheive deserved success.
    I do NOT want what I see on the T.V. or read in that book, I love my family regardless.
    I do NOT decide your flaws, you do. I can only see what you want me too.
    I do NOT judge a book by it's cover. I'll only ever see what's on the inside because thats the only part that will always stay the same and be real. I mean Nutella is heavenly but without the tub it looks like a pile of cr@*
    But It's not what you AREN'T or what you DON'T have,
    It's what you ARE and wht you DO have

  4. TellitTotheFrogs* TellitTotheFrogs*
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2013 7:13pm UTC
    oh why? you want to know why?
    well during school thursday I just so
    happened to slam my face into my
    desk and get my mouth blood everywhere.


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