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Innerdemons Quotes

  1. AwkwardCreature* AwkwardCreature*
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2014 9:28pm UTC
    If I had to face my inner demons daily
    I'd feel sorry for everyone
    I'm insane I just don't show it
    and one day i'm going to burst
    I just hope no one is around
    when it happens.

  2. Blurryface* Blurryface*
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2014 9:48pm UTC
    We're all in the same game; just different levels.
    We're all in the same h.ell; just different

  3. AnotherAverageTeenageGirl AnotherAverageTeenageGirl
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2013 1:32am UTC
    Hey guys
    So I'm thinking about entering a poetry scholarship(even though my chances are slim to none) but for me to enter something I would need it to be perfect, or as close as I can get it. I have a piece I'm considering using but was wondering if someone(Or multiple someones) would read over it and give me their honest opinion on it, and any critiques they have. Please guys I could really use opinions.
    UNKNOWN: (Still have to name it)
    White noise conversations drone on
    I tumble deeper into the crevices
    Engulfed in midnight blackness I watch
    As those around me dance in the sun's rays
    I am consumed by a sense of nothing
    Emptiness eats at my soul
    Sodden with paint splattered blood drops and tears
    Fallen from my dry eyes and bracelet covered wrists
    Painted expressions give fradulent assurance of wellness
    Plans of release run rampant- a blaze like wild fire
    Release escapes me, evading my grasp
    Mental torment surpassing physical agony
    The unthinkable surrounds- a looming executioner
    Desire fills me, impelling me to the edge
    Shrieking whisperes of worthlessness overwhelm
    Demons calling for blood dripping off the tips of my fingers
    Red, black, blinding white pain
    Shoving and forcing the plan into effect
    The executioner drops her axe
    I breath my final breath
    I'm really kind of struggling on this poem because it can only be 20 lines and most of my best work has 40+ lines. So please honestly tell me if anything doesn't sound right, is awkward. A word, a line, anything. If something doesn't flow or doesn't fit in with the pattern of the poem. Like honestly guys anything. Thank you, it means a lot.

  4. confessionsofadangerousmind confessionsofadangerousmind
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2013 7:54am UTC
    I've said it on ce, I've said it twice
    I'll say it a thousand f//cking times. That I'm okay, that I'm alright, that it's just all in my mind

  5. doublesidedice doublesidedice
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2013 10:36pm UTC
    It's when you're alone, and the world is quiet. That's when the inner demons finally come out. They take one look at you, and they automatically target you as prey. No matter how strong you are, they know how to defeat you. For they are a part of you. The part that doubts, hates, stresses, depresses, and despairs. They tear you apart from the inside and slowly make their way outwards for the satisfaction of tearing your flesh apart to make the exit wounds. They're the reason you have such a low self-esteem and think so badly of everything you do. It's hard to deal with those cruel beings, but they're a part of you. You know how to kill those demons. You just gotta want it enough to search them for their weaknesses and soft spots.

  6. Beautiful_mystery Beautiful_mystery
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 5:02pm UTC
    I CAN'T


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