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Best Jaylin Quotes Ever

  1. KylahIsADirectioner KylahIsADirectioner
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 2:57pm UTC
    Loved You First
    Chapter 5.
    I woke up and showered then threw on soffee shorts and a t shirt. I threw my hair in a bun and put flip flops on and headed to the store. I needed to pick some things up, I was spending the day cleaning and Louis was supposed to come over. When I got to the store I got what I needed and I walked through the magazine Isles. There was a guy putting up new magazines. I seen a thing that said 'Justin's new girl?" on the cover so I grabbed one. I flipped through the pages until there was a spreadsheet of Justin and I kissing on the pier and ones of our dinner and me going over there and everything. I grabbed one and went up and paid. I hoped Louis wouldn't see because I wanted to tell him in person. I raced to my house and seen Louis wasn't there yet. I felt a sigh of relief so I parked and went inside. I put the bags on the counter and put them up and left the magazine on the table.
    I heard a knock on the door so I yelled Come in. I heard five different voices enter my house. "I'm in the kitchen." I hollered as I seen Niall. Of course he was the first one to come in here. "Food?" He asked. "Yeah, it'll be done in about an hour." I said turning around and hugging all five of them. Niall made a pouty face but then it turned into a smile when he seen the magazine. Niall knew I was dating Justin because Justin told him because they're really good friends. Niall promised he wouldn't tell because he knew I wanted to do it. He flipped through the magazine. "Harry will you watch the food? I need to talk to Louis.." I said looking between the two. Harry nodded and Louis and I walked outside. We sat down. "What did you need to talk about?" He said. "Uhmm.. Louis, our friendship is great. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You might be upset when I tell you this but I couldn't wait forever.. I'm dating Justin." I said staring at the ground. Louis was silent and I was scared of what he would say. "Taylin, I understand.. I actually have something to share with you as well.." He said kind of hurt sounding. "What?" I said looking over at him. He looked away. "I'm dating that girl you introduced me to. We've been together for about three weeks now." He said looking back at me. I felt relief knowing we both had moved on. We never dated but we acted like it and all the feelings were there. "So we're good now?" I asked smiling. "Yeah, we're fine." He said laughing. We got up and went back inside. They were all eating. Lou and I grabbed a plate and started eating. I heard a knock on the door so I answered it. It was Justin. "He babe." He said greeting me with a kiss. I kissed back. "Hey. The boys are here." i said welcoming him in. We walked to the kitchen and niall instantly greeted him then all the others did. "Hey Justin, can we talk?" Lou asked him. They walked outside and I sat down next to Niall.
    *Louis's POV*
    Justin and I went to where Taylin and I just were. We sat down and I looked at him. "Don't hurt her." I said. "I won't. I promise. She means the world to me. I won't let anything happen to her. Don't worry." He said with honesty. "I'll keep you on that promise.." I said as JayJay ran up to us. We walked back inside and JayJay followed us. We sat down and we chatted.
    *Taylin's POV*
    All the boys had left and headed to their hotel. Justin stayed behind and helped me clean up. "So, Louis talked to me today. It was weird.." He said as we were doing the dished together. "Really, about what?" I asked him. "He told me not to hurt you and he was really serious about it. I think he still has feelings for you." He said handing me a soapy plate. "No, he has a girlfriend. The feelings are gone. And besides I have you." I said wiping bubbles on his face. "Oh no you didn't!" He said grabbing a handfull and throwing them on me. We had a bubble fight in the middle of the kitchen. "Oh no!" I said slipping and landing in his arms. We were covered in bubbles. He looked into my eyes and we kissed. "Hey I left my---" Louis said as he walked in the kitchen seeing what was happening..
    **. Please give me feedback. Aww, Jaylin! What a cute couples name! (: More Louis will be added. The next chapter will be oh my one direction amazing. <3


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