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Best Iwasinspiredbyasong Quotes This Year

  1. XxTheStoryTellerxX XxTheStoryTellerxX
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2014 11:41pm UTC
    A Fallout?
    "Shut it, Nick! I don't like him." I rolled my eyes as my little brother rolled around taunting me about just another annoying boy at my high school.
    The little 8 year old twerp stuck out his tongue and smirked as his curly brown hair drooped over his eyes, "Yeah you doooo you talk about him all the time and so does everyone else!"
    My eyes widened, "WHO ELSE?!"
    "Alright, alright stop it. It's time for dinner." My mother butted in trying to break up our little spat, "Everyone come sit on the couch because its movie night."
    "What a great ol'time we'll have right sis?" said my older sister, Jess, who was smart but b-tchy so to speak, "Remember not to feed this one," she said as she patted my stomach, "gettin' too plump, arn't ya."
    I lowered my head. Being the middle sibling and the only one with some strength arounf this house, it really sucked how much judgement I got. I try not to talk about it though, or else all the feelings would come back again. I just ignored it and sat down on the couch. I realized my sh-t father wasn't home, "Dad's no coming home again?"
    My mother placed the rations of food on the ottoman, "Your father is working again. There's been talk about a conspiracy in the Octegon and he needed to go weed it out."
    Nick looked up, "Conspiracy? Mom?"
    My mother looked up, "Yes?"
    "Is that why we don't have anymore pringles? Because of the battles starting?"
    My mother took a deep breath, "Listen, whatever happens tonight, I love you."
    "Yeah yeah love you too, Ma." Jess replied unamused.
    I locked eyes with hers. Her blue eyes were gazed over with tears. I began to get a sinking feeling as I realized that we are using up all our rations and that it's not just a movie night, "Mom? What's going on?"
    A tear fell from my mothers eyes and Nick began to look uneasy, holding on to his plush pikachu doll tightly. Jess rolled her eyes, probably thinking that this was just another fight night.
    Suddenly the power went out and everything was pitch black. The holotron came on with a symbol that looked like a star over a castle.
    I put my arm around Nick who was whimpering at the sight of a silhouetted man with a distorted voice hovering above us. "Attention all of America. I am the Crow. It has been a long road to get here but, this day has finally come. For too many years society has succumb to a tyranny of actions. Wars. Riots. We have tolerated this abomination for far too long. You have all been the consequence to a disease known as freedom. That ends today. As of this very second, you are all stripped of your identities and anything you own to your lives. For it is your individuality that has lead to your destruction. Your children shall rot as you led them down a path that must now be erased and reassigned. The way all your lives have been up until now is nothing but a memory. This is for the new future. This is for the fallout. This is the end."
    The hologram went black and a deafening silence fell. Nick shook in my arms. Jess sat there awestruck. My mother slowly went to the door to peak outside for anyone.
    Suddenly, the door blew back and knocked my mother to the wall, out cold. Soldiers came pouring in and took each of us my the arms and cuffed us. "You're coming with us, now." Shouted a soldier above the chaos that was happening outside. I dazely looked around and heard deadly screams of people all around me. Some citizens were throwing themselves off of their roofs resulting in crushing impacts. Gun shots fired from everywhere. Windows breaking. It felt like the world was in complete disorder.
    I was holding onto Nick's hand and his pikcachu doll so tight I was going numb. He's all I had that made sense. "Emma! What's happening?! Where's Mommy?!" He cried hysterically.
    "Shut it, brat!" A soldier struck him in the back with a electric poker and Nick cried out in agony.
    I pulled him as close to me as possible, "Don't you dare hurt my brother!!" I screeched.Then I was struck. A sizzling pain down my spine that was unbarable even after I was struck.
    Soon I found myself getting tattooed a number and shoved into a huge truck surrounded by soldiers. Children were being poked back as they cried for their parents. Nick was still with me. I looked around for Jess and i saw her sprawled out on the pavement in a pool of blood.
    I screamed and cried hysterically, calling out to her as if she would stand up and come to me. Nick was in my arms trembling with fear.
    The truck pulled out into the night escorted by motorcycles down a highway and all of us children leaned against the confinments and eachother, crying quietly and trembling with fear. I looked up at the night sky wondering, why, why did this happen, who did this?
    I looked down at my little brother and a tear fell.
    I'm not losing you, Nick.


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