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Status: Wondering how you can see the moon anywhere :p

Member Since: 27 Jan 2013 07:29pm

Last Seen: 7 Mar 2014 12:50pm

Location: At a thrift shop with Macklemore looking for fur coats ;P

Gender: F

user id: 348161

115 Favorites
40 Following
6 Comment Points
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Hi There! :D 
 My name is, my name is, my name is
wikki wikki Witty Jasmine :) 
hehe :D

So I want you to know that:

And your profile?

Anybody ever hurts you:

You're thinking of leaving already? 

Joking! :)

Unless your saving the world with a gargantuan monkey named Jahome Jaffar with pink fur and s deep voiceyou MUST follow my witty BFF, 'STRESSED, DEPRESSED & STILL MAKING QUOTES' <3 XX
  1. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2013 6:38pm UTC
    *IN ICT*
    Me: "SPIN, SPIN, SPIN!"
    Me: "WHEEEE!"
    Me: "SO MUCH FUN!"
    Channing Tatum:
    Me: Spin...?

  2. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2013 6:30pm UTC
    When I go to weddings, old people always poke me and say
    "You're Next."
    So when I go to funerals, I do the same.

  3. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    October 13, 2013 5:32pm UTC
    Who wants an imagine?
    - One Direction, any boy <3.

    Just write the boy, your name and a description of yourself in the comments :) - offer a scenario too if you like

  4. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2013 2:39pm UTC
    See that box in the corner that says 'search'
    enter your username in it and search it
    You're welcome :D <3

  5. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2013 12:56pm UTC
    Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Kiss, Command or
    Live a little ;) - I'll
    do all. 

  6. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2013 11:48am UTC
    Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Kiss, Command or Promise?
    Live a little ;) - I'll do all.

  7. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2013 2:04pm UTC
    Here goes.
    This is NOT a first quote
    I do NOT want to put a 'pretty' format on this quote just for faves
    I do NOT care about getting to the top quotes page
    I do NOT need help
    I do NOT have anything worth caring about
    I do NOT look like a model or dress with swag
    I do NOT hang out with the popular group (but to me my friends are the coolest people you will ever meet)
    I do NOT have an amazing talent like singing or dancing, I'm incapapable of AWEE
    I do NOT have a drop dead gorgeous boyfriend (or one at all :D)
    I do NOT have my life made
    I do NOT have a perfect family
    I do NOT think I'm 'special' or 'beautiful' nor do I think anybody else isn't.
    I do NOT like to be judged, I;m a human not perfect.
    This is NOT a last quote
    I do NOT hate on people because they're succesful
    I do NOT thirst for attention (I am THE ONLY ONE who needs to believe in me)
    I do NOT push away a helping hand (I'm always thankful for support anyhow)
    I do NOT cut
    I do NOT self harm
    I do NOT think anybody or anything is worthless or useless, if it's precious to you it's priceless
    I do NOT put a lot of thought in how I look
    I do NOT want to hang with poeple who want me to be something I'm not (I can only be me because it's what I do best)
    I do NOT flare up with jealousy or really wish I had others talents (I am and always will be proud of you)
    I do NOT fangirl often but I don't hate anyone who does, just curious in your deep passion. Show me , maybe I can too love it.
    I do NOT desperatley yearn or serach for mr. right but that doesn't mean I don't want him. He's always welcome :)
    I do NOT want life to be easy, I like and actually need challenges to become and acheive deserved success.
    I do NOT want what I see on the T.V. or read in that book, I love my family regardless.
    I do NOT decide your flaws, you do. I can only see what you want me too.
    I do NOT judge a book by it's cover. I'll only ever see what's on the inside because thats the only part that will always stay the same and be real. I mean Nutella is heavenly but without the tub it looks like a pile of cr@*
    But It's not what you AREN'T or what you DON'T have,
    It's what you ARE and wht you DO have

  8. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2013 1:28pm UTC
    Food or Internet
    Life or Death

  9. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2013 10:36am UTC
    Anybody remember that show?
    Just realized how Addie felt.

  10. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2013 4:28pm UTC
    Who has a Wattpad?
    -Wants to write a collab story

  11. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2013 3:23pm UTC
    Behind the darkness

    There's always sunshine.

    format by Tainted_Cherry

  12. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2013 4:29pm UTC
    Zach Imagine
    For GorgeyGirl35355
    'Everybody get up
    Everybody get up
    Hey, hey, hey
    Hey, hey, hey
    Hey, hey, hey
    If you can't hear what I'm trying to say
    If you can't read from the same page
    Maybe I'm going deaf, maybe I'm going blind
    Maybe I'm out of my mind'
    The song played into my inviting ears from my dre beats. I tapped my foot on the floor to the rhythm, itching to dance.
    But in the middle of school? No way.
    "Hey good girl" I jumped slightly and looked up, my breath hitched when I realised the voice belonged to Zach, my crush.
    "What was the for Zachary?!" In screeched shaken up, annoyed and nervous. I arched my eyebrow at him and dragged my headphones off, putting them on the table.
    "Hey lay off the Zachary" He said putting his hands up in defence. I couldn't help but notice hit muscles tensed with his hand up. A gorgeous smirk played at his lips too.
    "Sorry, you just... Startled me" I explained, I pouted at him, taking my hand off my hip and onto the table.
    His cocky expression softened and he perched on the desk next to me, swinging his legs back and forth.
    I could hear my headphones blasting out the contagious music and sighed, puffing out air which made my hair fall onto my forehead.
    "What's up?" Zach asked chuckling, his irises full of amusement.
    "I want to Dance to the music" I told him, slumping my shoulders. He sat closer to me so that I could practically feel his body heat radiating off him. My heart rate increased by a hundred.
    "So why don't you?" He asked, staring into my brown eyes with his lovely blue ones curiously.
    "Yeah sure I'll just dance in the middle of school where everybody can see me!" I exclaimed, sarcasm dripping off my tongue. It didn't effect him though, he just smiled and jumped diff the desk so that he was standing in front of me, he bowed and held out his hand.
    Right on cue 'dear darling - olly murs' began to play.
    I shook my head chuckling and took his hand, jumping off the desk. He twirled me then put his hands in my hips, I rested mine on his shoulders, gazing into his blue orbs.
    "Y'know this isn't the kind of dancing I meant." I laughed out, he shrugged and pulled me closer. All the eyes I felt on me around the canteen didn't matter.
    "Zoe, do you want to eat out?" He stuttered, I knitted my brows together in confusion and amusement. "I mean with me, you wouldn't eat by yourself, well you could but that's not what I mean-"
    I laughed putting my index finger on his lips.
    "Yes, I'll go on a date with you" He smiled, suddenly the bell began to ring.
    "Guess I have to go to class" I said de-attaching from him, collecting my headphones and walking to class. I could feel his eyes burning into my back and waved without turning
    I heard his amazing distant laugh and smiled to myself.
    Now what the hell just happened?

  13. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2013 3:06pm UTC
    Ben Imagine
    For IzzyWizzy
    "Can you hear the Silence
    Can you see the dark
    Can you fix the broken
    Can you feel, can you feel my heart."
    Ben read, I felt myself gazing at his chocolate brown eyes, his hair a tad tousled and his soothing voice read out the beautiful lyrics.
    "Belle? Belle?! Hellooo?" I snapped out of my daydream and met Bens beautiful eyes startled.
    "What?" I asked. He sighed, cutely puffing out air that blew a few strands of his hair up. I chuckled still waiting for a reply.
    He rested his elbows on the desk I was sat at, leaning his head on his hands and cocking it to the right. "What did you think? Of the poem?"
    I raised one eyebrow and smirked. "Well it wasn't really a poem, you just copied Bring Me The Horizons lyrics" he scowled "But! It was good" He smiled and walked around the desk to take a seat next to me.
    "Umm... Belle?" Ben asked, I turned my head to face him and crunched my eyebrows together at his expression. He was biting his lip, he ran his hand through his hair then brought them down to his lap, twiddling his thumbs. He was nervous.
    "Yeh?" I asked impatiently. He sighed and looked up at me intensely.
    "Don't freak out ok?" He asked still in his nervous position, his brown orbs swirling with anxiousness but his irises also revealed a glimmer of hope. A tiny sparkle in his eye. I nodded.
    "I know we're friends, good friends. But... I don't want to be." My face dropped in horror, didn't he like me anymore? Tear threatened to spill. As soon as he saw my sad expression he held my hand tight. "I don't want to be your friend because, I want to be more."
    I was in shock, Ben my crush for so long just confessed a crush for me. I blushed but didn't reply.
    "Oh god, I've got it all wrong haven't I? If you don't like me back it's ok I understand. I'll survive, but at least we can be friends right? I mean it's not like -" He looked so cute and confused rambling but I stopped him by softly pressing my lips against his, Ben was quick to respond .
    I pulled apart and he leant his head against mine.
    "I feel the same" I breathed and he smiled before enveloping my hand in his and kissing me once more.
    Best moment ever.

  14. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2013 4:26pm UTC
    Hey Princess,

    Keep your head held high and your middle finger even higher.

  15. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2013 4:01pm UTC
    You'd look SOOOOO much prettier orange with spiders on your eyes girl!
    Said no one... EVER.

  16. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 3:07pm UTC
    • click to see this quote •
    Ain't nobody got time for Dat!

  17. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 3:05pm UTC
    • click to see this quote •
    And you weren't even gonna click it

  18. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 2:58pm UTC
    Sc00by Doo
    Taught me that all the real monsters are humans.

  19. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2013 6:55pm UTC
    And Who Said That Simon Cowell doesnt have the EGGS factor?

  20. TaintedCherry TaintedCherry
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2013 12:26pm UTC
    Fave If you're a janoskianator
    just wanna see how many witty peeps are ;)


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